我收藏的一段話, 每次看每次感動, 提醒著我練瑜珈的初衷...
分享給大家 (下有中文翻譯)
The Goal of Yoga
(no, it's not the handstand)
The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal.
The goal is to create space where you were once stuck. To unveil the layers of protection you've built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates.
To make peace with who you are.
The goal is to love, well.......love yourself.
Come to your yoga mat to feel; not to accomplish.
Shift your focus and your heart will grow.
- Rachel Brathen -
(不, 絕對不是手倒立)
練習瑜珈的目的不是為了精進體位法, 也不是讓身體變得更柔軟, 更不是手倒立.
練習瑜珈的目的, 是讓你在人生卡關的時候找到空間, 解除妳為內心設下的重重防衛, 懂得感恩身體, 找回心靈的覺知, 並學著分辨那些不必要的內心雜音, 瑜珈是為了讓妳學習和真正的自己和平共處, 並學會去愛, 愛妳自己.
踏上瑜珈墊, 妳要用心去感覺去體會, 而非去征服去達標, 試著轉移妳的焦點, 那麼妳的心將會被滋養而茁壯. (Vicky 譯)