Some people are sincerely looking for truth, while others are just looking for attention.
You must learn to discern the intentions of people so that you know who to give your time to, and who to just pray for from a distance.
Your time is too precious to waste on toxic individuals who are just looking for attention and wanting to pick a fight to spread their negativity.
Quickly cut direct contact with such people, and just pray for them from afar, that the Lord will transform and provide abundant grace for them.
Instead, walk with the wise ones who love the Gospel of Jesus Christ—those with an active faith who bring you closer to the things of God, inspiring you to live a godly life.
It is to your benefit to find a friend like that, and it is the gift of God to build you up. Iron sharpens irons. A godly friend will turn you into a polished blade, fit for the Master’s use.
As for those who are unsure about God’s word but show a sincere desire and commitment to grow in the knowledge of the Gospel, give such people a helping hand, giving useful pointers to guide them in the right direction. Help whoever you can, as the Holy Spirit leads you.
We all deal with people daily, so you need wisdom to apportion your time. Time is precious—use it well!
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