我最近拍攝了很多美食照片📸. 在不同的地點像是米其林藝術餐廳,飯店,餐館,酒吧,攤子. 也要謝謝每個董事長的介紹跟幫忙🤝. 大家一邊讓我留口水一邊拍照. 😂! 感覺真的很棒可以看到每個廚師或餐廳對藝術美食的特色, 也很佩服每一位廚師的才藝. 想要找丹丹拍攝的好朋友們可以跟我聯絡喔! 謝謝大家
I have been doing a lot of food and drink 🍹 photography lately at Michelin’s restaurants, restaurants, hotels, lounge and bars🙌 also small vendors. I wanna thank every one that help me introduce to different owners and CEOs for the support in my photography. Every dish made me drool 🤤 when I took the photo, because the food 🍲looks soo good and smell soo good. I see every artistic Chef and Su Chef showing their Artsy creation on each dish. Anyone who wants my service 📷feel free to contact me. Once again thank you all for the wonderful support. ✊✊
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