一年前開始是由我和翔太兩個毒人踏起單車來,然後認識了消音後更接觸了更多毒人一起騎行!漸漸有個Group名叫Hong Kong Hot (HKH)(別問我名字為什麼那麼良心),然後約半年前開始一直和Blanco的各位好手騎行, 現在正式合併在一起打理這個專頁. 更多人一起享受騎行及製作痛車的樂趣, 讓大家的騎行「白熱」化起來!BlancoHot就是「白熱」的意思!
As we merge with HKH cycling team since we started combine ride half years ago, it seems very exciting here. Let us have a incandescent ride and enjoy the proceess Itachari designing!
As we merge with HKH cycling team since we started combine ride half years ago, it seems very exciting here. Let us have a incandescent ride and enjoy the proceess Itachari designing!