錄這集的時候覺得有些難過 😢
I felt quite sad while recording this episode…
It's not my first time doing an episode on natural disasters, but somehow this hit me harder…
這不是我第一次做關於自然災害的一集, 但不知為何這次對我的打擊比較深...
I hope you will still enjoy it!
If not...there will always be the next episode! 😄
Greece wildfires: 史無前例大規模野火肆虐希臘
🔥 希臘野火狀況 & 救援努力
🔥 其他地方也在燃燒
🔥 UN 氣候報告
🔥 Gobble / gobble up 用法
#時事英文 #時事英文podcast
所有收聽連結 👉 https://ssyingwen.com/ssep44/
👉 希臘一週內就發僧了 500+ 起野火事件
The Guardian : 586 fires had erupted in the past week in all corners of Greece…
👉 Unprecedented 史無前例的
希臘總理 Kyriakos Mitsotakis 說:我們正在面對一場規模空前的自然災害。A natural disaster of unprecedented dimensions.”
👉 Apocalyptic 世界末日的
一名遊客告訴 BBC: 如一場世界末日電影一樣
BBC News : Standing under red skies, one tourist on Evia described the scenes as like an "apocalyptic movie"
it's my first time用法 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
【本日單字:dining guide & travel guide】part 11
飯店房裡的 travel guide ,也能給您更多當地旅遊景點的資訊喔!先規劃好路線,才能玩得更盡興,又安全!同樣的, travel guide 也是我們本日介紹的另一個新字,意思則為「旅遊指南」!
那麼各位現在是不是已經充分地理解,guide 在生活中是處處可見的了呢?不過回歸今日的主題,我們還是要再次向各位強調,dining guide ,當「吃飯」加上「指南」,就成了「飲食指南」。travel guide ,而「旅遊」碰到「指南」,當然也就是「旅遊指南」囉。是不是很一目了然呢?
最重要的部分來了:請跟老師練習 dining guide ,還有 travel guide 的英文發音及用法吧!和前幾天不同的是,這次的新字,並沒有中文的諧音字可以模仿,因此請多加練習,才能說的流利。
關於 dining guide 這個字,我們也一樣可以用右列的中文字來發音: 「呆寧-蓋德」英文的對照: dining-guide
相信對有在持續鎖定我們單元的朋友來說,這樣的唸法只是「一片蛋糕」, a piece of cake !而且還能告訴老師,另一個新字 travel guide ,也一定是「某某」加上「蓋德」對吧?
的確如此,我們請看下方的中文字發音組合吧!我們對於 travel guide 的唸法會近似於右方的中文字喔:「崔佛-蓋德」
英文的對照: travel-guide
至於要如何運用 dining guide 及 travel guide 在生活會話中呢?請看我們的舉隅:
Rick: Hey, I'm going to fly to Shanghai tomorrow! It's my first time traveling to China!
Avon: Oh. Then you need to take a travel guide with you. For your reference, I mean.
Rick: I see. And should I buy a dining guide to Shanghai, too?
Avon: Not really necessary. But you'd better bring enough money. None of the restaurants is cheap.
嗯,其實今天所介紹的 dining guide 與 travel guide ,也可以算是「食記」和「遊記」的一種。但是在中文與英文的轉換之間,往往都會存有兩種語言的差異。因此如果真要找一個完全百分之百等同於中文「食記」或「遊記」的詞,在美語裡面還真是找不到呢。
New Word of the Day ,祝大家學的多,記的快!
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
it's my first time用法 在 人助旅行與助人旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
● 國際經驗:
首先我認為最重要的是真心相待,和在台灣交朋友其實是一樣的, 並不只是因為他們是外國人而有新鮮感,純粹想要練英文等等, 真心相待指的是有一顆想要深入了解的好奇心,想要和他們當朋友。
剛開始我真的也不知道要和他們聊什麼, 除了害怕自己英文說得不夠好,用法錯誤, 和不同文化的朋友剛開始相處我真的有點緊張, 我不知道到底去哪裡或者什麼話題能夠引起他們的興趣, 所以剛開始我只是絞盡腦汁安排每天新鮮的行程, 以免他們覺得無聊。
後來我在相處模式之中了解到, 原來我們是天南地北什麼都能聊啊! 一些句子或詞的語言交換學習(你教他一些中文, 他也教你一些他們語言的句子), 從小時候聊到大學的生活(朋友,學校,家庭等等), 或者一起分享一些喜歡的音樂, 一起去電影院看一場電影(但是電影院都只有中文字幕....), 到街上逛逛街,去台灣各個地方旅行(即使你並不了解那個地方也沒關係),去小酒館喝一杯, 一起去打球運動, 談論一些其他共同朋友的趣事, 甚至連未來連夢想連你最近的煩惱都可以聊。
因此我覺得...當然他們好不容易來到了台灣, 絕對有一些是必要嘗試的事物(觀光景點,美食), 但是除此之外, 體驗每天你認為再平凡不過的事物, 不只認識台灣, 也讓他們了解你這個朋友, 這是我對於真心交流的定義。
First of all, the most important is you have to make sure you want to become a friend with him or her. The reason is not because they're foreigners and you want to improve your English by talking to them. If you want to make foreign friends you must be curious about everything, including their culture, life and special personality.
At first, I don't know how to interact with them. One of the reasons is because I'm not sure if my English is good enough...Then I try to find and figure out some interesting topics and places to visit.
However, I start to realize...there are too many topics that we can share or talk
For example, I can show how to speak some Chinese, and they can tell me how to speak some interesting words in their language. We start to talk about our life from childhood to now, and family, friends, school. We share some good songs or singers each other or go to cinema to see a movie(btw, there's only Chinese subtitle in Taiwan....), go shopping, go traveling, exercise, have a drink...even we can talk about our dreams, future or even share something that you're worried about.
Of course, they must experience something special in Taiwan, but except these experiences, the best way to understand each other totally is share about your common and daily life. Because they are not only foreigners, but also your friends.
第一個我面對的困難是自己口說和聽力上的問題, 我覺得自己英文的口說能力還無法到達出神入化, 隨便就能侃侃而談的境界, 不過如果你對於你想要表達的再多做一些簡單的解釋,用你能夠使用的簡單的句子表達大概的意思就可以了, 另外是英文聽力的問題, 我覺得每個國家都會有每個國家的口音, 和外國朋友們聊天時我常常會很難理解他們講了一長串是再講什麼?後來我才發現原來有些詞或者音調的發音是和我們不同的, 這點真的很難克服, 不過如果相處了一段時間以上就會覺得好一點...雖然還是常常聽不懂
One of my difficulties is to prove my speaking and listening skills. Most of time, I can't express clearly and well, but I try to find some easy words or ways to express my feeling. Next is about the English listening problem. Especially the accent problem is still hard for me. It's difficult to understand what are they talking about...so I always misunderstand. Then I realize...the problem is because their pronunciations of some words are totally different....(I don't know why...) Even until now, I still can't find a way to solve this problem...but I think if you try to practice often (talk and listen), it will be helpful.
第二個困難是我發現自己不夠深入了解台灣, 甚至是自己待的這個城市,就像有一次他們問我關於中藥的問題, What is it? well...A kind of....vegetable 居然自己連中文都無法理解的一種東西, 居然還要用英文解釋! 突然就會發現自己知識貧瘠, 這個解決的方法大概就是突然開始抱佛腳...請教google了
The other difficulty is... I don't really understand or I need to know more about Taiwan even I'm a Taiwanese. Once my friend asked me a question about Chinese medicine. He: What is it? Then..I just said...well...A kind of vegetable...
It is a Chinese word, but I have no idea about it...and the worst feeling is...I need to explain and translate it in English! The only solution is...maybe google it.
有很多很多地方是真的彼此都有感覺到一些文化衝擊, 不過我們都同意這是沒有對錯找不到答案的, 例如有個外國朋友問我:為什麼台灣的摩托車有些都改的看起來很閃亮又華麗? 為什麼可以不用停紅綠燈?
My friends and I face many culture shocks, but we all know there's no answer or solution.
For instance, one of my foreign friends asked me: Why some motorcycles in Taiwan look weird but shiny? Why traffic light is just a reference...Taiwanese don't care about it...?
中藥的話,我都會說是Chinese medicine 或是 Chinese herb :P
我有幸遇到好多個熱愛自己國家的人,讓我看到原來一個愛自己土地的人,才是最有魅力,最獨一無二的人,我也發現越想要擺脫自己的文化的泥土,穿上外來強勢文化的便宜Tshirt的人 (有時候還不便宜!),才是最無聊最平庸的人。
如果你,也有經驗想要分享,或是你有某個朋友,對這個議題很有想法,歡迎到這裡來跟大家分享你的人助旅行經驗。到這裡 (http://4fun.tw/eID7) 告訴大家,你是如何交朋友、玩世界!