❤️5 段恆溫選擇~日系電熱水壺
最近學人追星沉迷睇劇😆,原本以汽水薯片相伴,但過咗一排發覺要追睇嘅嘢實在太多🤭,長久飲糖水食junk food唔對路,最後還是要沖返杯養生花茶陪住煲劇先係明智選擇!
沖茶就一定少不了一個茶壺,但我最近發覺直接用「Rasonic Kettle電熱水壺」嚟泡花茶啱哂,呢個水壺嘅好處係有2種加熱模式,除咗可以煲水, 水滾後恆温喺所選温度之外,亦可以加入飲用水加熱至所選温度,而且仲有5段恆温選擇 👉🏻 40°C / 60°C / 85°C / 90°C / 100°C 💪🏻 唔好以為佢外型簡約就等於簡陋,壺身有個電子顯示板,喺可以顯示實時水温㗎,咁就可以掌握到沖泡嘅水温度啦~
至於安全性方面,佢嘅防乾燒保護裝置都好合我心意,當感測到水量不足時,就會自動斷電,而且水壺可以360度多向式擺放,提起同放置都好就手,座枱亦好穩陣,容量更有1.5 升之多,滿足哂一家人日常需要。
#Rasonic #Kettle #恆温電熱水壺 #RKYKK15 #特有5段恆温選擇 #泡茶沖奶 #花茶
junk food好處 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
第一位 雪糕
第二位 即食麵
第三位 薯條、炸雞
第四位 珍珠奶茶
第五位 麻辣火鍋
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Leaderboard of secret pregnancy food
Eating and drinking healthy is important for both the mother and baby during pregnancy, and every expecting woman knows that. Yet, as humans, there are times we find it hard to resist certain temptations.
Indulging in certain unhealthy foods can make pregnant moms happy, but sometimes, they feel guilty as well. Nevertheless, it is all alright to enjoy this guilty pleasure once in a blue moon if it helps to relieve pregnancy stress.
No.1 Ice cream
According to Chinese Medicine theories, ice cream is a type of raw and cold food, and that harms the yang energy, spleen, and the stomach. Besides, contamination could happen easily if not stored properly, especially for soft serve, where bacteria can grow and infect a person with listeria. If pregnant moms wish to enjoy ice cream during this warm summer, it is best to opt for hard ice creams that are sold in cups.
No.2 Instant noodles
We all know instant noodles are high in fats, sodium, and low in nutrients, yet we just cannot resist this temptation. Nevertheless, avoid taking instant noodles as your regular meal!
No.3 French fries and fried chicken
Crispy and delicious French fries and fried chicken are the epitome of junk food. No matter how delicious they are, avoid eating them. If you insist, just order a set and share them with someone else.
No.4 Bubble milk tea
Cold beverages and milk tea are big no-no’s for pregnant moms, but since bubble milk tea stores are all over, it is hard for us to ignore them! If the craving kicks in, order a cup with fresh milk tea with less sugar, less bubbles and no ice to make it less unhealthy.
No.5 Spicy hotpot
“Can we harm the fetus by eating spicy food?” Many people wonder about this. It all depends on the pregnant moms’ body constitutions and the health of their intestines and stomachs. Hotpot could cause heat to accumulate in the body, so remember to drink a cup of herbal tea to clear the heat.
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#女 #孕婦
junk food好處 在 Suetleimama 雪梨媽媽 Facebook 的最佳解答
今胎一直很注意飲食,既養生又避免junk food。除了我同BB都增重理想,另一好處就是 #byebye水腫!
早兩天突然想起,上胎腫到後期連婚戒也戴不下哦... 今胎快足月也完全沒有水腫問題,不過偶爾也有喝 #紅豆水 去去水!
重溫我的 #懷孕飲食要訣 - https://bit.ly/2sMboUr