21世紀的第一個十年結束之際,莉莉.詹姆斯(Lily James)面臨了人生劇變。
莉莉出身演藝世家,她的父母都是演員,但其家族最知名的演員是她的外婆海倫.霍頓(Helen Horton),出演過數十部影集,但真正使之留名影壇的,是唯《異形 Alien》(1979)裡的電腦系統「母親」配音。莉莉在家人栽培之下,考上倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院,不過就在她畢業前夕,噩耗接連傳來。
2008年,莉莉的父親詹姆斯.湯森(James Thomson)癌症辭世,罹患漸凍症的舅舅隨後過世。隔年,她的外婆也與世長辭。莉莉說在那五年內,自己的家人走了大半,但自己卻仍然沒有任何成績,尤其遺憾沒有向外婆討教。但就在從學校畢業後不久,她獲得了《唐頓莊園 Downton Abbey》的演出邀約,這次機會使之成名,被視為英國影壇的年輕新秀。
在迪士尼經典動畫改編的《仙履奇緣 Cinderella》(2015)之中,莉莉飾演「灰姑娘」仙杜瑞拉,使之在美國走紅。五年之內,她接連挑戰《玩命再劫 Baby Driver》(2017)、《最黑暗的時刻 Darkest Hour》(2017)、《靠譜歌王 Yesterday》(2019)等不同類型的作品。
在《媽媽咪呀!回來了 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again》(2018)中,她被選中飾演年輕的梅莉.史翠普(Meryl Streep),兩人剛好也是遠房親戚。2020年的《蝴蝶夢 Rebecca》,她更受邀飾演溫特夫人一角,該片原版的詮釋者可是傳奇奧斯卡影后瓊.芳登(Joan Fontaine)。莉莉作為梅姨、瓊.芳登接班人的聲勢由此不脛而走。
在畢業之後,她開始頻頻參與試鏡,卻屢屢被拒。她的經紀人卻沒有要她精進演出,而是列了長串書單與電影清單給她,尤其是關於女性的作品。莉莉後來用「燃料」來形容這些書和電影,這成為了她理解角色、故事的養分,成功內化在自己的表演與氣質之中,其中一本書,恰好就是南西.米佛(Nancy Mitford)在1945年著有的傑作《逐愛 The Pursuit of Love》。
因此後來艾蜜莉.莫提梅(Emily Mortimer)為了首次編導的影集《逐愛》而找上她之後,莉莉覺得一切有如命中注定。而且她所飾演的角色,正是劇中最惹爭議、也惹人憐愛的女主角琳達.瑞萊特。
可以說,《逐愛》就是1930-40年代的《慾望城市 Sex in the City》,是當時英國年輕人最愛的流行讀物,從中窺探上流上會的光怪陸離荒唐事。作者南西.米佛在當時也是社交名媛,在傳奇的「米佛六姐妹」之中排行最大。出身貴族的米佛六姐妹在高級莊園長大,她們被一個仇視外國人的古怪父親與願意親手打理家務的貴婦母親教養下成人。
同時面臨壓抑,卻又在母親的鼓舞之下,六姐妹個個發展出奇特的性格,以及不同的政治信仰。有人獻身法西斯,打入希特勒(Adolf Hitler)社交圈;有人信奉共產黨,親赴西班牙內戰高唱國際歌;有人對政治冷感,持續在上流社會呼風喚雨,與甘迺迪家族(Kennedy family)結為親家。南西自己則是成為一個社會主義者,在巴黎埋頭寫小說,最後她結合了自己與姐妹的情感,將人物融合、濃縮,完成了《逐愛》。
劇中,莉莉飾演的琳達.瑞萊特原先是一個足不出戶的貴族少女,為了離家而倉促出嫁,卻發現自己對上流社會百般不適應,原來真正所愛的是共產黨,親身來到西班牙成為共黨後援,為理想獻身,怎料又愛上四處捻花惹草的法國花花公子。艾蜜莉.比查姆(Emily Beecham)飾演的芬尼相當於故事的主述者,帶著觀眾看見了琳達多舛卻充滿高潮與狂喜的一生。
為了詮釋好琳達的角色,莉莉說自己參考的作品是蘇菲亞.柯波拉(Sofia Coppola)執導的《凡爾賽拜金女 Marie Antoinette》(2006),她說那種扎根於歷史、卻又與現代精神相呼應的活力,是她希望傳遞的感覺。不過在現實生活中,莉莉可不是那種無腦的拜金女孩。
想看 #莉莉詹姆斯 如何在舊時代大膽追夢、華麗追愛,又喜歡英倫復古影劇的朋友,《 #逐愛》這裡看:https://bit.ly/3xnaI7O
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anviolin/ WEIBO:http://weibo.com/u/6511795600 Spotify:htt...
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【台灣人物誌 054 生態工法基金會】
財團法人台灣生態工法發展基金會 副執行長 邱銘源
但很高興農業局的李玟局長,是一個有擔當願意做事的好長官,讓我們一路走來有最棒的支持。 過去我也在公職服務近二十年,心裡頭一直很清楚一個重要的價值,「懲惡揚善」才能帶領民心走向未來,對於基層公務人員,我總是不斷的鼓勵他們,如何從「屢戰屢敗」的消極心態,轉換成「屢敗屢戰」積極作為,因為,我們都在寫歷史,我們都在實踐「人在公門好修行」的傳統價值。
有了判例,在第一線執法的同仁,才能更有尊嚴的執法。 公部門過去的無力感,讓我想起台灣的食安危機,所有問題的源頭,都因為公民的漠視,造成公部門的顢頇無能,所有的問題都因為,大家自掃門前雪,而終究受害的是我們自己。
於是傻瓜基金會不願當網路的酸民,我們站出來扛重擔,我們自己善盡公民的角色,讓一隻來自西伯利亞的孤兒,在台灣受到最好的照顧,因為一隻鳥,改變了一個老農,改變了一塊土地的未來,鼓勵了更多勇於任事的公務人員,這個美麗的故事,甚至登上了俄國西伯利亞時報的頭版,標題大字清楚的寫著「Thanks people of Taiwan」,感謝我們照顧來自他們故鄉的孤兒,這是多麼動人的一刻,民間的努力,讓台灣的愛心登上了國際新聞的頭版。
2015.12.11 小白鶴抵台週年前夕
We are writing the history
Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation
Chiu, Ming-Yuan/Deputy CEO
The feast snow day of the morning on the lunar calendar, I was still trapped in mud during work. With only one hour time, I got to pack my baggage and photographic equipments. Rushing to the airport, I was ready to go to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi of China to meet the management team of protected area, local crane researchers, and specialists of International Crane Foundation (ICF) for a discussion of the future for a small crane. The past year, coming back and forth from Taiwan to overseas, I have been preparing myself in a standby position with a backpack always. We are just like the Earth Defense Force for the small crane and ready to go on a fight.
We took ferry and were wearing rubber boots in the mud to walk through marshes and beaches for more than ten kilometers. With cold and fog, we arrived in the protected area of Poyang Lake, Dutch Village of Yongxiu County in Jiangxi Province. This is the wetland protected area for cranes with the size about ten thousand times of Jinshan wetland and ten times bigger than Taipei City. 99.9% of the cranes in the world will be spending the winter here. I took a crane searching notice to the local management unit. I think this small crane’s parents should be in here. Cranes usually group themselves with grown birds and little birds as a flying unit in the sky. They are always composed by 3 birds into a flying formation. I took the binoculars and tried to look for the family missing a member. I wanted to tell them that their missing kid, six thousand miles away from home, is doing fine in Taiwan now and they don’t need to worry.
Too much rain in Poyang Lake this year caused their main food-Vallisneria natans to be covered by water that it’s not enough for the cranes. More than eighty cranes could just go back to the rest farms to look for falling rice. Research scholars told us that the climate change causes the extension for cranes to look for food. They have to spend at least 12 hours to find food everyday, therefore, they are afraid of people particularly. The nearest crane ethic group is about 300 meters away from us. Because of our presence, they have been alert and kept on taking off. Wasting more physical energy and lengthening foraging time due to our visit has made me feel guilty. It also made me feel the happiness of the small crane in Taiwan since its closer and it eats so well.
Upon the anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, I have so much sensation in my heart. For the past one year, despite of constant discussion and talk with public sector, we could be able to find the solution and map out the vision to reduce the doubts from farmers and landlords with some kind-hearted government servants. For example, chivalrous reporter, Mr. Xusheng Huang from CAN always extend his hands to move the things to the right direction while we were in the hardship. Although the change is very slow, and we have more expectation on the government’s determination of law enforcement, it’s so grateful that we get the best support along the way from a very responsible government official, Mr. Li Wen, the bureau chief of Agricultural Department of New Taipei City Government.
I have been working in the public sector for nearly two decades. I understand a very important value “Punish evil and propagate good” that would lead the people into the future. For those government servants on the basic level, I always encourage them to convert the negative attitude as “repeating defeats after each fight “ to “keep on fighting”. That’s because we are writing the history and in the practice of traditional value-Practice good in the public sector. Many years of implementation of Wildlife Conservation Law, there is no one law enforcement confirmed case seen caused by harassing endangered birds. “Harassment” is a subjective word that people can’t be sued due to lacking of clearer definition of the provisions of the Act. It also made the wicked rampant and slander most law-abiding bird photographers. Only with the real seen case, the first line of law enforcement officials can be more dignified to do their job.
The sense of powerless from the public sector over the past years reminds me of food security crisis in Taiwan. All the source of problems is from people’s indifference that causes the powerless of the government. Everyone is minding their own business, which makes everyone the victim eventually. Therefore, we the silly foundation does not want to be troll on the internet, instead, we stand out to carry the burden and fulfill the role as good citizen. We make the orphan from Siberia to be well taken care of in Taiwan. A bird has changed an old farmer and the future of a land, furthermore, it also encourages more government servants to be more bold. This beautiful story is even published in the front page of Russian Siberia Times. The title stated “Thanks people of Taiwan”. They appreciate us caring for orphans from their home. It’s such a touching moment. The effort from the private sector made Taiwan’s love to be published on the front page of international news.
If we truly want it to happen and practice in action, we are all writing the history. Does the government really need to spend large budget to pay for media to promote Taiwan? We thank very much for many people’s help for the past one year. On the eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, there is another red-crowned crane came. It’s just like a sign delivered from God saying our effort is not in vain. Toward the last mile trip to the destination for making it happen, the only element we are waiting is the government’s mentality “Tear down and start again”. There are so many people we are so thankful for that can’t be listed one by one, and not to talk about some well-known chivalrous ladies and gentlemen. I want to mention especially the long term support from Wistron Foundation. We appreciate the chairman, Lin, Xian-Ming for his warm encouragement during our critical moment. They not only support us financially, but also send a group of volunteers “Earth Defense Force” to assist all the agricultural services unconditionally. Most impressive help I got locally is from the mayor of Jinshan District, Li Wei and Mr. Jianxing Lai. After the mayor’s arrival on his duty, he abandons the past bureaucracy and helps people to solve many issues with sympathy. I truly feel his sincerity and enthusiasm.
Jianxin is the son of the landlord, Mr. Huang. He has seen our effort and even donated his income. With the support from the young man, I feel so touched and grateful. Of course, Mr. Kuoliang Jhuang, the guardian has been through the most difficult time through the whole year. The crane gets more white and choppy, while Mr. Jhuang gets more black and thin. The crane flies all over happily, and Mr. Jhuang is even more bitter with it.
All the changes had made me realized that we need everyone’s passionate support and encouragement to make Taiwan better. The source of the problem lies in the power of united citizen. Let’s write this immortal history together and start from supporting environmental revival movement in Taiwan. The publication of this photographic collection is not only to provide professional photos, but also to leave the trace of people’s effort for this past year. This book also set up a great example for the cooperation between NGOs and bird shooting photographers. We are no more the opposing sides each other as in the past. For those professional photographers looking for detail resources, this is the best research record. Taiwan is a small place and I very much look forward to see everyone’s hardworking together for this piece of land. The book’s publication not only witnesses the love of Taiwanese people, but also creates a new model of cooperation of the bird world. In here, I especially want to thank the friends providing their precious collection for free. As long as everyone could join hands and move forward with same goal, we are writing the history!
2015.12.11 The eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival
Mr. Chiu, Protected Area of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province
in love again影集 在 新聞人 黃旭昇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【台灣人物誌 054 台灣生態工法基金會】
財團法人台灣生態工法發展基金會 副執行長 邱銘源
但很高興農業局的李玟局長,是一個有擔當願意做事的好長官,讓我們一路走來有最棒的支持。 過去我也在公職服務近二十年,心裡頭一直很清楚一個重要的價值,「懲惡揚善」才能帶領民心走向未來,對於基層公務人員,我總是不斷的鼓勵他們,如何從「屢戰屢敗」的消極心態,轉換成「屢敗屢戰」積極作為,因為,我們都在寫歷史,我們都在實踐「人在公門好修行」的傳統價值。
有了判例,在第一線執法的同仁,才能更有尊嚴的執法。 公部門過去的無力感,讓我想起台灣的食安危機,所有問題的源頭,都因為公民的漠視,造成公部門的顢頇無能,所有的問題都因為,大家自掃門前雪,而終究受害的是我們自己。
於是傻瓜基金會不願當網路的酸民,我們站出來扛重擔,我們自己善盡公民的角色,讓一隻來自西伯利亞的孤兒,在台灣受到最好的照顧,因為一隻鳥,改變了一個老農,改變了一塊土地的未來,鼓勵了更多勇於任事的公務人員,這個美麗的故事,甚至登上了俄國西伯利亞時報的頭版,標題大字清楚的寫著「Thanks people of Taiwan」,感謝我們照顧來自他們故鄉的孤兒,這是多麼動人的一刻,民間的努力,讓台灣的愛心登上了國際新聞的頭版。
2015.12.11 小白鶴抵台週年前夕
We are writing the history
Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation
Chiu, Ming-Yuan/Deputy CEO
The feast snow day of the morning on the lunar calendar, I was still trapped in mud during work. With only one hour time, I got to pack my baggage and photographic equipments. Rushing to the airport, I was ready to go to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi of China to meet the management team of protected area, local crane researchers, and specialists of International Crane Foundation (ICF) for a discussion of the future for a small crane. The past year, coming back and forth from Taiwan to overseas, I have been preparing myself in a standby position with a backpack always. We are just like the Earth Defense Force for the small crane and ready to go on a fight.
We took ferry and were wearing rubber boots in the mud to walk through marshes and beaches for more than ten kilometers. With cold and fog, we arrived in the protected area of Poyang Lake, Dutch Village of Yongxiu County in Jiangxi Province. This is the wetland protected area for cranes with the size about ten thousand times of Jinshan wetland and ten times bigger than Taipei City. 99.9% of the cranes in the world will be spending the winter here. I took a crane searching notice to the local management unit. I think this small crane’s parents should be in here. Cranes usually group themselves with grown birds and little birds as a flying unit in the sky. They are always composed by 3 birds into a flying formation. I took the binoculars and tried to look for the family missing a member. I wanted to tell them that their missing kid, six thousand miles away from home, is doing fine in Taiwan now and they don’t need to worry.
Too much rain in Poyang Lake this year caused their main food-Vallisneria natans to be covered by water that it’s not enough for the cranes. More than eighty cranes could just go back to the rest farms to look for falling rice. Research scholars told us that the climate change causes the extension for cranes to look for food. They have to spend at least 12 hours to find food everyday, therefore, they are afraid of people particularly. The nearest crane ethic group is about 300 meters away from us. Because of our presence, they have been alert and kept on taking off. Wasting more physical energy and lengthening foraging time due to our visit has made me feel guilty. It also made me feel the happiness of the small crane in Taiwan since its closer and it eats so well.
Upon the anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, I have so much sensation in my heart. For the past one year, despite of constant discussion and talk with public sector, we could be able to find the solution and map out the vision to reduce the doubts from farmers and landlords with some kind-hearted government servants. For example, chivalrous reporter, Mr. Xusheng Huang from CAN always extend his hands to move the things to the right direction while we were in the hardship. Although the change is very slow, and we have more expectation on the government’s determination of law enforcement, it’s so grateful that we get the best support along the way from a very responsible government official, Mr. Li Wen, the bureau chief of Agricultural Department of New Taipei City Government.
I have been working in the public sector for nearly two decades. I understand a very important value “Punish evil and propagate good” that would lead the people into the future. For those government servants on the basic level, I always encourage them to convert the negative attitude as “repeating defeats after each fight “ to “keep on fighting”. That’s because we are writing the history and in the practice of traditional value-Practice good in the public sector. Many years of implementation of Wildlife Conservation Law, there is no one law enforcement confirmed case seen caused by harassing endangered birds. “Harassment” is a subjective word that people can’t be sued due to lacking of clearer definition of the provisions of the Act. It also made the wicked rampant and slander most law-abiding bird photographers. Only with the real seen case, the first line of law enforcement officials can be more dignified to do their job.
The sense of powerless from the public sector over the past years reminds me of food security crisis in Taiwan. All the source of problems is from people’s indifference that causes the powerless of the government. Everyone is minding their own business, which makes everyone the victim eventually. Therefore, we the silly foundation does not want to be troll on the internet, instead, we stand out to carry the burden and fulfill the role as good citizen. We make the orphan from Siberia to be well taken care of in Taiwan. A bird has changed an old farmer and the future of a land, furthermore, it also encourages more government servants to be more bold. This beautiful story is even published in the front page of Russian Siberia Times. The title stated “Thanks people of Taiwan”. They appreciate us caring for orphans from their home. It’s such a touching moment. The effort from the private sector made Taiwan’s love to be published on the front page of international news.
If we truly want it to happen and practice in action, we are all writing the history. Does the government really need to spend large budget to pay for media to promote Taiwan? We thank very much for many people’s help for the past one year. On the eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, there is another red-crowned crane came. It’s just like a sign delivered from God saying our effort is not in vain. Toward the last mile trip to the destination for making it happen, the only element we are waiting is the government’s mentality “Tear down and start again”. There are so many people we are so thankful for that can’t be listed one by one, and not to talk about some well-known chivalrous ladies and gentlemen. I want to mention especially the long term support from Wistron Foundation. We appreciate the chairman, Lin, Xian-Ming for his warm encouragement during our critical moment. They not only support us financially, but also send a group of volunteers “Earth Defense Force” to assist all the agricultural services unconditionally. Most impressive help I got locally is from the mayor of Jinshan District, Li Wei and Mr. Jianxing Lai. After the mayor’s arrival on his duty, he abandons the past bureaucracy and helps people to solve many issues with sympathy. I truly feel his sincerity and enthusiasm.
Jianxin is the son of the landlord, Mr. Huang. He has seen our effort and even donated his income. With the support from the young man, I feel so touched and grateful. Of course, Mr. Kuoliang Jhuang, the guardian has been through the most difficult time through the whole year. The crane gets more white and choppy, while Mr. Jhuang gets more black and thin. The crane flies all over happily, and Mr. Jhuang is even more bitter with it.
All the changes had made me realized that we need everyone’s passionate support and encouragement to make Taiwan better. The source of the problem lies in the power of united citizen. Let’s write this immortal history together and start from supporting environmental revival movement in Taiwan. The publication of this photographic collection is not only to provide professional photos, but also to leave the trace of people’s effort for this past year. This book also set up a great example for the cooperation between NGOs and bird shooting photographers. We are no more the opposing sides each other as in the past. For those professional photographers looking for detail resources, this is the best research record. Taiwan is a small place and I very much look forward to see everyone’s hardworking together for this piece of land. The book’s publication not only witnesses the love of Taiwanese people, but also creates a new model of cooperation of the bird world. In here, I especially want to thank the friends providing their precious collection for free. As long as everyone could join hands and move forward with same goal, we are writing the history!
2015.12.11 The eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival
Mr. Chiu, Protected Area of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province
in love again影集 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文
■ 更多林子安:
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■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
周興哲《如果能幸福》(HBO Asia原創影集「戒指流浪記」片尾曲)小提琴版本
| Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of《Fortunate (HBO Asia Original Series "Adventure of the Ring" Theme Song)》by Eric Chou
Our life is about lots of choices. After we make a choice, we all have a condition, a what if. What if I could be more brave or what if I could be patient waiting for you.
These are all our own stories and the sorties are bringing us to the present, telling us we may be better than we supposed to be, instead of being stuck in the past.
It’s not waste of time loving you for I did love you with all my heart and I want to believe you loved me too even for a split second.
If I were to choose again, I would still connect with you, love you again and stuck with you asking if you can develop a vaccine against missing you just because you were the only holic I have. The world with you in it is vague, the only one truth would be I told you I love you at the moment, looking at you with the light in my eyes for you are everything I've been looking for and I'll wait for you. I gave my heart to the very thing I know would break it and I'd love to do it again, without question =]
Okay it’s enough being so emotional. Another week, another cover. Let's goooo, hope y’all like this!
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

in love again影集 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳解答
■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
《A Whole New World & Game of Thrones》(電影「阿拉丁」主題曲-嶄新的世界 & 影集「權力遊戲」主題曲)小提琴大提琴版本 | Violin Cover by Lin Tzu An and Cello by Wu Yo Yo of A Whole New World, OST of “Aladdin,” and Main Title from the “Game of Thrones”
歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽這些cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!
Here comes my weekly updated cover.
This week is the week for soundtracks : A Whole New World, OST of “Aladdin,” and Main Title from the “Game of Thrones,” both of which were officially released last week.
To perfectly represent everyone's childhood memories, and it is said that fans were disappointed to the finale of the power game season 8, I decided to cooperate again with my cello partner Wu Yo Yo, which will definitely make everyone satisfied !
I’m touched by the meaning behind Aladdin when Aladdin and Jasmine changed their perspectives, broke the stereotypes established and finally saw each other’s true inner self. May each one of you free from the stereotypes of social standards, be true to yourself and respect other’s uniqueness. ”Never change for the sake of change; those who are true will always love you for who you are” (Aladdin 2019)
This reminds me of my decision of being a busker. Instead of playing at National Concert Hall and being the best violinist, the expected career path from the society toward those majoring in music, I chose to performing as a busker, passing the healing power of music, getting closer to everyone, and sharing my music and the touching moments with everyone.
What would you do if you get Aladdin’s lamp?
I just hope ya’ll enjoy my cover.
Though I am not Genie that can make your dream come true, the only thing I can do is playing the requested song for you.
There were soooo many unexpected obstacles about the filming of this cover. It was supposed to film in the early morning, but started to rain heavily.
Due to the super heavy rain, the cover was delayed.
As for making up for not keeping the promise of updating my cover on time, here is another line I love from Aladdin “wear your smile on the face, carry your confidence on the shoulder, keep courage in your heart, and hold destiny in your hand.”
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Another week, another cover. Let's goooo, hope yall like this!
和聲編排 Harmony Arrangement: 林子安 Lin Tzu An、吳登凱 Wu Yo Yo
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
大提琴 Cello: 吳登凱 Wu Yo Yo
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
For Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

in love again影集 在 in love again影集的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都 ... 的推薦與評價
in love again影集 的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦蔡嘉琳Joyce寫的 修理你壞掉的英文:零碎學習決勝!70個主題輕鬆增強說讀寫 和Forsman, ... ... <看更多>
in love again影集 在 in love again影集的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都 ... 的推薦與評價
in love again影集 的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦蔡嘉琳Joyce寫的 修理你壞掉的英文:零碎學習決勝!70個主題輕鬆增強說讀寫 和Forsman, ... ... <看更多>
in love again影集 在 [好雷]台北愛之船(台北愛船)Love in Taipei - 看板movie 的推薦與評價
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1695801930.A.EE1.html
※ 編輯: godgod777 ( 臺灣), 09/27/2023 16:36:58
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