👍🏻 Best & Joyous thing on Sundays...
🎵 Sing 🗣 Praise 🙌🏻 Worship 🙏🏻
🎼 You were faithful then, You’ll be #FaithfulNow … ✝️
👉🏻 C u next Sunday https://www.islandecc.hk 👈🏻
Thx @jeffcaylor @islandecc , all the talented musicians & the production team for the dedication! Love #worshiping with u all 👏🏻
#B琦歌手 #愛樂癡女 #你我都是 #行走的樂器 Sing Your Heart Out HK #B琦抱抱
#LoveYourNeighbour #singforhope #singforhim #singforpeace #singforjoy
islandecc 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
係生命當中 遇到同行者,彼此學習,彼此激勵 💪🏻
還是你自己收埋 ?
快樂是 能夠坦誠分享 ,搵到能夠同你分享心底話嘅人 ,要好好珍惜🙌🏻
感恩 昨晚非常嘅即興 同教會弟兄姊妹 一齊食飯,一齊分享近況 ,一齊禱告 🙌🏻
感恩 今日同姨媽 一齊返教會 ,一齊為家人 為舅父禱告 ❤️
他向你所要的是甚麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的 神同行。 ( #彌迦書 6:8)
( #Micah 6:8) He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the #LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love #mercy , and to #walk #humbly with thy God?
@islandecc #whatsgood
#islandecc #walkwithgod
#act #love #walk
#感恩 #珍惜 #禱告時光
#教會 #弟兄姊妹 #以馬內利
#與神同行 #信 #望 #愛
islandecc 在 Esther Sham 沈依紅 Facebook 的最讚貼文
What is more meaningful to do during summer vacation than to bring my boys to mission trip? Praise Our Father for filling my family with such abundant love that we could spread to others in need. All praise & glory to Him. _________________________________________________ #familymissiontrip #godislove #jinlun #金崙 #taitung #台東 @islandecc @suntan_hk @icarus_w @ 金崙~多良海岸