EEC孩子本週學了American English及British English在發音、重音、拼字、用字、文法上的差別。
英國繼「脫歐(Brexit)」之後另外一個「脫英 (Megexit)」事件。在飽受公眾輿論壓力下,英國王子哈利及王妃梅根決定放棄王室頭銜並退出(step down)王室資深成員,外界相信賽克斯公爵及公爵夫人在成婚後多年來不斷受到英國八卦小報 (tabloid)的關注,最終決定淡出聚光燈,回歸到簡單的生活,除了放棄王室身分外,也放棄了英國政府的王室津貼 (pension),希望能夠達到經濟獨立。儘管外界認為公爵及公爵夫人在沒有知會女王和白金漢宮下擅自在社群媒體上發佈這個決定是對女王和王室的不尊重,但多數英國人是支持他們選擇自己生活方式的決定,而英國的八卦小報媒體要負最大的責任,也有部分人士認為這是女王要面對的又一個憲政危機(constitutional crisis)。
🗞 俐媽新聞英文—英國王室篇🇬🇧:
👑the Crown (n.) 王權,君主,王位
👑royal title (ph.) 王室頭銜;稱號
👑 give up royal title (ph.) 放棄王室頭銜
👑His/Her/Your Majesty (n.) 陛下 [縮寫: HM]
👑His/Her/Your Royal Highness (n.) 殿下 [縮寫: HRH]
👑 Your Grace (ph.) 陛下;殿下 [中世紀時期用法]
👑 the Commonwealth (n.) 大英國協
👑grant (v.) 給予,授予
e.g. As your Queen, I grant you and the heirs, lawfully begotten, the Duke of Edinburgh.
👑 coronation (n.) 加冕儀式
👑 abdication (n.) (君主的)退位
cf. dethrone/subvert/overthrow (v.) 推翻
👑 investiture (n.) 授銜儀式,冊封儀式
👑 christening (n.) 受洗禮 [英式用法]
👑 anointment (n.) 塗聖油的儀式
👑 anoint (v.) 抹油使神聖化
c.f. appoint (v.) 指派,指任
👑 heir to the Crown/throne (ph.) 王儲
👑 Duke (n.) 公爵
👑 duchy (n.) 公爵領地
👑 Duchess (n.) 公爵夫人
👑 Lord/Sir (n.) 勳爵,閣下
👑 Earl (n.) 伯爵
👑 earldom (n.) 伯爵爵位,伯爵領地
👑 Countess (n.) 伯爵夫人
👑 Lady (n.) 夫人
👑 Saint (n.) 聖⋯(加於人名前) [縮寫: St.]
👑 Knight (n.) 騎士
👑 knighthood (n.) 騎士爵位
🤴 Prince (n.) 王子;親王
👸 Princess (n.) 公主;王妃
👑 Princess Consort (n.) 伴妃;貴妃
👑 Baron (n.) 男爵
👑 Baroness (n.) 男爵夫人
👑 Baronetcy (n.) 男爵爵位
👑 Marquess (n.) 侯爵
👑 Marchioness (n.) 侯爵夫人
👑 Viscount (n.) 子爵
👑 Viscountess (n.) 子爵夫人
👑 Dame (n.) 女爵士
👑 dignity (n.) 尊貴,高尚
👑 Order (n.) 勳爵士團;勳章;勳位
👑 noble (a.) 高貴的
👑 from henceforth (ph.) 從此以後
👑 no comment (ph.) 無可奉告
👑 summon (v.) 傳喚;召集
👑 monarch (n.) 君主
👑 blessing (n.) 同意,允許
e.g. With The Queen's/Crown’s blessing. 有了女王/君主的同意。
👑 patronage (n.) 資助
👑 scrutiny (n.) 詳細的檢查;仔細的觀察
👑 prestigious (a.) 有名望的
👑 chartered (a.) 受特許的,領有執照的
👑 successor (n.) 繼任者[-chess/-cede: go, walk]
<-> predecessor (n.) 前任;前輩
👑 pressing (a.) 緊急的;迫切的
👑 resilience (n.) 適應能力 [英式用法]
👑 taxpayer (n.) 納稅人
👑 abbreviation (n.) 縮寫
👑 correspondent (n.) 特派員(記者)
#俐媽新聞英文 #俐媽新聞英文英國王室篇
lady爵位 在 子迂的蠹酸齋 Facebook 的最佳貼文
漢語無陰陽性 為何要用"她" 字
反對者也有其道理,「he she」有讀音上的不同,但「他她」在讀音上卻沒有不同,僅能作為閱讀時區分。這樣的改動無法改變口語生活,僅能影響文字創作。
lady爵位 在 英國的另類日常 Facebook 的最讚貼文
{61} 【長知識筆記】電影Duchess+Lady Georgiana Spencer+Earl Grey
說起Duchess(公爵夫人)這個字,最近最為人熟悉的必定是剛宣佈懷上第三胎的Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton。
不過今天想談的是另一位--Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Georgiana Spencer。
Duchess是一套2008年的電影,最近在Netflix上看了,女主角由Keira Knightley飾演,劇中靚衫不絕,拿下了Academy Awards的Best Costume Design。
1) Duchess of Devonshire, 本名Georgiana Spencer(1757-1806),是第一代Earl Spencer的女兒。中文戲名:《叛逆激情-她與戴安娜的命運》/《浮華一世情》,因為皇妃戴安娜,本名Diana Spencer,父親是第八代的Earl Spencer,Georgiana是Diana的great-great-great-great-aunt。同一家族,相隔200年的二人,命運有不少出奇地相似的地方,因此電影以此為噱頭宣傳,一度引起爭議。
2) 17歲時,她嫁給了比她大9歲,英國當時最有錢、最有權勢之一的貴族--5th Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish。年輕、對愛情有憧憬,誰不知公爵一心只想她為自己誕下子嗣(heir),年齡、性格的差距,也使雙方很快便已知是同床異夢,難以交流。這點可能是大家認為戴安娜和她的這位遠親命運相似的地方。
3) Diana 比她幸運的是,她的第一胎一生便是男孩,而Georgiana生了頭2胎都是女兒,公爵大為不滿,認為「貨不對辦」。到第3胎終於生出了兒子,但此兒子卻終身未婚(香芽蕉Cavendish banana,市面每常見的香蕉品種,以他的名字命名)。
4) 戲劇性的人生,見於她在上流社會非常受歡近,更是當時的時尚指標,帶領潮流。但丈夫並沒有受她吸引,早於與她結婚前,已有一個私生女。及後,她更是引狼入室,收留生有3個兒子並受丈夫虐待的閨中密友Lady Elizabeth Foster於家中,卻演變成丈夫與對方搭上,三人同居一屋簷下的複雜關係。
5) 原來昔日的英國上流社會,有情婦(mistress)或情夫(lover)是很普遍的事,但一般情婦都不會「登堂入室」,與正印居與同一屋簷下,所以當時他們3人這麼高調的同居一屋下是很罕見的。而女的若想有情人,必須先為丈夫誕下子嗣,之後才可自由與他人發展關係。因為私生子女是沒有繼承權的,一定要由有婚姻關係的妻子所誕下的孩子,才是「正式」的後裔。
6) Georgiana的情人是青梅竹馬的Charles Grey,在電影中還是無名小子一個,難與有錢又有權勢的公爵抗衡。懷上Charles Grey的孩子後,更被丈夫流放到法國秘密把孩子生下來,由Charles Grey的父母撫養。然而原來Charles Grey往後一點都不簡單,他成為了英國的首相(Prime Minister)和繼任為第二代的Earl Grey! 廣為人知的「伯爵茶」(Earl Grey tea)便是以他命名。
7) Spencer家族(House of Spencer)除了出了Georgiana和Diana外,其實前英國首相邱吉爾Winston Churchill也是Spencer家族的! 他的全名是Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill,他的家族繼承的爵位是Dukes of Marlborough,是Spencer家族的分枝。對外他們用Churchill而不用Spencer-Churchill作為姓。
8) Duke of Devonshire 和Duchess 都是Whig party(輝格黨)的支持者和金主,在17、18世紀長期支配著英國的政治,與Tories (托利黨-當今的保守黨)分庭抗禮,政策反映了資產階級的利益,至19世紀由英國自由黨取代。Whig和Tories都是來自政敵的蔑稱,但後來沿用成習。Whig 指「驅趕牲畜的鄉巴佬」(whiggamore) / 「好鬥的蘇格蘭長老會派教徒」(Whiggamore Raid) ;Tories則源於中世紀愛爾蘭語的「亡命之徒」(tóraidhe)。
lady爵位 在 亞莉安娜Ariana Grande 台灣粉絲團 的推薦與評價
Ariana Grande婉拒英國女王授予的女爵爵位 2017年5月22日,《危險尤物世界巡迴演唱會》來到 ... 女神卡卡台灣創意反叛軍粉絲團Lady Gaga Creative Rebellion Taiwan. ... <看更多>
lady爵位 在 后承袭恭亲王爵位,该照片为溥伟幼年时骑马照 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
爱新觉罗溥伟,恭亲王奕訢之孙,后承袭恭亲王爵位,该照片为溥伟幼年时骑马照. More like this. Princess Der Ling, lady-in-waiting to Empress Dowager Cixi. ... <看更多>
lady爵位 在 [資訊] 英國貴族頭銜- 看板Eng-Class 的推薦與評價
今天給他研究/翻譯了一下,分享給大家 :)
有興趣的 中英對照 以下 :)
作者:Jo Beverley
The English peerage basically runs according to primogeniture, ie the eldest
son gets nearly everything. If a peer has no eldest son, the title and
possessions that belong to it go to the next male heir, probably a brother or
There are a very few titles that can pass to a female if there is no direct
heir, but they will revert to the male line when the lady bears a son. (Such
as the monarchy.) Some titles can automatically pass through a female heir
(when there is no male heir) and most can be revived by subsequent
generations by petitioning to the Crown. But that's getting into more
complicated areas. If your plot depends on something unusual, please do
research it thoroughly before going ahead.
The eldest son is called the heir apparent, since he is clearly the heir. If
there is no such son, the next in line is called the heir presumptive since,
no matter how unlikely (the duke is actually an ancient Benedictine Monk on
his death bed) the possibility of a closer heir being created is still there.
Thus an heir presumptive does not hold an heir's title, if any. (See below
about heir's titles.)
很明顯的,長子又被稱為繼承人。 如果沒有長子,下一個可能就是假定繼承人。
If a peer dies leaving a wife but no son, the heir inherits unless the widow
says she might be with child. It is for her to do that. If she stays silent,
it is assumed that she is not. If she's pregnant, everything waits until the
child is born.
An heir must be legitimate at birth to inherit a title, though that could
mean a marriage ceremony performed while the mother is in labor. A peer may
raise bastards with devotion and/or marry the mother later, but a bastard
child can never be his legal heir.
Peers automatically had seats in the House of Lords. Note, however, that
courtesy titles (those held by heirs) do not give seats, or any of the other
privileges of the peerage.
* Courtesy titles 次高頭銜
Most peers do not use their surnames as their title. Thus, the usual pattern
would be something like Sebastian Burgoyne, Earl of Malzard. He is Lord
Malzard never Lord Burgoyne. (Or, for that matter, Lord Sebastian.) As an
author, you might like variety, but take as a general rule is that no one
ever had two forms of address.
名)伯戈音(姓),莫爾扎(封地) 伯爵。他是莫爾扎大人/ 閣下 (Lord Malzard),或者
讓角色有不同的稱呼來讓文章有點變化,但有一個基本的規則要知道 -- 一個人不會有
國王/ 女王 King/ Queen
稱呼:Your Majesty 翻譯:國王陛下
王子(親王) / 公主 Prince/ Princess
稱呼:Your Highness 翻譯:王子殿下/ 公主殿下
Prince 親王或王子。通常只表示「君主之子」(或女君主之夫)之意,而非具體的爵位
國王長女稱Princess Royal,即「大公主」
* 英國的王子稱為威爾斯親王/ 威爾斯王子
* 注意中文翻譯
公爵為 Your Grace 中文翻做大人/ 閣下
公爵之子、侯爵、侯爵之子和伯爵統稱 Lord,也翻譯做大人/ 閣下
A) 公爵 DUKE
His wife is the DUCHESS. They will be duke and duchess of something, eg. Duke
and Duchess of Ithorne. Address is "your grace", though familiars may address
them as Duke and Duchess eg "Fine weather for shooting, eh, Duke?" or may
address the duke by title. "Care for more port, Ithorne?"
稱呼: Your Grace 。翻譯:大人/ 閣下(我忽然覺得這中文翻譯真不給力orz )
或者用他們的頭銜代表的事物來稱呼「要更關切港口的情勢嗎? 伊風。」
NOTE that the duke will also have a family name, ie. surname (such as
Cavendish) but will not use it in the normal course of events. The duchess
does not use the surname at all. If Anne Pitt marries the Duke of Stone
(whose family name is Cherry), she will be Duchess of Stone and will
informally sign herself Anne Stone, not Anne Cherry.
己的姓氏。如果安妮彼得嫁給史東公爵 (史東公爵姓 Cherry),他將會是史東公爵夫人,
就算是她非正式的簽名,她也會稱呼她自己為安妮史東,而不是安妮 Cherry.
The duke's eldest son is his heir and will have his father's second-best
title as his courtesy title. Nearly all peers have a number of titles marking
their climb up the ranks. The heir to a duke is often the next lowest ranking
peer, a marquess (or marquis -- spelling is optional, but both are pronounced
markwess.) The title could, however, be an earldom, or even a viscountcy.
Remember, a courtesy title does not give the holder a seat in the House of
Lords or other privileges of the peerage.
If the heir has a son before the heir becomes duke, that son will take the
next lowest title as a courtesy title. If the heir dies before his father,
his eldest son becomes the heir apparent and takes his father's title.
Apart from the heir, a duke's sons are given the courtesy title Lord with
their Christian name, eg. Lord Richard Somerset. Lord Peter Wimsey. They are
never Lord Somerset or Lord Wimsey.
Richard Somerset 大人。注意喔,剛剛用的是全名,他是絕對不會被稱為 Somerset (
姓) 大人的。
All duke's daughters are given the courtesy title Lady, first name, surname
eg. Lady Mary Clarendon. (Never Lady Clarendon.) If they marry a commoner,
they retain the title. If Lady Mary marries Mr. Sticklethwait, she becomes
Lady Mary Sticklethwait. If she marries a peer, she adopts his title. If Lady
Mary marries the Earl of Herrick, she becomes Countess of Herrick, ie. Lady
Herrick. If she marries the holder of a courtesy title, then she may use his
title or her birth title as she wishes.
公爵女兒的頭銜為女士(Lady)+ 名 + 姓。例如 Mary Clarendon 女士(再次強調,不
會單獨使用家族姓,因此絕對不會是 Clarendon 女士)。如果這位女兒嫁給普通人,她
Mary 女士嫁給了 Herrick 伯爵,那她就會變成 Herrick 伯爵夫人或 Herrick 女士。
I'm hammering this home, but it's the most common error in novels. In all
cases, the titles Lord or Lady "first name" "surname" (eg Lady Anne
Middleton) and Lord or Lady "last name" or "title" (Lady Middleton) are
exclusive. No one can be both at the same time. Moreover, Lord or Lady "first
name" is a title conferred at birth. It cannot be gained later in life except
when the father accedes to a title and thus raises his family.
Lord/ Lady + 名 + 姓(例如 Anne Middleton女士)那其他稱呼的方式就必須被排除掉
(例如 Middleton女士),因為這樣就代表了那個人擁有兩個不同的頭銜。除此之外,
Lord/ Lady 的 "名" 是出生時就和頭銜一起被確認的,他不能在長大之後才獲得,除非
而約克公爵 (Duke of York) 則通常被授給英國的國王的第二個兒子
B) 侯爵 MARQUESS (又可被拼成 marquis 或 marquess,但發音都一樣 "markwess")
He will be Marquess of something, eg Marquess of Rothgar. His wife is the
MARCHIONESS. (Pronounced "marshuness".) He is the Marquess of Rothgar, or
Lord Rothgar, or Rothgar to his familiars, and his wife is the Marchioness of
Rothgar or Lady Rothgar. She will sign herself "firstname" "title" eg. Diana
他會是侯爵 of 某事物,例如 Rothgar 侯爵,或者 Rothgar 大人(Lord),如果是和他比
稱呼:My Lord 或 Your Lordship --> 侯爵和侯爵以下的貴族都這樣稱呼了
His heir apparent takes his next highest title as a courtesy title. All other
sons have the title Lord "firstname" "surname". All daughters have the title
Lady "firstname" "surname". Details are as for duke.
C) Earl and countess 伯爵和女伯爵
D) Vicount and viscountess 子爵和女子爵
E) Baron and baroness 男爵和女爵
F) Baronet and lady 從男爵
G) Knight 騎士通常和 Baronet 一樣,這是最低的爵位, 一般只有尊稱 Sir XXX 或
Lady OOO
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