在東區聽完新書分享會之後,就開始亂走找素食,走著走著居然來到上次沒機會去的【Kaya Kaya Café】,二話不說就走進去囉!環境蠻舒服的,店員也很親切呢~
最後再點一個【羞羞吐司格子鬆餅】,是草莓的味道,很少女耶!酸酸甜甜的,再加一個雪糕球,實在太好吃!原來這裡的雪糕全是從 Nice Cream 那訂的,難怪這麽美味~
After attending to the new book sharing meeting in the Eastern District, I started walking around looking for vegan food. I walked and walked suddenly i found the Kaya Kaya Cafe that I missed the chance to go last time when i visited Taiwan.
The environment here is very comfortable, the staff is very kind too.
seems like they had just changed the menu and introduced a new dish - Thai Tom Yam Fettucine topped with lemon dice. This dish is a bit spicy for me, but it's actually quite delicious with the spice. Plus a scrambled egg that I ordered seperately. OMG! This egg is incredible. How can it be so sizzling and so delicious?
Finally, I would like to order a 【Dirty Berry Waffle】. It is strawberries flavor. Sweet and sour, plus an ice cream ball, is really delicious! It turns out that the ice cream here is all ordered from Nice Cream, no wonder so delicious~
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