【一人一信救香港 向特朗普發信反港版國安法】
北京強推「#港版國安法」,香港即將自治全失。《蘋果》現誠邀你花幾分鐘時間,積極尋求國際社會關注。請用以下方法向美國總統特朗普表達訴求,為香港出一分力! #TrumpSavesHK
❶ Twitter|https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
撰寫推文,並上載請願書附圖,標籤 #TrumpSavesHK 和 @realDonaldTrump,集眾香港人之力登上Trending(流行趨勢)榜;
❷ Facebook| Donald J. Trump
❸ 白宮聯署|http://j.mp/trumpsaveshk
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Dear Mr. President,
Hong Kong has been through quite a bit since the 1997 handover. Even so, we have largely managed to keep our basic freedoms and liberties intact.
The future of Hong Kong changed dramatically with the May 21st announcement by the Chinese Communist Party that the National People’s Congress (NPC) will bypass the Hong Kong legislative process, as laid out in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and will impose new laws from Beijing covering political and national security matters. Our struggle has changed accordingly.
China’s Communist Party is now canceling Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and inserting Communist Party rule over Hong Kong. They have made their clear intent is to destroy Hong Kong’s most valuable asset, the rule of law.
Only through international pressure will the Chinese Communist Party ever reconsider this disastrous course of action. Without that pressure—and the active insistence of the United States—Hong Kong will change from a city operating under the “rule of law” to one operating under Beijing’s “rule by law.” This would be a tremendous loss for the world, including the United States, which has a tremendous investment in our city.
In Hong Kong today you are already respected as one of the few world leaders willing to confront China’s bad behavior. We now need both your public support and the diplomatic efforts of the United States to help keep our city a center of international trade and home for freedom.
Mr. President, please help us.
Thank you and God bless.
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【一人一信救香港 向特朗普發信反港版國安法】
北京強推「#港版國安法」,香港即將自治全失。《蘋果》現誠邀你花幾分鐘時間,積極尋求國際社會關注。請用以下方法向美國總統特朗普表達訴求,為香港出一分力! #TrumpSavesHK
❶ Twitter|https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
撰寫推文,並上載請願書附圖,標籤 #TrumpSavesHK 和 @realDonaldTrump,集眾香港人之力登上Trending(流行趨勢)榜;
❷ Facebook| Donald J. Trump
❸ 白宮聯署|http://j.mp/trumpsaveshk
፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨ ፨
Dear Mr. President,
Hong Kong has been through quite a bit since the 1997 handover. Even so, we have largely managed to keep our basic freedoms and liberties intact.
The future of Hong Kong changed dramatically with the May 21st announcement by the Chinese Communist Party that the National People’s Congress (NPC) will bypass the Hong Kong legislative process, as laid out in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and will impose new laws from Beijing covering political and national security matters. Our struggle has changed accordingly.
China’s Communist Party is now canceling Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and inserting Communist Party rule over Hong Kong. They have made their clear intent is to destroy Hong Kong’s most valuable asset, the rule of law.
Only through international pressure will the Chinese Communist Party ever reconsider this disastrous course of action. Without that pressure—and the active insistence of the United States—Hong Kong will change from a city operating under the “rule of law” to one operating under Beijing’s “rule by law.” This would be a tremendous loss for the world, including the United States, which has a tremendous investment in our city.
In Hong Kong today you are already respected as one of the few world leaders willing to confront China’s bad behavior. We now need both your public support and the diplomatic efforts of the United States to help keep our city a center of international trade and home for freedom.
Mr. President, please help us.
Thank you and God bless.
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impose中文 在 Taiwanese in Myanmar 台灣人在緬甸 Facebook 的最讚貼文
❶ South Okkalapa Township
❷ Pabedan Township
❸ Bahan Township
❹ Mayangone Township
❺ Insein Township
❻ Shwepyithar Township
❼ Hlaing Tharyar Township
impose中文 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最讚貼文
Progressive Scholars Group released the “Silencing Millions: Unchecked Violations of Internationally Recognized Human Rights by the Hong Kong Police Force”. Written by a team of political, historical and legal scholars, this 212-page report advocates for international inquiry for police brutality. Let’s give the police a “Happy New Year” 👊👊👊
Progressive Scholars Group released the “Silencing Millions: Unchecked Violations of Internationally Recognized Human Rights by the Hong Kong Police Force”. The report aims at documenting the violations of internationally recognized human rights by Hong Kong Police from June to December 2019.
📘英文報告全文English full report:https://docdro.id/0EA2Bhy
📗中文行政摘要Chinese summary:https://docdro.id/whd3Oxb
📒結論中文譯本Conclusion Chinese translation:https://docdro.id/RbumrSc
Main points of the report include:
• 本報告詳盡分類、討論和解釋香港警察如何在2019年示威中涉嫌違反國際法的執法準則、人權標準和各種國際規範。香港警察暴力之嚴重程度和規模,在已發達社會中極為罕見。
This report categorizes, discusses, and explains the possible breaches of international law of law enforcement (LOLE), international human rights laws (IHRL), and various international standards and rules by members of the Hong Kong Police Force during the 2019 Protests. Most important, the scale and intensity of the abuses committed by the Hong Kong Police Force have been unprecedented in developed societies.
• 由於香港政府和中國政府持續拒絕對警暴問題進行獨立調查,加上本地的監察制衡機制已被認為缺乏能力進行和意願調查,國際調查將是唯一出路。
Due to the HKSAR government and the PRC government’s refusals to launch any independent inquiry to police brutality, as well as the inability of the local check and balance mechanism to launch any meaningful investigation, international inquiry will be the only way-out.
• 本報告建議國際機構盡快展開調查,包括聯合國安理會、聯合國人權理事會、國際刑事法院、聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處等等,這些機構都具備啟動獨立調查之權力。此外,自由世界國家應參考美國之《香港人權與民主法案》和《全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法》,調查和制裁違反人權之香港警官;英國亦應根據該國《2001年國際刑事法院法案》之權力,調查香港警隊中的英國藉警官。
This report recommended that the case should be investigated by competent international bodies such as the United Nations Security Council, Human Rights Council (UNHRC), or the International Criminal Court (ICC), or the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), as they are all empowered to launch independent inquires. In particular, Free World countries should follow the example of the United States to pass legislations similar to the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” and the “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act” so as to impose sanctions on those police officers who have violated human rights; the United Kingdom should also make use of its “International Criminal Court Act 2001” to initiate an investigation on the Hong Kong Police Force personnel who were British nationals.
International inquiry, the only way-out!
#香港警察 #警暴 #國際調查 #唯一出路 #同佢開年 #高教公民 #學術自主 #公民自強
#PoliceBrutality #InternationalInquiry #hongkongprotest #hkpolice #popo #policestate #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #ProgressiveScholars
🔎 認識「高教公民」:https://goo.gl/9xdVQ4
🙋 成為「附屬成員」:https://goo.gl/B70zam
🙌 成為「正式成員」:hkprogressivescholars@gmail.com
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