這年典禮有兩個很喜歡的演講,其中一個是院長Jim Ryan的分享。最初選擇報讀甚麼學校時,看到哈佛教育學院的院長以前竟也是修讀法律,於是才決定一試。沒想到能獲取錄,也沒想到院長剛好打算在這年任期結束後離開哈佛回去母校。沒想到,自己能有這份運氣。
能成為教育工作者大概也是一種幸運,如院長所說,I believe you are the luckiest graduates of the entire university because you are going to work in education, and there is no higher calling, no more rewarding or meaningful field in which to work。
教育之於我,意義在於令每個人在一個對自己、對世界有意義的崗位上各展所長。所以很喜歡這句:In suggesting that you think hard about why it is you do what you do, I'm suggesting you follow a path that I hope will lead you to find not just your job or career, but your calling - the thing that you feel deeply and passionately about at an emotional, personal level. If you can find that, and if you can live it, I can't guarantee that your path will be easy, but I can guarantee it will be filled with meaning.
整個演講裡,印象最深的一句是:always remember, that nobody knows how the story ends。生活裡有很多問題期望能有人能給予權威的意見,可是自己心裡早有明確適合的答案。既然沒人能預知結局,便更毋須囿於既有規範。隨心而行,然後記得,如果事情還沒變好,故事還沒走到最後。