近期獨自去旅行,收到很多留言提我小心,謝謝大家這樣關心我啊☺️其實我自己一個人全世界坐車坐飛機周圍去已經廿二年了,膽大而且懂得好幾種語言,每次都很快適應新環境。以前就拿住地圖四處看,現在就拿着手機四圍拍拍。蘇梅之旅住了三間resort, 會分三節放在YouTube分享,每節有拍攝房間和resort環境,和當地旅遊的境點。連結 https://youtu.be/4Nmt6Jgomds. Been traveling in different countries recently, and received many messages from you all reminding me to be cautious and be careful. Thank you for being so sweet and thoughtful!! Actually I have been traveling around the world alone for 22years now, I am used to this kind of solo travel, and since I am pretty free-spirited and speak few languages, I adapt quite well wherever I go. My companion used to be a map, nowadays it’s my phone and I take little video clips. Koh Samui trip will be on YouTube as 3 parts. I stayed in 3 resorts, each part contains the hotel room tour and shows the environment and the tourist attractions. https://youtu.be/4Nmt6Jgomds. 🙏🏻☺️
koh samui map 在 王麗雅 Liya Wang Facebook 的最佳解答
來蘇美島這麼多次,第一次發現這間在查汶大街區的泳衣店 ! 超多花色款式,有袖無袖、粗線細線、單線多線、綁帶肩帶、繞頸平口、抓皺荷葉、大小三角四角褲,XS~2XL大人小孩男女,上衣褲子可分開買,胸墊可拆換,舒適有彈性可下水游泳,店員很冷漠現場可以試穿,只收現金不能刷卡,上下一套700元有找,講完我好想批貨回來賣。
我找不到店家的IG與網頁,要去的人請直接搜尋Google map : Luna Lena ,Koh Samui
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