【民主進步黨 31 週年黨慶外交使節酒會 蔡英文主席致詞全文】
Members of the diplomatic community distinguished guests good afternoon!
Nine years ago I took the chairpersonship of the Democratic Progressive Party for the first time. As many of you may know in the same year the party had just lost the 2008 presidential election.
To rebuild the people’s trust in the DPP I launched a small-donor campaign. I asked the public for their support so that we could get back on our feet again and become a viable opposition party.
I knew regaining the public’s confidence would take time so I didn’t expect the response to come quickly. Within a month a lady who earned a living by washing dishes sent us an envelope. There was 20000 dollars and a note inside. The note said: “I ask for nothing in return but your party to safeguard the sovereignty of Taiwan”.
There were tens of thousands of people like her. They came from all walks of life generously pledging their support for the DPP. They felt strongly about the democratic values the party stood for. They believed the DPP is a force capable of moving Taiwan forward once again.
Today I am here commemorating the 31st anniversary of the DPP with you in my capacity as Taiwan’s ruling party. I am pleased to have the opportunity to say we are delivering on those expectations. We have not shied away from the momentous responsibilities placed upon us.
Since my election I have completed pension reform a task previous administrations were not able to achieve. The number of social housing throughout Taiwan is rapidly increasing. Our long-term care plan is gradually benefitting more and more seniors.
One of our most critical pieces of legislation the forward-looking infrastructure plan has passed. At the same time we are also working to reform the military the judiciary and the tax system.
Our economy is improving too. Export orders have seen 12 consecutive months of growth. GDP growth has exceeded past expectations. Following the announcement of public sector wage increases the private sector is also following suit. The unemployment rate in August was 3.76 per cent the lowest it had been in 26 months.
In addition to this we have taken steadfast and pragmatic steps to broaden Taiwan’s international space and strengthen relations with countries around the world.
Of particular importance are Taiwan’s diplomatic allies. We are grateful to the 15 countries that voiced their support for Taiwan at the UN General Assembly earlier this month. We are determined to work with all diplomatic allies in order to more effectively support their development.
For like-minded countries we are furthering trade and investment ties as well as cooperation on issues like innovation green energy and science and technology. We have kept in close communication regarding the shared security challenges in the region.
Another one of our foreign policy priorities is the New Southbound Policy. We have worked tirelessly for Taiwan to play a greater role in the region particularly in areas of trade investment education tourism and culture.
We’re seeing the dividends of such efforts. Tourism from New Southbound countries has increased by 36.7% from the year prior. Trade is up 19.39%. The number of students from these countries has also increased by almost 10%. All of this has brought Taiwan and New Southbound countries closer together.
Taiwan would not be where it is today without support from international society. The countries you represent have walked with Taiwan along our journey towards a democracy. Together we have witnessed Taiwan’s transition from a net-recipient to a contributor around the world.
Today it is undeniable that Taiwan is an active member of the international community. I’m sure that our efforts in health education human rights regional security and climate change have not gone unnoticed around the world.
In fact we recently released our very first Voluntary National Review documenting our efforts for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In the coming years Taiwan’s international participation will continue to face many challenges. Taiwan deserves your support so that as a partner we can contribute to a safer healthier and more prosperous global community.
I started this speech with a story of how one step at a time the DPP regained the trust and confidence of the people.
This story is also relevant for Taiwan’s international situation. Only through continued support from international society even if it is incremental can Taiwan play a greater role around the world.
We have already made our intentions clear. Taiwan is ready to work with each of your countries to create a more democratic secure and prosperous international society. I hope that you will also be willing to work with Taiwan for a better joint future.
I would like to thank you all for coming today. Let us raise our glasses to cheer for our continued friendship. Cheers! Thank you!
joint space中文 在 MedPartner 美的好朋友 Facebook 的最讚貼文
😍😘😋 會幸福吧,看到的人(?)😋😘😍
今天農曆情人節,我們特別邀請到荷蘭朋友當特別來賓(?)在這個特別的日子做 model 來幫你預習今天晚上的表面解剖學 >///< (認真)不管今晚是跟你的戀人,還是你的右手共度,都要好好認識一下自己的身體喔!
❤️ 胸鎖乳突肌:從耳後顳骨的乳突部,沿著頸部下滑,撫摸你的胸鎖乳突肌,直到鎖骨頭的位置。短短十幾公分,是我轉頭望向你的距離。
❤️ 心尖搏動觸診區:輕輕地把你的手放在這。你知道摸這個位置,最能感受到我強烈的心跳嗎?
❤️ McBurney’s Point:你隨時可以從背後摟上我,緊緊環繞我的腰腹,在耳邊對我呢喃,直到我闌尾發炎的那天。
❤️ 肱三頭肌和肱二頭肌:只有在你的三頭肌和二頭肌之間選擇時,我才曾經對你三心二意。
❤️ 肱骨的尺神經溝:今晚你可以抽打我身上的每個部位,讓我臣服於你。但這裡不要。因為會麻。(對不起好像口味太重orz… )
今天為了敦親睦鄰,放上荷蘭標槍選手的肌肉,東西方同慶祝農曆的情人節,但別忘記我們家鄭兆村擲出 91 公尺 36 破亞洲紀錄,才是本屆正港的標槍王者喔!
■ 解剖說明
○ 胸鎖乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid muscle:轉頭時會用到的肌肉。 Muscle that rotates your head laterally.
○ 心尖搏動觸診區 Plpation area for apex beat:正常位於第五肋間與鎖骨中線交界處。但若有心臟肥大等異常狀況,則可能偏離該處。It is located at 5th intercostal space within midclavicular line in normal individuals. Might be displace if there conditions such as cardiomegaly.
○ McBurney’s Point:肚臍與右側前上髂棘連線,下三分之一處。為闌尾炎患者肚子常出現壓痛的部位。It is located at one-third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus.
○ 肱三頭肌和肱二頭肌 Biceps brachii muscle and triceps brachii muscle:使關節彎曲與伸直。Flex and extend the elbow joint.
○ 肱骨的尺神經溝 Groove for ulnar nerve:位在肱骨遠端靠內側處。尺神經通過此處,因此不小心撞到時,常常會覺得手掌小指側又痛又麻。 Located at the medial side of the distal humerus. Accidentally bumping that location would cause numbness and pain over the medial side of the palm, since ulnar nerve is impacted.
圖為荷蘭田徑選手 Lars Timmerman(標槍)
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