相片中是位於鹿特丹的方塊屋。方塊屋是由傾斜45度的立方體所組成的一整排房子,設計師Piet Blom表示方塊屋的設計意念來自於樹,每一間房子代表一棵樹,所有的房子集合起來就是一片森林。
鹿特丹的建築甚具風格,除了可以去Kinderdijk 看風車,可以預留時間在市區走走,建築迷一定會很喜歡的。
注:前往Kinderdijk最簡單的方法是乘坐202號水上巴士。從鹿特丹出發,車程大約30分鐘。 但要留意202號巴士的班次十分疏落,每個班次之間相隔兩小時。
This is the Cube Houses in Rotterdam, which is a series of 45-degree cubic houses combining together. The houses were designed by Piet Blom, who got the inspiration from the nature. The idea being that each house represents a tree and the combination of all houses therefore represents a forest.
Rotterdam has its unique architecture style. If you like modern architecture, in addition to visit the windmills of the Kinderdijk, you should also take some time time to hang around this area.
Note: The easiest way to get to Kinderdijk is to take the 202 waterline. The trip is about 30 minutes from Rotterdam. The schedule for Line 202 is not frequent (around 2 hours per ride).
Alternatively, you could take line 20 to Driehoeksveer and take another ferry to Kinderdijk. Make sure you are on the right boat because the the port is very crowded and in chaos. (We took the wrong ship as we did not hear the wasterbus no. from the crew.)