【 Humans of New York 致杜林普:你才是充滿仇恨的人 !】
近日,知名臉書專頁Humans of New York的攝影師 Brandon Stanton,對美國共和黨總統候選人Donald Trump發出公開信,對其種族主義傾向予以嚴厲抨擊,在信中,他強調面對杜林普不斷挑起民眾對於穆斯林的恐懼與偏見,他再也不能沉默忍受。
公開信發佈至今,已經獲得近90000個分享。作為臉書上著名的專頁,Humans of New York創立至今已經六年,攝影師 Brandon Stanton用他自己的鏡頭,記錄紐約形形色色的人的故事,他沒有專業的攝影器材,也不是專業的攝影師,只是願意聆聽普通人的故事,記錄下他們的樣子搭配短短對話,勾勒出這座大城市的眾生群像。
(圖片來自Humans of New York,是Brandonc曾經拍攝過的一個女孩。這個來自伊拉克難民營的女孩Aya數次被美國拒絕入境,但她一直在努力用法律來維護自己的權益,作者希望大家一起來關心這個流離失所的難民女孩和她的故事。)
An Open Letter to Donald Trump:
Mr. Trump,
I try my hardest not to be political. I’ve refused to interview several of your fellow candidates. I didn’t want to risk any personal goodwill by appearing to take sides in a contentious election. I thought: ‘Maybe the timing is not right.’ But I realize now that there is no correct time to oppose violence and prejudice. The time is always now. Because along with millions of Americans, I’ve come to realize that opposing you is no longer a political decision. It is a moral one.
I’ve watched you retweet racist images. I’ve watched you retweet racist lies. I’ve watched you take 48 hours to disavow white supremacy. I’ve watched you joyfully encourage violence, and promise to ‘pay the legal fees’ of those who commit violence on your behalf. I’ve watched you advocate the use of torture and the murder of terrorists’ families. I’ve watched you gleefully tell stories of executing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig blood. I’ve watched you compare refugees to ‘snakes,’ and claim that ‘Islam hates us.’
I am a journalist, Mr. Trump. And over the last two years I have conducted extensive interviews with hundreds of Muslims, chosen at random, on the streets of Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan. I’ve also interviewed hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi refugees across seven different countries. And I can confirm— the hateful one is you.
Those of us who have been paying attention will not allow you to rebrand yourself. You are not a ‘unifier.’ You are not ‘presidential.’ You are not a ‘victim’ of the very anger that you’ve joyfully enflamed for months. You are a man who has encouraged prejudice and violence in the pursuit of personal power. And though your words will no doubt change over the next few months, you will always remain who you are.
Brandon Stanton
#端傳媒 #美國總統大選