AIESECers ,以至更多大學生,加油!只要用心做人做事,只會有不一樣的經歷和人生。
AIESEC in Hong Kong
AIESEC Alumni Association of Hong Kong
'We all are unique, and we should not be bound by our social norms.'
『 每一個人都是不一樣的,我們不應被社會慣例限制。』
University Students nowadays are trying to stay competitive and fulfilling the so-call '5 must-dos in university life' by joining many different committees, competitions, interns, etc - but this might not be what our alumni Gary Wong would choose. Back in his days, Gary, who is now engaged in politics, business and charity work, had set his university goals as getting an all-round learning, global mindset and leadership development and was glad to find AIESEC which helped to accomplish a big part of his goals. Check out his stories in the link below!
「大學五件事」係大學裏面流傳多年嘅指定動作,更因為社會競爭愈發激烈而令原本嘅五件事發酵成幾十件事。相反,我地嘅alumni Gary Wong 黃梓謙,一位係政界、商界、慈善界三線發展嘅八十後就有一個不一樣嘅看法。對於佢黎講,多元發展、國際化、當領袖,三件事先至係Gary係當年大學時定立嘅目標,更有幸透過AIESEC達成目標嘅一大部分。即刻Click入條Link睇下佢有咩講喇!
#OurAIESECWay #From50toInfinity #50thAnniversary #ImAnAIESECer #AIESECinHongKong