這第十三對腦神經,叫作「終末神經」(terminal nerve)。他的功能非常特別,是腦中的第三套嗅覺系統。而更令人驚訝的是,幾乎沒有人知道它的存在。不要說一般人對它毫無所知,甚至連很多醫生或腦科學家也都沒有聽過這一套系統。
沒想到,到了 19 世紀末,人類引以為傲的腦神經知識體系卻讓一隻「鯊魚」無意間撞出了一個大破洞,我們對大腦的無知也終於原形畢露。
1878 年,德國大學的生理與解剖學家佛瑞胥(Gustav Fritsch)檢視了鯊魚的大腦,結果發現在十二對腦神經的前方,竟然還有另一對腦神經,(圖三紅星處)[1]。
只是屋漏偏逢連夜雨,這一對腦神經也在 1905 年時於人類胚胎中發現 [2],而且稍後在 1914 年也於成人腦中發現 [3]。
由於人類腦中也發現了這對腦神經,學界對命名的問題終於避無可避,同一年,生物學家洛西(William A. Locy)才想出一個辦法,正式把它叫做「第零對腦神經」或是「終末神經」[4]。
因為羅馬字母中沒有零的符號,這對神經有時也被稱為「第N對腦神經」(cranial nerve N)[5]。但是不知為何,至今為止許多教科書中仍然看不到這對腦神經的蹤影。
比方說,從解剖學的結構來看,終末神經的末梢位於鼻腔,但是其接收到的資訊並沒有傳到嗅球,而是連接到大腦裡面與性行為密切相關的「隔核」(septal nuclei)(圖四)。
行為神經科學的研究也顯示,當雄金魚的終末神經被刺激時,就會立刻釋放精子 [6],而當終末神經被破壞時,雄倉鼠的交配行為則會消失 [7]。
美國國家衛生院的神經生物學家菲斯(Douglas Fields)還發現,終末神經除了偵測荷爾蒙,甚至可能還有釋放荷爾蒙的功能。他觀察到終末神經的軸突中有許多荷爾蒙,這些荷爾蒙會在神經末梢處釋放出來,並進入血液之中以調節生殖行為 [8]。
[0] 本文節錄改寫自我的新書《#大腦簡史》(貓頭鷹出版社出版)。博客來連結:http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010723238
[x] 九月和十月份的新書講座活動:https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScnenU_5BS15caN_E…/viewform
[1] Fritsch, G. (1878) Untersuchungen über den fieneren Bau des Fischgehirns mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homologien bei anderen Wirbelthierklassen. Berlin:Verlag der Gutmann'schen Buchhandlung.
[2] De Vries, E. (1905) Note on the ganglion vomeronasale. Proc kon ned Akad Wet 7: 704-708.
[3] Johnston, J.B. (1914) The nervus terminalis in man and mammals. Anatomical Record 8: 185-198.
[4] Locy, W.A. (1905) On a newly recognized nerve connected with the forebrain of selachians. Anat Anz 26: 33–123.
[5] Vilensky, J.A. (2014). The neglected cranial nerve: nervus terminalis (cranial nerve N). Clin Anat. 27(1):46-53.
[6] Demski, L.S. and Northcutt, R.G. (1983) The terminal nerve: a new chemosensory system in vertebrates? Science 220: 435–437.
[7] Wirsig, C.R. (1987), Effects of Lesions of the Terminal Nerve on Mating Behavior in the Male Hamster. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 519: 241–251.
[8] Fields, R.D. (2007). "Sex and the Secret Nerve". Scientific American Mind 18: 20–7.
mating system 在 喜劇演員 Facebook 的精選貼文
生生不息Hydroponic cultivation of water in which Natural reproduction koi
魚交配排卵 腥味重 水體表面產生泡泡
fish mating ovulation water surface bubbles
A month later
2011-05-21 first time find the fish have been 3 cm
Continue to grow up eating algae and bacteria
Completely without feed
2011-06-04 魚苗已經開始活躍
2011-06-04 fish has begun actively
一個半月 此時魚苗約6公分
A half months at this time fry about 6 cm
2個月後 2011-06-25 魚已10公分
2 months after the fish have been 10 cm 2011-06-25
魚苗活動量加大擾動底泥 水質惡化
Fish activity increased sediment disturbance deterioration of water quality
因試驗需求 植物殘根未能及時移出系統
Because the experimental needs plants death root did not out the system
大量冬季的沉澱有機質 被魚攪動懸浮
A large of organic matter precipitation in winter Now the fish stirred suspension
2個半月後 2011-07-01
2 ½ months after the 2011-07-01
加大過濾量 水質趨於穩定
Increase the water amount in the filter
已經造成此批的蔬菜 大量死亡
This batch of vegetables has caused mass mortality
太多有機質 附著在水中根上
Too much organic matter attached to the root in water
有機質太多 造成根局部缺氧腐爛
Local hypoxia caused by too much organic matter, root rot
葉子 卻呈現缺肥現象
Leaf was less fertilizer the phenomenon
葉子表象 種土壤的農民很容易誤判
The leaves look like is easy to misjudge of farmers in soils
太多的有機質是禍 不是福
Too much organic matter is a curse not a blessing
有機的肥料過量 與無機鹽過量都十分危險
Organic and inorganic fertilizer overdose overdose is very dangerous
水中根系 會吸附大量有機質
Roots will absorb large amount of organic matter in water
氣候高溫 細菌會大量孳生來分解有機質
Hot day will breed lot of bacteria to break down organic matter
Root rot caused by lack of oxygen within the root ring
水中根系 如果此時又崩解入水中
this time If the roots collapse into the water
會造成連鎖災難 大水體可能會缺氧
will lead to the disaster chain be lack of oxygen in the water
春天與夏天的交界 氧氣含量波動劇烈
Between spring and summer oxygen big volatility
是養殖漁業 的高風險期
Is a high risk period for fish farming
農地施用過量有機肥 是土地優養化
Land too much of organic fertilizer is the land of excessive eutrophication
農地施用過量無機肥料 是土壤鹽化
Land application of too much inorganic fertilizer is soil salinization
我們人體 也是個動態平衡系統
Our body is a dynamic equilibrium system
吃太飽 造就優養化的身體
Eat too much, creating the body of eutrophication
Is the beginning of illness
吃太多 腸病(植物根圈腐爛)的開始
Eat too much the bowel disease (rotting plant rhizosphere) start
吃太甜(可溶性有機質肥料) 是糖尿病的開始
吃太鹹(無機肥料) 是高血壓的開始
Eat too much salty (inorganic fertilizer) high blood pressure
小心翼翼 不確信
Careful not convinced
水耕栽培用的水裡 可以養魚
Hydroponic cultivation can fish with the water
2011-07-26 竟然必須接受
2011-07-26 mast to accept
Hydroponics can be self-propagation fish in the water
Use of pesticides (crop) and antibiotics (fish)
Random damage to balance is very dangerous
了解生態運行原則 維持好生態系統平衡
Understanding of ecological principles to maintain good running balance of the ecosystem
To enjoy the proliferation of biological
mating system 在 Mating Systems:- Monogamy, Polygamy, promiscuity | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Mating Systems :- Monogamy, Polygamy, promiscuity ... Polygamy is a pattern of Mating in which an animal has more than one mate at a time. ... <看更多>
mating system 在 Mating System And Response to Selection - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Save space on your device. Sign up. Visit. Save. Explore · Lawn And Garden · Planting · Plants. Mating System And Response to Selection |authorSTREAM ... ... <看更多>