When it comes to communicating in English with an international audience, native speakers don’t always do so well.
Sometimes, such inability to accommodate non-native speakers can lead to substantial financial losses for multinational companies.
Picture this: A group of nonnative English speakers is in a room. There are people from Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria and France. They're having a great time speaking to each other in English, and communication is smooth.
•picture(v.) 想像,設想
•have a great time doing sth 做某事很開心
•smooth 順利的,流暢的
And then an American walks into the room. The American speaks quickly, using esoteric jargon ("let's take a holistic approach") and sports idioms ("you hit it out of the park!"). And the conversation trickles to a halt.
•esoteric 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的
•jargon 行話,行業術語
•a holistic approach 全面性的方法 ; 完整取向、全方位取向
•sports idioms 體育相關的成語,慣用語
•trickle to a halt 遂逐漸停止
•trickle 從…向下滴(或淌)
*hit/knock the ball out of the park 字面上的意思是「把球打出棒球場」,慣用語的意思則是「某事做的非常好,令人驚艷」。
Decades of research shows that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down. Global communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are accessible to everyone, using simple words and phrases.
•communication specialist 溝通專家
•accessible 可以理解的;易懂的
數十年的研究表明,當母語為英語的人參與非母語者之間的談話時,理解力會下降。全球溝通專家 Heather Hansen 告訴我們,這是因為母語者無法自然地以非母語者的方式來溝通:以大家都能接受的方式交談——使用簡單的詞彙與片語。
And yet, as Hansen points out, this more accessible way of speaking is often called "bad English." There are whole industries devoted to "correcting" English that doesn't sound like it came from a native British or American speaker. …It turns out that these definitions of "good" and "bad" English may be counterproductive if our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible.
•point sth out 指出
•turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
•counterproductive 産生相反效果的;産生相反作用的;事與願違的,適得其反的
惟正如 Hansen 所指出,這種所謂更容易理解的說話方式,通常被稱為「破英語」。也有行業致力於「糾正」那些聽起來不像英國或美國母語者的英語。⋯⋯事實證明,如果我們的目標是盡可能地有效交流,那麼這些對「好」英語與「壞」英語的定義可能會適得其反。
A balance needs to be struck. There is also a clear difference between helping students improve their English in a classroom and being overly judgmental in a business meeting (or on the Internet ><).
However, if the goal is to communicate effectively with an international audience, native speakers could be more accommodating. At least, that's the view taken by the articles below.
*accommodating 樂於助人的;與人方便的;通融的
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3x2lr7X
inability意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文
(English writing below)
看了這影片後: https://youtu.be/m5l01u-mDIw,
老師 不好意思我想請問您 因為那些惡人 今世可以賺到不斐的財富 是因為前世他們累積了不可思議的福報導致 那麼佛教有種說法 就是我們累世輪迴 這一世就是靈魂繼承上世的修行程度
最終目的就是修到大圓滿 然後成佛
可是我的問題是 那些惡人如果上世能夠累積到這麼多的福報 那麼本質上他的靈魂就一定是善的居多 怎麼這一世會偏差的這麼遠呢? 令人費解@@ 不好意思想請教老師...
👩🏻🏫 我的回覆:
I get many comments everyday on my Youtube channel, despite me never saying "Please like, comment and share" in my videos.
Some are just scolding/mocking/taunting me but most of my audience thank me, encourage me and make the effort to ask insightful questions, so as to increase their wisdom.
Under this video: https://youtu.be/m5l01u-mDIw
💁🏻♂️ Mr Patrick commented:
Excuse me, Teacher, I would like to ask you. Those evil people can earn huge money this life, due to the incredible good fortune they amassed in their past lives. In Buddhism, it is said that our souls in this life inherit our cultivation from our past reincarnations.
The areas that you have cultivated well (positive affinities + good fortune) and the areas that you have not (negative affinities + negative karma) will follow you to this lifetime for you to continue your cultivation.
The eventual goal is reach the Great Perfection and then attain Buddhahood.
So my question is, if those evil people can accumulate so much good fortune, then intrinsically his soul should have more good in it.
Why do they end up deviating so far? This is perplexing. @@ And I would like to seek Teacher's advice.
👩🏻🏫 My reply:
When a Bodhisattva is reincarnated, He becomes ignorant of His past life.
Also, Man's nature at birth is muddled. When virtuous affinities arise, Man can become virtuous. When malevolent affinities arise, Man can become evil.
The thing is a person who have cultivated good fortune may not be a person who abide by the Five Precepts. He may not have cultivated his wisdom and retains many undesirable habits, so he lacks the meditative strength to restrain himself from doing wrong.
For example, Jackie Chan enjoys great wealth and fame, which is correlated to his love for philanthropy. However, he still committed sexual misdeeds, due to his inability to control his sexual urges and habitual lust. His only son, Jaycee Chan, unfortunately turns to be a drug addict for 8 years, a huge disappointment to many, and Jackie Chan got universally condemned again. Such is one retribution of sexual misconduct.
A person who likes doing good is not a virtuous man, if he also commits evil. When there is no repentance after evil is done, we will end up with a destiny that crosslinks good and evil.
However, no matter how evil a person is, when his virtuous conditions arise, there will still be a day when the butcher will lay down his knife and become a Buddha.
Just like Aṅgulimāla, who later became Buddha's disciple.
He was a serial killer, who wore the fingers of his 999 victims on a necklace. He was chasing Buddha to murder him, so that he can reach his goal of killing 1000 people. He wrongfully thought that would ascend him to Heaven.
Yet no matter how fast he ran, he could not catch up with Buddha, who seemingly was just walking slowly not that far away from him.
He yelled at Buddha to stop, and Buddha said, without turning his head:
"Angulimala! I have already stopped. It is you who have not stopped.”
My dear friend, have the Angulimala in you stopped?
Or are you relentlessly planting seeds of evil only to inflict misery onto yourself?
inability意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
∙ 為什麼在美國住了20年的台灣人,還是講 Thanks for your feedbacks. 誤把 feedback 加上 s 呢 ?
∙ 為什麼在 Stanford Univ. 教了三十年要退休的中國教授,還是戒不了 Although...but 的中式用法呢?
∙ 為什麼老師講了幾百次的 news 不可數,我們還是忍不住地用出 That's a great news! 呢?
5/23 的談論英語學習現象的文章如實破百留言,今天兌現承諾,來談談有關「學習瓶頸」這件事。
在哥倫比亞大學唸第二個碩士時,當時的指導教授諄諄告誡雖然大家都不喜歡談 failure of learning,因為感覺政治不正確。但了解「為什麼學習沒有發生」和「為什麼努力和收穫沒有成正比?」更可以讓我們更了解在學習中,如何提高自己的學習意識、有沒有什麼東西要調整、甚至知道有沒有什麼「好習慣」可以培養、壞習慣要戒除 (例:只注意「意思」不注意「語言形式」的習慣)。
要理解「語言學習瓶頸」或「語言要怎麼學」,可以從幾個領域來了解。不是外國語文學、也不是應用英語。建議大家從「第二語言習得 second language acquisition」、「心理語言學 psycholinguistics」、、「神經語言學 neurolinguistics」和「認知語言學 cognitive linguistics」和稍稍可以幫助的「認知心理學 cognitive psychology」5 個大方向下手。
今天就直接從各領域幫大家整理出來是那些原因,造成我們的學習瓶頸。這些原因不是學者個人的「看法」、不是「學習經驗談」、更不是「直覺」,而是基於嚴密的實證研究 (empirical research) 所得到的。
∙ 缺乏 feedback 或缺乏對 feedback 的深度處理
∙ 對於基本溝通需求的滿足 (satisfaction of communicative needs) (Note: 有些東西錯了,不會對於溝通造成太大的影響,我們就懶得講好、講道地了)
∙ 母語的影響 (L1 influence)
∙ 學習英文的起始點太晚 (age; maturational
∙ 沒有辦法注意到自己聽到母語人士用的英文和自己的 output 的差異性 (Inability to notice input-output discrepancies)
∙ 自己身邊的 input 也都是錯的 (quality of input) (Note: 可能周邊的同事、朋友也都狂講 Thank you for your feedbacks.)
∙ 對於語言的敏感度不佳 (Lack of sensitivity to input)
∙ 在理解英文時 (聽力、閱讀) 都是用技巧、策略、圖片、背景知識、大方向的東西幫助自己理解 (Use top-down processes in comprehension)
(Note: 用 bottom-up 的方式理解每一個動詞、子句、乃至於冠詞、介系詞的功能,比較會幫助我們將聽讀能力轉換成說和寫的能力。
∙ 過度簡化語言規則 (oversimplification)
∙ 錯誤用法自動化 (false automatization)
例如 Although...but 這樣不好的口說習慣已經「自動化」,不好戒除
∙ 喜歡注意「內容」,不喜歡注意「語言形式」的習慣 (Natural tendency to focus on content, not on form)
∙ 該用法本身的複雜性 (language complexity)
∙ 缺乏語言分析能力 (Lack of verbal analytic skills)
一長串負面原因的轟炸,稍微可以理解大家說談論failure of learning 的相對政治不正確性了。但是要記得,上述的原因,除了 age / maturational constraints 之外,「全部都是可以改善的」。
我也會常常提醒學生,學習要有效率,就要去觀察自己每次拿到的feedback,有沒有什麼 tendencies,因為更正系統性錯誤的學習效率是比較高的。