您是否正在為女性企業家的培力訓練籌募資金?提醒您,「百合綻放新創學程」公開徵求提案將於4月12日截止收件!作為「2021台灣女性創業學院」的擴充,AIT正積極籌畫「百合綻放新創學程」配套獎助專案,提供入門級的商業培訓課程,協助台灣偏鄉地區的女性發展創業。如果您或您的組織具備客製商務教案的知識及能力,與建立女性創業人脈網絡的資源,歡迎向本會提交企畫書! 本專案的執行期間為2021年5月至2022年1月。更多相關資訊,請參考AIT 官方網站: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/zh-notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/。
Are you looking for funding to help your organization increase training opportunities for women entrepreneurs? This is a reminder that Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE) proposals are due on April 12! As an expansion of Academy for Women Entrepreneurs program, AIT is launching IWE, providing entry-level business trainings to help women in rural areas of Taiwan develop their businesses. If you or your organization is equipped with know-how and resources for customizing effective training workshops and fostering female entrepreneurial networks, don’t hesitate to submit your proposal to us! IWE’s implementation period will run from May 2021 through January 2022. Please visit AIT’s official website: https://www.ait.org.tw/notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/ for more information.
inspiring female entrepreneurs 在 McKinsey Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
On November 13th 2020, we kicked off our first Firm-wide Day of Service, an initiative to summon McKinsey colleagues around the world to contribute to social impact together. Within the Taipei office, over 80 colleagues joined in to participate, connect, and give back to society across four key themes: Reflect, Immerse, Build and Scale.
During “Reflect”, colleagues gathered through an in-house ideation program to jointly design Taipei Office’s social impact roadmap for the coming year. Together with the Chinese Childrenhome & Shelter Association, we hosted “Immerse”, a problem solving session together with the organization’s senior managers and social workers. We had delightful discussions during our “Build” business bootcamp with the Foundation of Women’s Rights and Development, for their Power of Women accelerator program to provide coaching on business concepts for Taiwan’s new residents who are also female entrepreneurs. In “Scale”, we also had the honor to engage with 40+ founders, executives and top managers from Teach for Taiwan, Junyi Academy, KIPP Inspired Schools in Taiwan, and One-Forty in a collision workshop, to jointly discuss the most pressing challenges in education and brainstorm potential solutions to collectively amplify social impact.
We are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with these inspiring nonprofits in Taiwan during our Day of Service, and we look forward to engaging in more social impact-related initiatives in the future.
2020年11月13日,麥肯錫世界各地舉行了第一次“服務日” (Day of Service),來自全球的同事在這一天放下手邊工作,共同參與公益服務。台北辦公室一共有超過80位同事參加,針對“反思、投入、建構、成長” 四大主題,一起為社會影響力貢獻心力。
我們在辦公室內進行了以“反思”為主題的發想計畫,共同擬定了麥肯錫台北辦公室未來一年的社會影響力發展藍圖。我們也與中華育幼機構兒童關懷協會共同舉辦“投入” 研討會,為組織內部的主管與社工們透過問題解決方法論,引導組織未來的營運方向。“建構”是我們與婦女權益促進發展基金會合作的商業訓練營,麥肯錫的顧問們與新住民女性創業家展開交流,並提供創業指導與建議。最後,我們也很榮幸邀請到來自為台灣而教、均一平台、誠致教育基金會、以及One-Forty超過40位的創辦人、執行團隊與高階主管,在教育影響力工作坊中的分享和對談中一起“成長”,共同探討台灣的教育議題以及提升各組織間合作綜效的長期策略。
inspiring female entrepreneurs 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
#IWD2020 #WomenAtBCG #EachforEqual
台灣距離亞太主要城市皆在五小時航程內。有許多人立足在這片土地上,同時正在亞太和全球發揮自己的影響力。BCG的大中華區學習與發展經理Ivy Wu昨天有幸和一群非常優秀的女性齊聚CAREhER國際婦女節論壇,分享她在職涯一路上遇到的抉擇,以及如何善用台灣人溝通和找資源的長才,幫助自己游刃有餘地因應各種挑戰。比如,面對這次疫情,每位BCG顧問入職前必經的一週訓練課程無法如期在上海舉行,Ivy在短時間內借鑑各地同事的經驗,尋求各部門的協助建置軟體、重整內容、融入遊戲元素,將所有課程搬到線上,成功完成滿意度極高的入職訓練,也成為BCG其他系統紛紛取經的對象。
Yesterday BCG Greater China’s Learning and Development Manager Ivy Wu joined CAREhER at their International Women’s Day forum on “APAC Based, Globally Minded” along with a lineup of amazing female entrepreneurs, authors, mentors and leaders. With Christina, Facebook’s Product Marketing Manager, Ivy shared how she made conscious choices throughout her career, and how she, amid the coronavirus outbreak, pulled resources together to move our week-long Greater China orientation training online and gained high satisfaction scores nonetheless.
Our Women@BCG representatives Kimberly Chen and Angela Hsu also shared their takeaways from the day:
“Positive attitude, persistence, self-reflections and growth mindset. These were the simple but powerful messages the diverse panel of speakers at the CAREhER Women’s Day Forum spelled out. It was inspiring and encouraging to see from these female leaders how self-empowerment and grit play a key role in a radiant life and career.”
Photo credit: CAREhER