A lot of you have asked how my favorite sous chef helps me in the kitchen or what the pink thing is 😂❤️
...it's called a Learning Tower!
A Learning Tower is a Montessori-based tool to help little ones safely have access to the kitchen, sink, counters, etc.
It helps build autonomy, life skills, connection and gives them the "freedom within boundaries" that toddlers thrive on.
We bought this second-hand from a friend who had a carpenter "hack" it from an IKEA step stool. Ideally, the bar across should be higher to keep your little one from falling over .
There are lots DIY tutorials for making your own (just Google or Pinterest!) or there are some that you can buy and import from around the world but w a very fancy price too. 😅🙈
Among many things, Ella Grace uses her Learning Tower to:
- Cook w me
- Prep veggies on the counter
- Make, mix, stir, pour on our island
- Get access to our mixer/blender/toaster/bread maker etc
- Do dishes
- Wash veggies
- Wash her hands
- Flush her nose
- Clean up her art materials
- Switch the lights on and off
- Kepoh next to mama 😂❤️
She's "in charge" of it so will push it around to wherever she needs it.
It's a really neat tool to have in the kitchen but of course, a stepping stool or chair would also work, just make sure to keep them a safe distance away and always spot them.
For more Toddler tips or to follow our adventures in the kitchen (we are making a sensory activity today!), like and follow us on here or on Instagram! ❤️