【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】
當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑和擔憂。 令我震驚的是,社會如何漠視對窮人和少數族裔的歧視。既有的社會結構,有時甚至會鼓勵這種歧視繼續發生。同時,我們也無法一如其它地方,享有基本的民主權利和自由。
Avery Ng Man Yuen’s Statement
Your Honour,
I was brought up by my parents to value the importance of empathy, to care and to feel for others in our community less fortunate. Although I enjoyed great success early in my career, I never had a desire to pursue personal wealth in the more traditional sense.
When I settled back in Hong Kong after years of living abroad, I was baffled and disturbed by how severe the social inequality existed in a city I am proud to call my home. I was struck at how discrimination against the poor and the minorities far too often goes ignored or can even at times is encouraged by the established social structure; and how we cannot have the basic democratic rights and freedoms that other places enjoy.
These were my motivations to join social activism and enter into politics. I chose to spend my energy to speak for the underprivileged, the disenchanted and often ignored segments of society. To offer a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.
Compared to many, I am privileged to have a great education and a certain level of financial freedom and social standing. We are fortunate enough to be able to lead comfortable lives and have the freedom to choose the path that we take. I chose to fight for social equality. Many of those in this court are not that much different. We all love Hong Kong, the place we call home. We chose our different roles in life but with the same aim: to serve others.
Sadly, I fear that many of us are increasingly the exception to the rule. Today far too many Hong Kong people do not have that chance, whether that is our elderly who live in poverty, marginalized youth with few opportunities for social mobility, or workers who give up all their time slaving away to provide the bare minimum for their families. These people all struggle to make ends meet with very limited options in life. “Choice” for them is a luxury that they cannot afford. Let alone having the gratification of being able to dictate their own destiny.
I recognise, with the pressures of life, it is often difficult for people to see beyond their own social bubble. It is harder still to acquire empathy for strangers. Polarized political division increasingly has driven a wedge between people, making it sometimes impossible for people to understand and empathise with one another, to disagree agreeably, and attempt to find some level of compromise.
It has always been my hope that a more democratic system could be the bridge that heals this social divide or at the very least allow us to choose how we can live together in our home.
I’m certain that none of us in this court wanted to see the turmoil in 2019, which has seen our whole society suffer regardless of political preference. Distrust, hatred, and fear has engulfed Hong Kong. Today is certainly not the right forum for this immense topic. However, I hope the court can understand that the Judiciary alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted socio-political divide which exist.
It will take our collective strength, courage, honesty, and empathy to mend our home. Looking at my fellow defendants with their extraordinary history in serving this society, I believe they can do far greater good among us in society than being locked in prison.
In pursuit of the rights of all Hong Kong people, I have broken the law. I am prepared to face the court’s judgement. I am proud to be in the company of my esteemed fellows who have spent their lives championing the rule of law, fighting for the democracy and voicing for the voiceless.
I believe the storm-clouds that currently reside over our home will one day lift, and make way for a bright and clear day. I believe love and empathy will eventually prevail.
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同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅Spice N' Pans,也在其Youtube影片中提到,You can find Sesame Oil Chicken Mee Sua practically anywhere in Taiwan. Can't travel now? No worries. You can make sesame oil chicken mee sua easily a...
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中文翻譯:Eric Lee - Clicker Training & Dog Learning
幼犬出時是生沒有牙齒。 到8周大時他們會長有28顆“臨時”幼犬牙齒(乳齒),它們非常鋒利,可以讓您的幼犬開始吃固體食物。 這些“幼犬牙齒”將從14週開始脫落,從細小的門牙開始……您可能會發現幼犬在與其他狗玩耍時或嚼咬嚼咬物或玩具時把它們吞下。 最後會掉下來是是最大最尖的(也最痛楚)…整個換牙過程大約在30週完成,您的小狗就會擁有42顆恒齒。 好消息是,恒齒長好後並沒有乳齒這樣尖銳。
當您的小狗開始長出牙齒時,您會發現他嚼咬的慾望越來越大-家具,衣服,鞋子等。在這段時間內,最重要是為您的小狗提供很多可食用的咀嚼物及玩具以便它們嚼咬。 我們的最愛是:
•Animal Earth No Hide Chews (是一家美國生產嚼咬物公司)
我們建議是“主動地”準備一些嚼咬物讓他們選擇咀嚼而不是你的鞋子…。 把鞋子,衣服和一些你不想小狗嚼咬的物品收好。 另外請注意,當幼犬用牙齒弄痛你或咬你時,你把玩具拿出來給他玩或玩一些遊戲這有可能會無意間獎勵幼犬用嘴巴的行為。 嘗試在他們開始用嘴巴咬人之前,就給他們一些適合嚼咬的東西。 還請記住,如果您的小狗特別會咬人,是否他很餓? 他需要去洗手間? 是否被過度刺激及需要休息睡覺?
喜歡Superhounds Diane Kasperowicz的文章。 永遠考慮到行為為何會出現,而不是僅僅改變結果。
眾所周知,幼兒在長出牙齒時會變得“牙癢”,情緒化,“耐嚼”,脾氣暴躁,悲傷等。 他們會把任何東西放進嘴巴裡,而且經常咬得很用力。 幼犬也是一樣。
給他們適當的東西來咀嚼-隨個人喜好及狗的品種而異(根據其顎骨的形狀和牙齒強度而異):冷凍的胡蘿蔔,冷凍的麵包片,冷凍的蘋果片或多肉的咀嚼物等。理想的情況是每天幾次,提供時請確定他們有興趣。 6個月以下的幼犬應該多次餵食正餐,以幫助維持血糖水平,從而保持情緒穩定。 確保他們在24小時內最少有16個小時的睡眠-對於大多數幼犬來說,最好的質量睡眠是社交睡眠。
不要依賴快速運動/遊戲來“令他們疲累”,因為這情況通常會增加大腦和血液中的刺激性化學物質,使挫折和咬的行為可能性更常。 以嗅聞遊戲,適合的社交機會,一些冷靜的獎勵訓練,豐富身體體驗為主要運動。 讓您的小狗常常成功並享受這段特別的時光。
Love this from Superhounds Diane Kasperowicz. Always consider the drive that creates a behaviour not just how you could change the outcome.
Young children are also well known to become “bitey”, emotional, “chewy”, grumpy, sad etc when they are teething. They ll put anything in their mouth and will often bite hard too. Puppies are the same.
Give them appropriate things to chew on - this varies with personal preference and breed (due to jaw shape and tooth strength) : frozen carrots, frozen bread slices, cold apple slices, or meaty chews etc. Ideally a few times a day but definitely when they start to get grabby. Feed puppies under 6 months frequently to help keep sugar levels and therefore emotional tolerance, stable. Make sure they have at least 16 hours sleep across 24 hours - social sleep is best quality for most pups.
Don’t rely on fast exercise / games to “tire them out” as this typically increases arousal chemicals in brain and blood stream making frustration and biting more likely. Use scent work, social opportunities, calm reward training, physical enrichment experiences as the main exercise. Set your puppy up to succeed and enjoy this special time.
in preference to中文 在 健吾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[#官方資訊] 早前分享了一位高級政務官朋友就《逃犯條例》爭議的感受,得到數千轉載,迴響十分熱烈,也有不少公務員私訊回應。本頁對象一直以黃藍以外的專業人士為主,雖然平日只分享國際視野資訊,但在關鍵時刻,也希望為一些平日對社會抽離的朋友,提供更多資訊參考。以下是我的另一位AO朋友擔心局勢惡化,希望以自己的方式真正為特區政府服務,因此以私人身份草擬的意見書,回應特區政府選舉管理委員會關於區議會選舉的官方諮詢,並使用了完美官僚理據、格式和文法,就DQ候選人提供了詳細意見。根據官方資訊,《逃犯條例》收到4500份意見書,其中3000份「贊成」,因此發出意見書並非毫無價值。這位AO表示,大家可以直接使用這格式,根據個人觀點加減內容直接電郵遞交,因為香港人大家都忙,這過程只需一分鐘,應該最符合成本效益。截止日期是7月10日或之前,請廣傳,好人一生平安。
10 July 2019
Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC)
By Email: eacenq@eac.hk
Dear Chairman,
Public consultation on District Council Election proposed guidelines
I write to object to Chapter 3 of the Proposed Guidelines, as it gives Government an unjust, unfair, and unchecked power to disqualify any candidate during the nomination period by reason of Government’s own political motives.
Chapter 3.1 of the Proposed Guidelines says that : “Under the law, the validity of a candidate’s nomination is to be determined by the Returning Officer (RO). The EAC is neither empowered nor involved in the making of such decision and would not provide any advice on the decision made by the RO”.
Chapter 3.9(b) of the Proposed Guidelines describes the requirement by which a candidate must declare (through signing a “Confirmation Form” by the EAC) that he would uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the HKSAR.
It is totally unclear whether a Confirmation Form duly signed by a candidate is itself sufficient to discharge the candidate’s duty to declare his willingness to uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the HKSAR when he is elected to the office.
Previous elections showed that an RO, who was a civil servant (pitched at Administrative Officer Staff Grade C / District Officer) appointed to the role of RO prior to the election, could make subjective and arbitrary judgment about a candidate’s state of mind and political orientation, with selective reference to some or a few past writings, speeches, statements, expression of opinions, posts in social media platforms in relation to the candidate, instead of merely looking at a Confirmation Form duly signed.
I find it outrageous to see that Ms. Anne Teng, then District Officer (Eastern) appointed to the role of RO in a legislative council by-election last year, could refuse to acknowledge a confirmation form signed by Miss Agnes Chow Ting and disqualify her, citing absurd and arbitrary reasons with reference to some of Miss Chow’s previous remarks or those of her political party, and without giving Miss Chow a fair opportunity to respond to those reasons uttered unreasonably by the RO.
The Proposed Guidelines shows that the EAC has failed its duty to introduce any additional safeguard or measures to plug this unreasonable, unlawful and unconstitutional loophole, which may still be freely exploited by any RO in the next election driven by bad faith and political motive.
It is unacceptable that the EAC could confess that it is “neither empowered nor involved in the making of such decision and would not provide any advice on the decision made by the RO” (Chapter 3.1). I question how the EAC can still “ensure that an election is conducted openly, fairly and honestly at all times” – its statutory duty enshrined in the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance - when it is not involved in scrutinising or monitoring the exercise of an RO’s power in disqualifying any candidate at the RO’s own political preference.
The Guidelines did not describe in detail how an RO could, on his or her own, research during the short nomination period the political belief and past sayings of any candidate. The Guidelines are also silent as to whether the RO would have received biased or secret advice from any agency such as Department of Justice, Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Home Affairs Department, Information Services Department, etc., which may have compiled a detailed recollection of a candidate’s previous remarks in advance. It was suggested by some that such a compilation of speech or opinion records prepared by any agency other than the RO could have assisted the RO unlawfully in reaching a dangerous disqualification decision to deprive a candidate of the right to stand for the election.
I must remind the EAC that the right to stand for election is a fundamental right guaranteed under the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights. The United Nations Human Rights Committee’s General Comment 25 also states that “political opinion may not be used as a ground to deprive any person of the right to stand for election.”
I am disappointed to see that the proposed Guidelines have not offered anything substantive to protect a candidate from the RO’s unlawful interference in the election by disqualifying candidates he or she dislikes. The EAC must look at this carefully to see what it can do.
The current remedy about determining the lawfulness of an RO’s disqualification decision through an election petition to be adjudicated later by the court one or two years after the actual election is totally unsatisfactory, with the lapse of time which delays the timely delivery of a just outcome.
I stress that I object to Chapter 3 of the Proposed Guidelines in its entirety. I urge you to review all the processes described in Chapter 3 again and independently. In so doing, you must resist all political considerations wrongly dictated by the Chief Executive, Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Department of Justice, or other government agency seeking to disturb the fairness and integrity of the forthcoming district council election.
Yours sincerely,
10 July 2019
選舉管理委員會主席 鈞啓
選舉管理委員會主席鈞鑒: 關於區議會選舉活動建議指引公眾諮詢事宜
建議指引第三章第一部分(3.1)指:「根據法例,候選人的提名是否有效 ,完全是由選舉主任作出決定,選管會無權並一向沒有參與, 亦不會給予任何意見。」
建議指引第三章3.9(b) 要求候選人透過簽署選管會擬備的確認書表明他/她擁護《基本法》並保證對香港特別行政區效忠。
選舉管理委員會於第三章第一部分(3.1)指:「根據法例,候選人的提名是否有效 ,完全是由選舉主任作出決定,選管會無權並一向沒有參與, 亦不會給予任何意見。」此點完全不可接受。當選舉管理委員會對選舉主任按其個人政治取向褫奪候選人參選資格的權力不作任何箝制、監察或審查, 又能如何履行其法定職責,「確保在香港舉行的選舉是以公開、公平和誠實的方式進行」呢?
建議指引並無對選舉主任如何可於短促的提名期內研究並審查任何候選人的政治理念及昔日言論有任何著墨。 建議指引亦未有論及選舉主任會否收到其他機構的秘密意見或者偏頗意見。上述的其他機構,例如律政司、內地及政制事務局、民政事務總署或政府新聞處等,可能預先詳細記錄相關候選人的昔日言論。據悉,上述由第三方準備的詳細記錄可能不合法地導致選舉主任作出褫奪候選人選舉資格的危險決定。
敬祝 鈞安 XXXXXXXX 敬上
in preference to中文 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的精選貼文
You can find Sesame Oil Chicken Mee Sua practically anywhere in Taiwan. Can't travel now? No worries. You can make sesame oil chicken mee sua easily at home too. Just follow Roland's recipe to enjoy a nice comforting bowl of sesame oil chicken mee sua for lunch or dinner. Happy cooking!
See the ingredient list below for your easy reference.
中文版 https://youtu.be/Xiby2KpRAac
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Taiwanese Sesame Oil Chicken Mee Sua ingredients
Serve 4 pax
700g of chicken leg - marinate chicken with 1.5 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of sesame oil
50g of sliced old ginger
500ml of Chinese rice wine
1.5L of chicken stock (How to make: https://youtu.be/2SbCwnn4TWA)
1 can of button mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
2 tablespoons of sesame oil
1 stalk of spring onion
Other ingredients
Mee sua
Some wolfberries
Some salt to taste (if needed)
Don't know where to get the ingredients or don't know how they look like? See the links below.
Sesame oil https://amzn.to/3hRmqQj
Chinese white rice wine https://amzn.to/3fbXmC1
Chicken stock https://amzn.to/3jZzuou
Button mushrooms https://amzn.to/30fUC1W
Mee sua (Flour vermicelli) https://amzn.to/3hS3wbZ
Dried wolfberries https://amzn.to/2BI9DQK
Looking for similar cooking equipment like the one we used in the video? These might interest you:
Cast iron wok https://amzn.to/2DncvD0
Greenpan Saucepan https://amzn.to/2D5MmJ9
Filming equipment:
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Get from Amazon https://amzn.to/3eA24tz)
Microphone: Sennheiser AVX digital wireless microphone system
Get in Singapore: https://singapore.sennheiser.com/products/avx-mke2-set-3-uk?_pos=2&_sid=adb86a9d8&_ss=r
Get from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NILqMR
Fujifilm X-T200 Mirrorless Digital Camera:
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Grandma's Mee Sua Soup 阿嫲面线
Taiwanese Oyster Mee Sua Recipe 台湾蚵仔面线 Orh Ah Misua
Stir Fried Mee Sua 干炒面线
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!

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Cooking fried rice in a rice cooker is a game-changer for many because this means you neither have to cook rice way in advance nor wash multiple pots. Super awesome and convenient in my opinion.
You can also use multi cooker or instant pot to make this dish too. Try it.
See the ingredient list below for your easy reference.
中文版 https://youtu.be/us_z1WuWfVg
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
Follow us on:
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Blog: www.spicenpans.com
Chat with us! info@spicenpans.com
Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Serves 3 - 4 pax
5 cloves of chopped garlic
2 cups of uncooked rice
2 cups of chicken stock
150g of prawns
3 small eggs
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
A few dashes of white pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
4 stalks of chopped spring onion
If you don't have a rice cup, 1 rice cup has 142ml of water and 1 rice cup has 150g of rice.
If you don't have chicken stock on hand, use 1 chicken bouillon cube with 284ml (2 rice cups) of water.
If you are using concentrated chicken stock, use 2 teaspoons of it with 284ml (2 rice cups) of water.
Don't know where to get the ingredients or don't know how they look like? See the links below.
Chicken stock https://amzn.to/304p0LM
Chicken bullion https://amzn.to/3247Znh
Concentrated chicken stock https://amzn.to/2W8tC27
Light soy sauce https://amzn.to/3dBZuBY
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
One Pot Chicken & Mushroom Rice 香菇鸡饭 Stove Top Cast Iron One Pot Chinese Meal
Rice Cooker Fragrant Cabbage Rice Recipe 咸饭 Kiam Pung • Chinese Rice Recipe
Super Easy (Rice Cooker) Yam Rice w/ Chicken & Mushrooms 香菇鸡肉芋头饭
Filming equipment:
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Get from Amazon https://amzn.to/3eA24tz)
Microphone: Sennheiser AVX digital wireless microphone system
Get Sennheiser microphone in Singapore:
Get Sennheiser microphone from Amazon:
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!

in preference to中文 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的最佳貼文
You can cook this super easy one pot claypot chicken rice in less than 15 minutes! If you're thinking of what to cook for lunch or dinner, give this Chinese claypot chicken rice recipe a try. Try it and let us know what you think ?
See the ingredient list below for your easy reference.
中文版 https://youtu.be/KIbmVKeeza4
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
Follow us on:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/spicenpans
Facebook www.facebook.com/spicenpans/
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Blog: www.spicenpans.com
Chat with us! info@spicenpans.com
Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Claypot Chicken Rice
Serves 3 - 4 pax
Marinated chicken
250g boneless chicken thigh meat (remove skin & cut into bite size pieces)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon rice wine (or water)
1.5 tablespoons of cornflour
A few dashes of white pepper
1 tablespoon sesame oil
Fry 10g of dried salted fish until brown and crispy
1 tablespoon shallot oil or normal cooking oil (Shallot oil recipe: https://youtu.be/7ZAC099Xw3o)
2 tablespoons premium dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
80ml or 1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon sugar
Other ingredients
2 cups or 300g of jasmine rice (use a rice cup to measure)
2 cups or 340ml of water (use a rice cup to measure)
60g of Chinese sausage (slice the sausage first then soak in hot water for about 5 mins to remove casing)
1 piece of wet salted fish
A handful of your favourite greens (we used kailan or Chinese broccoli)
Pour the sauce over the rice and add the crispy salted fish on the rice before serving. Mix well and enjoy.
Don't know where to get the ingredients or don't know how they look like? See the links below.
Dried salted fish https://amzn.to/3dv5i0c
Premium dark soy sauce https://amzn.to/2Ntb4F2
Oyster sauce https://amzn.to/3i2ygIg
Light soy sauce https://amzn.to/3dBZuBY
Rice wine https://amzn.to/2ZcmEK1
Cornflour https://amzn.to/3i48nIg
Chinese sausage https://amzn.to/2YC9V4y
Wet salted fish www.lazada.com.my/products/ikan-masin-tenggiri-salted-fish-600g-i737686611.html
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
One Pot Chicken & Mushroom Rice 香菇鸡饭 Stove Top Cast Iron One Pot Chinese Meal
Rice Cooker Fragrant Cabbage Rice Recipe 咸饭 Kiam Pung • Chinese Rice Recipe
Super Easy (Rice Cooker) Yam Rice w/ Chicken & Mushrooms 香菇鸡肉芋头饭
Filming equipment:
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Get from Amazon https://amzn.to/3eA24tz)
Microphone: Sennheiser AVX digital wireless microphone system
Get microphone in Singapore:
Get microphone from Amazon:
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!