04/14/2020【Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在】# 119
《爵士防疫特輯 Vol. 1》:獻給靈魂的爵士樂
Te Acuerdas/Francisco Céspedes
因為新冠病毒的影響, 許多音樂家和表演藝術工作者都面臨到了演出被取消或延期的狀況。不只是身體抗疫, 此時在心理層面所面臨的挑戰, 更是許多自由工作者近年來感到最堅難的時刻!因此【Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在】特別在本月為大家策劃了一系列的《爵士防疫》主題, 讓大家在這段期間依舊能由好聽的爵士樂, 陪伴每一位受到影響的朋友!
第一週將為大家播出「Jazz for Your Soul」特輯, 以許多動人的慢板內心戲爵士歌曲來撫慰大家的心靈, 每首都聲聲療癒, 睡前使用極具療效, 需準時服用的朋友請按時收聽喔!
本週播放曲目 :
1. The Heart Of A Child/ Enrico Pieranunzi, Marc Johnson, Joey Baron - Ballads
2. American dreams/ Charlie Haden with Michael Brecker - American dreams
3. While My Lady Sleeps/ Phineas Newborn Jr. - While My Lady Sleeps
4. People Time/ Stan Getz & Kenny Barron - People Time
5. They Say It's Wonderful/ John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman - John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman
6. So this is Love/ Billy Strayhorn - Dianne Reeves
7. But Beautiful/ Art Pepper-Friday Night At The Village Vanguard
8.《雲端唱片行》Solamente una vez/ Francisco Céspedes - Te acuerdas
【Jazz Supreme 爵士.無所不在】
每週二晚上 8:00pm 首播 (每週日晚上 11:00pm 重播)
台北 Bravo FM91.3 首播時間:04月14日 (二) 20:00
台北 Bravo FM91.3 重播時間:04月19日 (日) 23:00
台中 Classical 古典音樂台 FM97.7:04月17日 (五) 23:00
♫♫ 收聽方式♫♫
1. 廣播電台-大台北地區 BRAVO FM91.3台中地區 Classical 古典音樂台 FM97.7
2. PC收聽 https://goo.gl/Y5oOcK
3. 手機收聽 https://goo.gl/NCxYKV
4. 經典重聽 https://goo.gl/3PwCi5
#JazzSupreme #爵士無所不在 #BravoFM91.3 #VincentHsu #徐崇育 Vincent Hsu Calice Chen BRAVO FM91.3 台北/都會/音樂 Classical FM97.7 古典音樂台
johnson for newborn 在 Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 Facebook 的精選貼文
Egan 7 week diary:
I’ve learned how to kick and push with my legs. Sumo squats and lunges are my next move.
I’ve decided to give my parents a little break by sleeping up to 4 hours at night. In the future, they better repay me back with a little brother or sister to play with or I’m peeing on dad again.
我決定讓我爸爸媽媽晚上的時候可以一次睡4個小時。未來, 希望他們會給我一個弟弟或妹妹來陪我玩,不然我又要再尿尿在我老爸身上了。
I’ve discovered mirrors. Damn I look GOOOOOOD.
I can see further now and have started to look at people directly into their eyes. Add the occasional smile and I’m the center of attention in ANY room. It works like a charm with the ladies.
I’ve outgrown my newborn clothing and am now wearing some very stylish and fashionable outerwear.
I can lift up my big ole’ noggin (ie. my head) for a few seconds at a time now. Give it a few more weeks and my neck muscles are going to make Dwayne The Rock Johnson jealous.
I can have “conversations” now, mostly consisting of “oooh” “ahh” “AH” “hmmm” “haaa” “ho” “huunnnn” and occasionally, when I feel like dropping the mic on everybody: “hellooooo”. THAT shuts everyone up.
It’s been confirmed. I have good genes. Of course, my parents have blessed me with strong facial muscles (perfect for making faces), long legs (for a 7 week old), and a fabulous hairline, but even more importantly, they have literally given me good genes. My genetics test has come back and so far so good! I know my parents, like most parents, were a bit nervous about various genetic disorders that can arise in any baby, so I’m glad they did my genetics test with Bionet. When all’s well, it gives them some peace of mind. And if something did pop up in the results, it would give them a chance to look into it as early as possible. Now, they can focus on other important things, like the color and texture of my poop and what kind of girlfriend I’m going to bring home in the future.
確定了,我有很好的基因。沒錯,我爸爸媽媽給了我很強的臉部肌肉(最適合做鬼臉)、給了我一雙長腿(以一個7周大的人來講,我應該是名模),還有帥氣的髮際線 。但是最重要的是他們也給了我健康的基因。我的訊聯生技/訊聯臍帶血銀行 基因檢查報告回來了,然後幸好目前都沒有問題。我知道天底下的每一位爸爸媽媽包括我的父母,都很擔心自己的寶寶會不會有任何的遺傳性疾病,所以我很開心他們願意幫我做檢查。至少他們現在心中卸下一顆大石頭,而且如果真的報告中有看到什麼問題,至少都還有機會及早處理!現在,我的爸媽可以更專注在其他的也很重要的事,比如:我大便的顏色跟觸感,還有未來我會帶哪種女朋友回家⋯⋯等等。
George Young
photo by: 宋子凡攝影工作室