(最近休息了一下, 整理了一下心情, 也再想了一下生命的排序. 下周會再開始貼美股相關文章.)
今天, 想來聊聊社群經驗.
從小的生活一直就很單純. 但幾年前入了社群, 卻沒想到社群對我來說, 根本是個"江湖." 但是, 參與社群, 一定要像在江湖上討生活嗎?
尤其經過了疫情之後, 更讓我對社群有了不同的看法.
--而網路雖然是個匿名的世界, 但參與社群, 更能看出自己在待人處事方面, 是不是還可以更好. 這是我這幾年參與社群最大的體悟&學習之一.
--人是互相的. 在現實生活中是如此, 在網路上的封閉社群(如Line群), 對我來說, 也是如此. 而很多願意分享的群友前輩們, 其實並不在求甚麼回報, 但常看到很多人因為網路匿名的關係, 只取(take), 卻不會感恩, 做回饋(give.)
--如同Bill Gates說的(文章請見下方), 社群的互動會越來越重要. 所以選擇跟誰互動, 就是一個重要的課題了.
--這世界已經夠亂了. 我們既然脫離不了社群,何不把時間花在能夠提升心靈, 增長知識, 充滿正能量的群組裏? 把花在社群的時間, 過的更有意義?
經過這樣的思考, 其實更能幫我釐清社群對我的意義, 以及跟網友交流的意義在哪裡. 所以, 大家可以思考一下, 花時間在社群上的目的是甚麼,參與社群的心態是甚麼? 這樣可以把時間做更妥善地利用, 對自己的人生負責. (如果經過這次的疫情, 沒有讓自己有任何反思, 或是希望活得更有意義, 那真的是需要好好思考一下了.)
比爾蓋茲提新冠肺炎「7大預言」 點出「這些事」再也回不去了 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
Lady Gaga:
"Honestly, sometimes I wonder if the people who invented social media all got in a room and went, 'Let's start something where nobody has to be brave and everybody can hide and be mean.' It's not all bad, but a significant change has happened in culture as a result of it. This idea to socially network was supposed to bring us closer, but it built a bunch of walls and made it harder for us to be ourselves around each other."
And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
神啊 請告訴我,為什麼年輕人總是在浪費青春
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
難道我們只是迷失的繁星 試圖去點亮黑暗的星空?
"Lost stars" by Maroon 5:
i got wasted meaning 在 BIQTO Facebook 的最佳貼文
Dear fellow SWAT Prefects & readers,
Last week around 2am, a junior texted me and he mentioned about a speech I made during the closing ceremony in our Prefect SWAT Camp in January 2015. I got off my bed and looked up the camp files in my external hard drive. The heavy emotions from the memories and this camp trailer video in particular, prompted me to write this letter.
*rewinding back to January 2015, I was 19*
After the closing ceremony of our 2 Days 1 Night SWAT Camp, after all the junior campers went back, I sat down with my teammates on the floor in the carpark, our principle Pn.Lim stood in front of us, furious, she yelled “你们很失败!” meaning “YOU ALL FAILED HORRIBLY!”
To get into detail about why the camp failed can be a lengthy session. I’ll save your time.
Long story short. Yes, we failed. But that failure wasn’t wasted. Therefore, to honour that memory & that failure, here are 7 lessons I learnt from that event.
1. “Do what you do best, and delegate the rest.”
2. “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.”
3. Prioritisation prevents unnecessary distractions.
4. Ask for feedback in a frequent manner & adjust accordingly.
5. Honour those who gave you the opportunity to do what you do.
6. You can be as great as you want to be, but never let your ego take the lead.
7. Having a good start is just as important as having a great ending.
A video trailer or an announcement of an event does not determine the quality of the outcome OF the event.
Pn.Lim’s words that night & the school’s decision to strip away Victor’s HeadPrefect title that year, was 2 of the best things that has ever happened to him. It made him more thoughtful, quieter, and wiser. Had everything been perfect throughout the camp, he’ll be driving himself into a thicker wall.
And I’ll always remember what Ms.LewYS said in that meeting room after the announcement of Head Prefect Posts, “上天的安排,是最好的安排。”
So thank you. Thank you. And thank you.
Perspective is vital & I hope my hindsights can benefit your foresights. And if it did, please do me a favour & pass on the light.
Cheers ☺️
Thank you for reading.
Chapter SWAT, closed.
Signed by,