Reposted from - Alhamdulillah. Tahniah team #CuriCuriCinta .
Sejujurnya aku suka dengan ending drama ni.
Actually aku selalu frust dengan sesetengah ending Drama2 adaptasi. Sebab kebanyakkannya, bila drama dah best giler, tapi bila tang ending dia jadi rushing, sampaikan scene yg sepatut ada jadi takde. Scene yg tak patut ada, jadi ada. Ko akan jadi frust sebab ko suka novel dia and ofcourse ko akan ada 1 garisan kepuasan bila novel fav ko diadaptasikan. Tapi disebabkan endin yg spoil ko jd frust. But for me untuk CCC ni. Ianya capai pada piawaian garis kepuasan aku. Jangan kata aku bias sbb aku fans ira. Tapi memang drama dia dari tahun ke tahun memang best. Takleh nak Dinafikan lakonan dia makin mantap. Kalau aku suka, aku puji. Kalau x suka aku x puji. Contoh drama Mencintaimu. Ira time ni kayu.😂😂 but dia buktikan diri dia dengan belajar untuk jadi pelakon hebat sekarang ni. Syabas mere beteyyy.
So now officially, sayonara tu Curi Curi Cinta.
Keep support drama melayu and support our sweetie.
@zahirahmacwilson - #regrann
Reposted from - Alhamdulillah. Tahniah team #CuriCuriCinta .
I honestly like this drama ending.
Actually I'm always frustrated with some ending Drama2 adaptation. Because of most of them, when the drama is really great, but when the ending comes to rushing, there's no such thing as there's no scene. Inappropriate scene, so there is. You will be frustrated because you like his novel and of course you will have 1 lines of satisfaction when your favorite novel is adapted. But because of endin who spoil you become frustrated. But for me for this CCC. It's achieved on my satisfaction line standards. Don't say I'm biased because I'm an Ira But it's really the drama from year to year is the best. Can't deny his acting is getting better. If I like, I praise. If you don't like it I won't Example of drama Loving You. Ira time this is wood. 😂😂 but he proved himself by learning to be a great actor right now. Well done mere beteyyy.
So now officially, sayonara is stolen by love.
Keep support drama melayu and support our sweetie.
@zahirahmacwilson - #regrann