Galette des rois 系列之三 - Galette de l'Égalité(#平等之餅)& galette de la Liberté(#自由之餅)(English below)
大家現在已經清楚,法國在主顯節當天分享國王派的習俗,知道拿到小瓷偶(fève)的人可以戴上紙做的皇冠,#當一天的國王。但是,自從 1789 年的法國大革命(la Révolution française)之後,雖然仍有短暫的拿破崙稱帝(法蘭西第一帝國)、路易拿破崙復辟(法蘭西第二帝國)與被納粹德國佔領的時期,但基本上皇帝與貴族階級的合法性與控制優勢皆江河日下,逐漸走入歷史的灰燼。在法國大革命之後,又被稱為「jour des Rois」(中文翻譯為「三王來朝日」)、且必須選出國王的主顯節,自然顯得很不合時宜,因此在大革命期間與之後一段時間內,國王派被改稱為「galette de l'Égalité」(平等之餅)或「galette de la Liberté」(自由之餅),原本餅中間藏的小瓷偶是嬰兒耶穌造型,也被改為當時共和黨人中流行的紅色錐形帽「bonnet phrygien」(註)。
雖說傳統習俗最後戰勝了政治力量,法國人一直到現在都在主顯節時切分國王派、並決定當日的國王,但是,#每年在法國總統府切分的國王派卻是沒有小瓷偶的,因為 #現在的法蘭西共和國內再也沒有國王跟皇室了,#人們選出的是公僕。
照片中是巴黎 Pierre Hermé Paris 的甜點櫥窗,今年 Pierre Hermé 推出了三款主顯節商品,其中有兩個國王派:一個以大師的招牌風味組合「Mogador」為主題,包含百香果風味的杏仁奶餡、炙烤鳳梨與水果風味的甘納許;另一個則是經典的杏仁為。最後則是榛果帕林內(praliné noisette)的布里歐許國王蛋糕。三款中都藏有與珠寶品牌 Messika 合作設計的小瓷偶,還有抽出 12 組的限量手鍊送給幸運的消費者。
📌 註解:「bonnet phrygien」:佛里幾亞帽。法國大革命時期,人們相信古羅馬的獲釋奴隸會佩戴佛里幾亞帽,這種帽子因此成為自由的象徵,此含義一直沿用到今天。佛里幾亞帽又被稱為自由之帽,出現在許多拉美國家的國徽中。(wikipedia)
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2020 我為大家品嚐了哪些國王派:
2018 年國王派精選:
As we know, the French is sharing a galette des rois (King cake / Epiphany cake) among family and friends on Epiphany (6th of January) each year, and the one who’s got the slice with a hidden fève, originally a dried bean but now usually a small porcelaine token, gets a paper crown and name his queen or her king. During a short period after the French Revolution, since the monarchy was overthrown and the people took control of the government, the galette des rois and the custom of making one king/queen of the day became inappropriate, thus the galette was renamed as “galette d’Égalité” (cake of equality) or “galette de la Liberté” (cake of freedom), and the fève, often a baby Jesus figuring back then, was replaced as a bonnet phrygien, the symbol of French republicans during the Revolution.
Although at the end traditions triumphed the political arrangements that the French still celebrate the “jour des Rois” (“the day of Three Kings”, Epiphany) and let chance decide the king/queen that day, the galette shared at Élysée Palace (the French presidential palace) does not hide a fève inside. Because in the present day France, nobody will be the King and people get to choose and vote for their president.
Tomorrow is an extremely important day for Taiwanese people not only because it’s the day when we vote for our own president, but also because it’s when the people get to express their opinions freely, which is unique in Chinese-speaking world. We have no king, are not controlled by a authoritarian government, and people have equal right to vote (Time magazine calls Taiwan as “the last free place in the Chinese-speaking world). Unfortunately I won’t be able to get back to Taiwan to vote this time, but I hope wholeheartedly that we, the Taiwanese will be able to preserve its democracy and the values that we all cherish without fears.
Please do go vote tomorrow! Vote, so that you and your children could still enjoy freedom in the future. Vote, so that you only need to worry which galette you should take but are not left with the sole option to consume.
📌 The photo features the Epiphany collection of Pierre Hermé Paris this year. Two galettes and one brioche des rois are listed. Besides a classic "Infiniment Amandes" ("infinite almonds") option, in the galette "Mogador", the almond cream is flavored with the passion fruit. Roasted pineapple and milk chocolate ganache further enriched its texture and flavorful acidity. The brioche has transformed the traditional version into one with rich hazelnut praliné, smooth, crunchy and lightly caramelized at the same time. Collaborating with Pierre Hermé, Messika jewelry has designed the elegant fève and is now holding a lucky draw for 12 bracelets to give away to the lucky ones.
🔖 More about Epiphany and galette des rois:
The origin and traditions of sharing a galette des rois on Epiphany:
Galettes that I tasted for you in 2020:
The 2018 selection of galettes des rois:
#yingspastryguide #galettedesrois2020 #galettedesrois #paris
king cake origin 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
Galette des rois 系列之三 - Galette de l'Égalité(#平等之餅)& galette de la Liberté(#自由之餅)(English below)
大家現在已經清楚,法國在主顯節當天分享國王派的習俗,知道拿到小瓷偶(fève)的人可以戴上紙做的皇冠,#當一天的國王。但是,自從 1789 年的法國大革命(la Révolution française)之後,雖然仍有短暫的拿破崙稱帝(法蘭西第一帝國)、路易拿破崙復辟(法蘭西第二帝國)與被納粹德國佔領的時期,但基本上皇帝與貴族階級的合法性與控制優勢皆江河日下,逐漸走入歷史的灰燼。在法國大革命之後,又被稱為「jour des Rois」(中文翻譯為「三王來朝日」)、且必須選出國王的主顯節,自然顯得很不合時宜,因此在大革命期間與之後一段時間內,國王派被改稱為「galette de l'Égalité」(平等之餅)或「galette de la Liberté」(自由之餅),原本餅中間藏的小瓷偶是嬰兒耶穌造型,也被改為當時共和黨人中流行的紅色錐形帽「bonnet phrygien」(註)。
雖說傳統習俗最後戰勝了政治力量,法國人一直到現在都在主顯節時切分國王派、並決定當日的國王,但是,#每年在法國總統府切分的國王派卻是沒有小瓷偶的,因為 #現在的法蘭西共和國內再也沒有國王跟皇室了,#人們選出的是公僕。
照片中是巴黎 Pierre Hermé Paris 的甜點櫥窗,今年 Pierre Hermé 推出了三款主顯節商品,其中有兩個國王派:一個以大師的招牌風味組合「Mogador」為主題,包含百香果風味的杏仁奶餡、炙烤鳳梨與水果風味的甘納許;另一個則是經典的杏仁為。最後則是榛果帕林內(praliné noisette)的布里歐許國王蛋糕。三款中都藏有與珠寶品牌 Messika 合作設計的小瓷偶,還有抽出 12 組的限量手鍊送給幸運的消費者。
📌 註解:「bonnet phrygien」:佛里幾亞帽。法國大革命時期,人們相信古羅馬的獲釋奴隸會佩戴佛里幾亞帽,這種帽子因此成為自由的象徵,此含義一直沿用到今天。佛里幾亞帽又被稱為自由之帽,出現在許多拉美國家的國徽中。(wikipedia)
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2020 我為大家品嚐了哪些國王派:
2018 年國王派精選:
As we know, the French is sharing a galette des rois (King cake / Epiphany cake) among family and friends on Epiphany (6th of January) each year, and the one who’s got the slice with a hidden fève, originally a dried bean but now usually a small porcelaine token, gets a paper crown and name his queen or her king. During a short period after the French Revolution, since the monarchy was overthrown and the people took control of the government, the galette des rois and the custom of making one king/queen of the day became inappropriate, thus the galette was renamed as “galette d’Égalité” (cake of equality) or “galette de la Liberté” (cake of freedom), and the fève, often a baby Jesus figuring back then, was replaced as a bonnet phrygien, the symbol of French republicans during the Revolution.
Although at the end traditions triumphed the political arrangements that the French still celebrate the “jour des Rois” (“the day of Three Kings”, Epiphany) and let chance decide the king/queen that day, the galette shared at Élysée Palace (the French presidential palace) does not hide a fève inside. Because in the present day France, nobody will be the King and people get to choose and vote for their president.
Tomorrow is an extremely important day for Taiwanese people not only because it’s the day when we vote for our own president, but also because it’s when the people get to express their opinions freely, which is unique in Chinese-speaking world. We have no king, are not controlled by a authoritarian government, and people have equal right to vote (Time magazine calls Taiwan as “the last free place in the Chinese-speaking world). Unfortunately I won’t be able to get back to Taiwan to vote this time, but I hope wholeheartedly that we, the Taiwanese will be able to preserve its democracy and the values that we all cherish without fears.
Please do go vote tomorrow! Vote, so that you and your children could still enjoy freedom in the future. Vote, so that you only need to worry which galette you should take but are not left with the sole option to consume.
📌 The photo features the Epiphany collection of Pierre Hermé Paris this year. Two galettes and one brioche des rois are listed. Besides a classic "Infiniment Amandes" ("infinite almonds") option, in the galette "Mogador", the almond cream is flavored with the passion fruit. Roasted pineapple and milk chocolate ganache further enriched its texture and flavorful acidity. The brioche has transformed the traditional version into one with rich hazelnut praliné, smooth, crunchy and lightly caramelized at the same time. Collaborating with Pierre Hermé, Messika jewelry has designed the elegant fève and is now holding a lucky draw for 12 bracelets to give away to the lucky ones.
🔖 More about Epiphany and galette des rois:
The origin and traditions of sharing a galette des rois on Epiphany:
Galettes that I tasted for you in 2020:
The 2018 selection of galettes des rois:
#yingspastryguide #galettedesrois2020 #galettedesrois #paris
king cake origin 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[French pastries / 法式甜點] #咕咕霍夫 / #Kouglof (for English, click “see more”.)
決定去 Colmar 之後,除了訂下拜訪 Christine Ferber 的甜點店、在老城區漫遊,感受小鎮魅力外,想到能夠在當地品嚐到亞爾薩斯特色甜點 —— Kouglof(咕咕霍夫),也讓我興奮不已。
Kouglof 是一款重奶油麵包,由布里歐許麵糰(pâte à brioche)加上用蘭姆酒或櫻桃白蘭地浸漬的葡萄乾製成、還會加上杏仁片。外型有旋轉條紋、內裡中空就是它的特色。在亞爾薩斯,kouglof 是在陶製的模具中烘烤而成。顏色鮮豔、造型可愛、有時外面還有各種裝飾紋樣的模具非常引人注目,是許多人去亞爾薩斯會選購的紀念品。
關於 kouglof 的起源有很多傳說,有一說是由瑪麗安東尼皇后從奧地利帶入法國,更知名的則是東方三賢士在前往伯利恆為耶穌祝壽的途中經過亞爾薩斯的小鎮 Ribeauvillé,為了回報為他們提供落腳處的當地糕點師 Kugel(一說是陶匠),而製作了這個甜點,形狀和賢者們的頭巾相同。而那位愛好美食的前波蘭國王 Stanisław Leszczyński 在法國洛林地區落腳後,發現當地的 kouglof 太乾,而命人將浸在 Malaga 酒中,最後發明了 baba(巴巴)。不論傳說何者為真,kouglof 早在 18 世紀便已經出現在亞爾薩斯,而且深受當地人喜愛。
由於起緣於德法邊境的亞爾薩斯,kouglof 有很多種拼寫法,其中一個德文的拼法是「kugelhopf」,kugel 在德文中是「球」之意,而「hopf」是啤酒花「hop」之意(也有一說其實是「hefe」酵母),而過去製作 kouglof 時,是以啤酒酵母將麵糰發酵。
我在 Colmar 時發現當地還有另外一種加了果乾與香料(多半是肉桂)的布里歐許麵包,稱為「langhopf」,是使用長型的麵包模製作。在 Colmar 當地看到的 langhopf 做法多半是烤好之後在外面裹上一層肉桂糖粉,看起來非常特別。可惜因為一個人實在吃不下那麼多麵包,只好留著下次再去品嚐了。
點照片看更多 kouglof 的種類和相關故事!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
和 kouglof 只有一步之遙的巴巴:
Kouglof 的中歐親戚 babka:
果醬女王 Christine Ferber 隱藏在 Colmar 附近鄉間小鎮的甜點店:
If you ask what have I tasted during my trip to Colmar, how could I miss kouglof, one of the most renowned and beloved Alsatian specialties?
Made of the brioche dough with raisins soaked in rum or kirch as well as almond flakes, kouglof is a pastry in between cakes and bread. The high, creased, toroidal pottery kouglof mould, often brightly-coloured and sometimes painted with beautiful motifs, is also a popular souvenir among tourists.
Lots of legends and stories are associated with the origin of kouglof. Some say that the Austrian queen Marie-Antoinette brought it to France while some of the narratives claim that when the Three Magi were on their way to Bethlehem, they made the cake to thank a local pâtissier (or a pottery maker) named Kugel for his hospitality, and the shape of the cake comes from the turban of the Magi. Stanisław Leszczyński, the gourmet Polish king also takes part in transforming this Alsatian delicacy into a great classic of French pastry. When he settled in Lorraine, he found that the local kouglofs were too dried that he asked his pastry chefs to soak the cake into Malaga wine to make it more pleasant to enjoy, and that is how baba is born. No matter what, kouglof has appeared in Alsace before 19th century and is very popular in the region of Alsace.
Many varieties exist with regard to the spelling of kouglof; one of which is "kugelhopf". Kugel means "ball" in german while "hopf" means "hop", indicating where the yeast used to rise the cake in from. Others claim that it could mean "hefe", yeast in German.
When I was in Colmar, I found "langhopf", another local variety of brioche made with dried fruits as well as spices, mostly cinnamon. It is baked in a creased rectangular pan and then coated with cinnamon and sugar. As I have only one stomach, I'll have to save it to my next visit.
Click on the photos and get to know more about kouglof!
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Baba, a kouglof one leveled-up:
Babka, a close cousin of kouglof in mid-Europe:
Maison Ferber, the candy house of Christine Ferber, queen of jams:
La Belle Histoire de Gâteaux Provinceaux by Katsuhiko Kawada:
#yingspastryguide #alsace #colmar #paris