==【get on like a house on fire】是什麼意思呢?==
有聽過在影集或電影中有人說 We get on like a house on fire嗎?
get on 是「進展」的意思,house on fire是「房子失火」的意思,當有人說兩個人是 get on like a house on fire,大家覺得什麼意思呢?
從字面上來看 get on like a house on fire 是「進展速度如同房子失火」,大家想像一下,如果兩個人原本都不太認識,碰面或認識後,「兩個人的關係進展如同房子失火一樣」,是不是「進展得很快」呢?因為房子失火後燃燒速度可是很快的!
因此這個慣用語被引申為「與某人相處得很好,很合得來」,它尤其用來表示「與剛認識的某個人一見如故」。換句話說,當兩個人 「get on like a house on fire」時,他們之間也許有不少共同點,所以在認識不久後,很快就成為了朋友,一拍即合!有時也會聽到 人家說 We hit it off.
知道get on like a house on fire的意思後,再來練習多造幾個句子, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!
(1) Gary is our new coworker. I just met him yesterday. We both like swimming. We got on like a house on fire.
(2) I am not sure if we have a lot in common. But after we get to know each other, I’m sure we will get on like a house on fire.
(3) I can't wait for you to meet Gary. I just know the two of you will get on like a house on fire!
這樣知道怎麼使用 get on like a house on fire了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!
i am on fire意思 在 Yoomjji Fanpage 企鵝妹 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Hello ! First, I want to say sorry for yesterday’s incident (T⌓T)
We drank too much. I think I GGed after drinking fire drink.�
I heard it’s +40% . I should have known what I was drinking Sorry(ノAヽ)
Thank you for those who took care of me and also very sorry to make you guys worried.
I called parents and also thanked to Kevin who came out of house to pick me up while he was playing Apex Legends XD�
I will be more careful next time. !!!!!!�Very embarrassing
Norman and I talked and we’d like to stream again together
WITHOUT DRINKING and just go to KTV and play together �So maybe next week we will ! �
Today I am going to streaming with HimeChar at HimeChar’s Stream !
HimeChar planned to take me to fun places !! YAY�I will be joining her stream soon before 2pm !�So please do come and watch us together ! ��Tomorrow I won’t be streaming and just resting ! �I’ll see you guys on my stream on Monday :smile: �Thank you and again Sorry ◞‸◟
See you soon ! -> https://www.twitch.tv/himechar
�嗨!首先,我要為昨天發生的事情說聲抱歉 (T⌓T)
我已經打給我爸媽了,也謝謝我弟弟Kevin在他玩Apex Lengends還出來接我XD

안뇽하세요 ! �일단 어제의 취한모습 보여드려서 넘나 죄송합니다아
어제 노만이랑 같이 너무 많이 마셨어요 ㅠㅠ �그 불같은 술 이후로 완전 기절한것같아요
들어보니 그게 40도 이상이라더라구요 ㅠㅠ 뭘마시는지 알고 마셨어야 했는데 죄송합니다아
걱정시켜드려서 죄송하고 어제 신경써주셔서 감사해요!!
엄빠한테 전화드렸어여 넘나 걱정하시길래
담부턴 좀 자제하고 조심할게요 !! 넘나 부끄러운것
노만이랑 원래는 노래방가는게 포인트였는데 그걸못해서 담주중에 한번더 술없이
노래방갈 계획이에요오!
오늘은 하임차르방송에서 같이 방송을 할 예정입니다!
이곳저곳 잼나는 곳을 데려다준대용!
그래서 한국시간으로 3시전에 쪼인할예정이니 많이 보러와주세요!
그리고 내일은 방송이없어요 ㅠㅠ 좀 쉬려구요!!
그래서 월요일날 제방송에서 봐요 ㅎㅎ!
그럼 좀따만나요!
i am on fire意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
《玳瑚師父的看見(二)》(English version below)
Strictly speaking, my sightings are not just from my past years of travelling in eight directions delivering sentient beings. It also encompasses what I see in the future before I return to the Ultimate Void. Thus, this should be the world's longest script! (laughs) Actually, I wrote this "The Sightings of Master Dai Hu" not to declare to the world that I have this little power. The main objective is to tell sentient beings that the rise and fall in our fortunes are karmically inseparable with our every thought and intention. When I wrote this article, it is out of compassion to benefit all sentient beings, as well as to remind myself to be always in a meditative state, and not take a wrong step only to end in eternal regret. Regret that I did not give my best effort in my spiritual cultivation.
One of my disciples recommended her colleague to engage my professional services. This lady colleague of hers was a working married woman. Her husband was a high-salaried employee. They had a daughter. I acceded to her request to give new outstanding and auspicious Chinese names for herself and her daughter. As we got to know each other better, she confided some of her worries in me. I lent her my listening ear, and provided her with my genuine consolation and wisdom.
This was what happened. She told me that her husband always left the house at a certain timing in the night. Frankly speaking, it is inappropriate for a married man with a daughter to always slip out of the house in the middle of the night. No matter what, it was indeed hard to justify such behaviour! Alas, paper cannot wrap up fire. The truth was the husband sought comfort in the tender arms of another woman.
I saw that she did not want to give up on her marriage, hence I asked if she believed in Feng Shui. She said yes, but not her husband. She actually had the intention to invite me to audit the Feng Shui of a residence in a high-valued area. She wished to know if there was something wrong with the DNA (haha!) or the Feng Shui of her house.
As I stood at the entrance of her house, before I could pull out my "treasured sword", the "unwanted guests" in her house, a.k.a. evil spirits, had long prepared to show me their displeasure. I am truly grateful to the great linage empowerment of my noble Root Guru! If not, I would be out of service for quite some time. In the living room, I immediately saw the answer why a man with a beautiful and sexy wife would go out late at night to seek comfort in another woman's arms, and the situation had became Inextricable.
Master Dai Hu wishes to advise everyone: Do not bring any object of unknown origin home. In this lady's house, I saw a wooden wardrobe with active energies, drawings of coy female figures, a lighter with a nude lady, etc. The items of significance were the drawing of women and the lighter with the nude figurine. It was no wonder I sensed an air of negative energies when I was at the door. The man of this house allowed his lust to grow, attracting more negative and evil energies. The fire of lust consumed him, and he broke the precept and committed sexual misconduct.
From what I know, a person who commits sexual misconduct and does not repent for it to resume his/her purity in time will be reborn into the realm of animals, like birds, chickens, pigs, dogs, etc, for the next 500 rebirths. After which, he or she will return to the human realm as a person of lowly status, such as a prostitute, a maid, a wretched person etc. Children borne out of sexual misconduct are more prone to vile energy clashes. As for those who produce books with sexual contents, their merits would have already been slashed even before their death, and upon dying, they may enter Hell and suffer the fate of foul-smelling body, with only maggots to eat when hungry, have broken and bleeding skins, bloating stomach bursting with maggots, and finally dying from a fully rotten body. Having the Right Intention and Right Thought is indeed extremely important.
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Full colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
約200頁 About 200 pages
此書將於2018年11月底抵達新加坡,目前開放預購,預計11月30日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
This book will reach the shores of Singapore in end-November 2018. Right now, the pre-order is open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 30 November. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshop.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).