今天要來介紹的單字是認真的、勤奮的、刻苦的等等用法,通常我們只會想到hardworking or diligent,但其實還有許多同義字可以代換,就讓我們繼續看下去吧(好老套😂😂
assiduous 勤勉的、小心翼翼的 (a.)
➡️ assiduous in sth,也可用來形容名詞,例如 assiduous efforts
Eg. Alex was assiduous in his attendance at church.
conscientious 煞費苦心的、盡責的
➡️ 通常用來形容努力完成自己份內的事情
Eg. A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.
industrious 勤勉的、勤奮的 (a.)
Eg. If you are industrious you can finish the job before work.
sedulous 仔細的、聚精會神的 (a.)
➡️ 比較像diligent那種感覺,投入很多心血在某個事情上
Eg. Sandra is a sedulous student who leaves great impressions on all the teachers.
indefatigable/preserving不屈不撓的、堅持不懈的 (a.)
➡️ 有determined的意味,從fatigue(疲累)可以感受到就是不怕累、不懈怠的概念。
Eg. Lin is an indefatigable campaigner for human rights.
studious 用功的、好學的(a.)
Eg. Debra is a very quiet and studious girl.
industrious用法 在 Re: [文法] should作"竟然"時後面可否用完成式? - 看板Eng-Class 的推薦與評價
※ 引述《lulu1993 (雨楓)》之銘言:
: 在書上看到一個句子
: "她竟然用那種方式跟你說話,真令人吃驚。聽起來好像她才是你的老闆。"
: 書中附的翻譯是:
: "It was astonishing that she should speak to you in that manner.
: She sounded as if she were your boss."
: 我覺得有點怪怪的,既然是過去發生的事情,那應該要說
: "It was astonishing that she should have spoken to you in that manner."
: 才對吧???是因為這裡不能用完成式嗎?還是我誤解了什麼呢??
: 希望有對文法較了解的人能為我解惑> <
: 感恩!!!
推 monkeywife:should+have p.p. 是另外一種句型 指應該XX 卻沒有XX 06/30 14:23
→ monkeywife:例如 You should have apologized to her. 你真應該 06/30 14:24
→ monkeywife:像她道歉(但實際上沒有做) 06/30 14:24
推 Widder8:我剛翻了一下文法書,看到了一個否定句子是用shouldn't + 06/30 14:25
→ Widder8:have + p.p.的:I was shocked that she shouldn't have 06/30 14:25
→ Widder8:invited Phyllis. 06/30 14:26
→ Widder8:不曉得是不是因為shouldn't invite Phyllis聽起來像是「你 06/30 14:27
→ Widder8: 她 06/30 14:29
→ Widder8:不應該邀請Phyllis」,故在否定時用了完成式。只有一個否 06/30 14:29
→ Widder8:定的例子,故只能暫時這樣推論,正確與否暫時無法得知 06/30 14:30
→ Widder8:參考看看:https://ppt.cc/6zhv 06/30 14:54
推 l10nel:should have spoken 也可,這時只表示那是過去發生過一次 06/30 16:09
→ l10nel:的事,不像 should speak 帶有現在/以後可能再發生的意味。 06/30 16:11
→ dunchee:www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/should 06/30 22:43
→ dunchee:-> 5 ... (第3個例句) 06/30 22:43
→ dunchee:"既然是過去發生的事情,那應該要說" -> 我有點好奇你沒 06/30 22:43
→ dunchee:有想到簡單過去式,反而是過去完成式的原因是? 06/30 22:43
→ dunchee:這用法的"should"其實沒有時態上的變化(注意,我是單指字 06/30 22:44
→ dunchee:典上的 5 的這一個特定用法。其它用法你有興趣的話自己看 06/30 22:44
→ dunchee:一下),且這時後的用法並不是subjunctive(你以為是過去完 06/30 22:44
→ dunchee:成式的理由?)(因為(意思上)確實有發生,並不是和事實相反 06/30 22:44
→ dunchee:)。如果你是因為發生在過去就要用過去完成,那麼你還要再 06/30 22:45
→ dunchee:查一下過去完成式的用法 06/30 22:45
→ Widder8:我想原po應該是跟to have done something這種表過去式的完 06/30 22:47
→ Widder8:成式搞混在一起了~ 06/30 22:47
→ dunchee:"....時後面可否用完成式?"-> 是有這用法,但是這不表示你 06/30 22:56
→ dunchee:可以任意拿來套用。參考: 06/30 22:56
→ dunchee:https://dunchee.blogspot.com/2011/10/temp.html 06/30 22:56
表「情緒性反應/評價」的情態助動詞 should (有文法書稱為 emotive should)常用在
that 從句裡,主句的動詞點出說話者有什麼樣的情緒反應。
大致而言,從句的 should + V 的 V 發生時間若和主句動詞大約同時,用 should V;若
早於主句動詞,則用 should have V-pp。
從涵義來看,如果使用 should have V-pp,則強烈意味著該動作發生於過去且現在不
所以,視兩個動作發生時間不同,共產生四種組合。這種「竟然發生某事」的 should 可
以出現在四種組合裡,沒有所謂「should have V-pp」因為是「與過去事實相反」而不得
使用的道理。無論哪種組合,should 後的動作都確確實實發生了。
如果 should 後面有否定字 not,則是「竟然沒有發生某事」的意思,同樣可以有四種組
合,並不受限於 not。
以下是來自 americancorpus.org 語料庫的四種組合搜尋結果。(某一組合多列出兩個實
(1) It is...that...should + V-infinitive
Martinez Sierra in 1928, he includes the terminology of various literary
genres. He speaks of " la condicion del narrador o del poeta, " of " los
personajes novelescos " (Vision 236) and of Cervantes' attitude toward Don
Quijote. 1 In fact, he considers the esperpento a genre in its own right, "
el genero literario que yo bautizo con el hombre de esperpentos, " and he
does not restrict esperpentismo to the world of literature: " Esta manera es
ya definitiva en Goya " (Vision 237). ***It is curious that Sender should
propose so limited a definition of the esperpento, for when he writes one of
his own it is not an obra dialogada at all, but a short novel: Requiem por un
campesino espanol (1960). 2 A close examination of this novel will show that
it contains many of the characteristics of an esperpento. The most important
ones are the presentation of a story and its characters from three different
points of view, the centrality of Spanish history to the narrative, and the
tyranny of traditional social
Kuppers: " you know how pleased we all were (Arp included) with the portrait
of him which I did. I was proud to put my sign (eL) on the print I gave to
Arp, to get a block made (you know I do that very rarely). The block proofs
have arrived: and on this particular proof there is no trace of eL, and on
the photograph itself the eL has been neatly scratched out. What is this
scratching out supposed to signify? " (n23) ***It is surprising that
Lissitzky should ask himself this question, for he, perhaps more than any
other artist of the time, should have been well aware of the avant-garde
insignia's dual status as an abstract, modernist graphic and as a
personalized logo. This is because he had encountered precisely this problem
in his publicity work for the Pelikan office supply company. For the most
part, this aspect of Lissitzky's career has been discussed solely from the
vantage point of utility. Scandalized perhaps by the notion that an artist of
Tuptim's version of Uncle Tom's Cabin adds the " miracle " of snow to the
miraculously frozen river sent by Buddha for Eliza's deliverance. The
audience takes Tuptim's belief in snow as parallel to her belief in freedom:
she has never seen either but trusts Anna's assertions that they exist. As
the camera pans to the King leaning over to Anna, motioning his recognition
of falling snow, the audience is assured that, even with the recalcitrant
student, Anna's efforts have not been entirely in vain. # ***It is striking
that snow should figure as a marker of Anna's progress in Siam. For the
chances of nineteenth century Siamese seeing such a thing were rare indeed.
Even if the Siamese could see or touch snow, their experience would be
limited by this conundrum of the physical world: snow guarantees its own
purity by disintegrating when touched. Its visibility marks the limits of its
embodiment. # In a way, snow is an apt metaphor for the " miracle " of
education. Knowledge is ephemeral and its exchange is never sure
(and now of the East also), then we may be in a position to start again. We
may then be in a position to come up with answers based on the evidence. They
will be a good deal less simple, and much more multifarious, but that is what
the real world is like. When we find that the real world is often more richly
comic than any conclusion based on a theory can ever be, we may be in a
position to appreciate the ironies in Jane Austen's remark that ***it is odd
that history should be so dull, since a great deal of it must be invention'.
# PHOTO (BLACK &; WHITE): Title-page of The English Gentleman, 1631, hoping
in heaven but with feet fairly planted on the ground -- already a type'. #
PHOTO (BLACK &; WHITE): Upward mobility? Hogarth's Industrious Prentice grows
rich &; Sheriff of London'. # PHOTO (BLACK &; WHITE): The system that works
so well' in Cruickshank's grinding machine for rotten boroughs of
(2) It is...that... should have V-pp
threatened by him must be accepted by the court, however contrary to the
apparent facts of the case; and in both instances this is the result of
casting aside general rules and examining each case on its contextual merits.
# But the most shocking thing about feminist jurisprudence is how much
evidence it provides for concluding that women are incapable of mastering the
ideas and skills on which Western civilization rests. For abstractions,
standards, distinctions, logic, and objectivity are of the essence of all our
arts, sciences, and institutions. ***It is inconceivable that women should
have wished so to disqualify themselves. Therefore, the movement must have
been dreamt up by male chauvinists, determined to exclude women from
everything but caring for hopeless invalids. Why else would the dean of the
very eminent Law School at the University of Chicago describe feminist
jurisprudence as the most interesting intellectual movement in quite some
time''? # By SHIRLEY ROBIN LETWIN # # Mrs. Letwin is a legal and political
theorist and the author of, among other books, The Pursuit of Certainty. #
(1910), and the scores and recordings for two major one-act works, both based
on Oscar Wilde plays, " A Florentine Tragedy " (1917) and " The Dwarf " later
renamed " The Birthday of the Infanta " (1922). # I was surprised to find his
style evolve away from the deep postromantic world and the later
expressionism to simplicity and clarity. Since " Clothes Make People " is in
the comic opera genre, a delightful piece, its lightness of musical style is
to be expected. Yet ***it is fascinating that he should have composed it in
1910 when he was caught up in the Mahler idiom and about to compose his
Second String Quartet, the most powerful of his four quartets, a masterful
work in a single, unbroken movement. # The Lasalle Quartet's recording of the
four Zemlinsky Quartets (DGG 2741 016) is recommended. # " A Florentine
Tragedy " has a dramatic and emotional intensity as well as orchestral power
that suggest Strauss but the style is quite different and in certain ways,
more rhapsodic. The
(3) It was...that...should + V-infinitive
and that her doctor should encourage her to take the drugs. # " This was what
every 50-plus woman should do to prevent the disease of aging, " Dr.
Stefanick said. " They linked up a very beneficial product for treating
menopausal symptoms to the answer for treating all of a woman's aging
problems. " # Even when some observational studies indicated that estrogen,
and more so the combination of estrogen and progestin, might increase the
risk of breast cancer, doctors were not dissuaded. # " A lot of people
thought ***it was outrageous that women should worry about breast cancer risk
when the heart disease risk is so much higher, " Dr. Stefanick said. # Even
as some scientists and advocates for women began arguing that at least there
should be a more vigorous test of the estrogen hypothesis, it retained its
power. # Dr. Stefanick said that when the new study was being planned,
doctors and researchers said it was unethical because in the most rigorous
studies, a group of women would be taking placebos. They would be denied the
benefits of the
. Though being a woman will have one advantage. You'llbe the first on at the
airstrip, that's for sure. She nodded. She didn't know exactly what he meant
and yet she felt to admit this would embarrass them both, so she filed the
words away in her head: first on at the airstrip. The drink came to an end.
The man smiled and then looked right at her for a single, long minute as
though trying to memorize her face. I'll be fine, she said. ***It was odd
that he should be so concerned. It made her nervous--not about him but about
where she was, what she was doing. These were the earliest hours of the
earliest days, long before bullets or chopper rides, before anythingat all.
She said she'd be fine but she had no way of knowing if this would be the
case. She hadn't really thought there could be any other outcome, until now.
He took a deep breath. You're awfully young, he said, or maybe it's
(4) It was...that...should have V-pp
: "... all London society... needed the nervous relief of expressing emotion;
for if Mr. Lincoln were not what they said he was -- what were they? " If
Lincoln was not a nightmare, then they were supporters of slavery and
treason. If Bush is not a monster, then British anti-warriors are supporters
of dictatorship and mass murder. No wonder they were so excited. # # The
terror-bombing of the Riyadh housing complex that killed 18 people, all
Muslims, is not quite like the death of Leon Trotsky. ***It was terrible that
Trotsky should have been murdered in such a grisly fashion -- yet he was as
bloodthirsty and ignorant as Stalin, and hence no loss. The difference in the
Riyadh case is that the victims were ordinary civilians. Nevertheless, Saudi
Arabia's rulers have an opportunity, if they can tear themselves away from
their indulgences, to contemplate first-hand what they have wrought over so
many years. Perhaps self-interest will compel them to change in ways that
decency is powerless to do. # # Car-bombs, possibly set by al-Qaeda,
crew got off duty at various odd hours, depending on their section and
individual re sponsibilities, and nearly everyone felt the urge to unwind in
the lounge at one time or another. And whenever anyone stopped in for a drink
and some conversation, Guinan seemed to be there -- standing at her usual
place behind the bar, mixing drinks and distributing advice in small doses.
Of course, that was only an appearance. Guinan slept like everybody else.
Well, perhaps not exactly like everybody else. But she slept. So ***it was
unusual that she should have been around during the pre- " dawn " shift when
Pug Joseph swaggered into the lounge. He didn't look very healthy -- or very
happy. There were faint dark circles under his eyes and a pallor to his skin
that told Guinan he'd been drinking more than synthenol. She smiled and
prepared herself. As she'd expected, he made his way to the farthest table
from the bar -- a small set-up for two right by an observation port. When he
pulled out a chair,
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