上 頜 ( hé ) 骨(maxilla),又稱車頷骨,是成對的聯合形成口上部的骨。除了下頜骨外,臉部的所有骨都與它形成關節。上頜骨可以分為體部、齒槽突、腭突、額突和顴突 ...
#2. 上頷骨(maxillary bone) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
上頷骨(maxillary bone) · 骨頭 · 細部結構 · 神經 · 肌肉 · 血管 · 韌帶 · 關節 · 特殊.
#3. maxilla - 上頜骨 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
maxilla. 中國大陸譯名: 上颌骨. 以maxilla 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 ... maxilla, 上頷骨(獸類);下鰓(節足動物).
顏面骨骨折影像之鑑別, definition of Facial Bone Fracture. ... Maxillary fracture (上頷骨骨折):受到鈍力後造成上頷骨的骨折可分為Le Fort I, II, III三類:
maxilla 的例句 ... This material adheres to the maxillipeds bordering the mouthparts as water is withdrawn, and is then transferred to the mouth via the maxillae.
#6. maxillary bone 中文- 上頜骨… - 查查在線詞典
maxillary bone中文 ::上頜骨…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋maxillary bone的中文翻譯,maxillary bone的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#7. maxillary bone 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
maxillary bone 中文 意思是什麼 · maxillary: 昆蟲下顎的 · bone: n 1 骨(頭);骨狀物〈象牙等〉;骨製品;(食用的)肉骨頭。2 〈pl 〉 遺骸,屍體;骨骼;身體。3 〈p...
#8. maxillary bone - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"maxillary bone" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 上頜骨 Maxilla 【比較解剖學】 上頜骨 Superior maxillary bone 【比較解剖學】 上頜骨 Maxilla 【人體解剖學】
#10. maxillary bone - 上颌骨英文怎麽說| 麻醉专业名词 - 學術論文修改
maxillary bone 上頜骨,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,麻醉專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#11. 顏面外傷(二)顏面骨折(FACIAL BONE FRACTURE)
下三分之一:僅下頷骨(mandible)一塊。 要注意的是眼窩橫跨兩大部分,總共有七塊骨骼構成:額骨、顴骨 ...
#12. 臺灣魚類資料庫
英文 中文 英文 中文 gnathoproctal length 下顎‑肛門長 epibranchial 上鰓骨 mandible 下顎 muscle epibranchial interarcualis 上鰓間收肌 angle of lower jaw 下頜角 epibranchial cartilage 上鰓軟骨
#13. 國家教育研究院-比較解剖學學術名詞 -
英文名稱 中文名稱 57712827 Mandibular line 下頜腺 57712829 Mandibular muscles 下頜肌 57712830 Mandibular nerve (or Inferior maxillary branch) 下頜神經
#14. maxillary sinus-翻译为中文-例句英语
When molars are removed from the upper jaw, air pressure from the air cavity in the maxilla (maxillary sinus) causes resorption of the bone that formerly ...
#15. 上頜骨骨折(maxillary fracture) - 小逸文筆記
Facial edema; Malocclusion of the teeth; Motion of the maxilla while the nasal bridge remains stable. 2. Le Fort II Fracture = Pyramidal ...
#16. maxillary bone — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“maxillary bone” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#17. [案例分享] 林伯璣醫師- 打破Sinus Lift 鼻竇增高迷思| 昇基事業 ...
但很多學者都認為sinus floor augmentation 對於改善implant bed 是很成功的〔註19、20〕,特別對於atrophic jaw bone in the posterior maxilla。至於 ...
#18. 上頷骨(maxillary bone) | 健康跟著走
Alveolar process(齒槽突):上頷骨下緣,為牙齒生長及鞏固的地方. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞獸醫學, bone,mandible, 下頷骨. 以下頷骨進行詞彙精確 ...
#19. 上頷骨(maxillary bone) | 蘋果健康咬一口
maxilla sinus(上頷竇):最大,因為maxillary bone(上頷骨)佔顏面骨中最大面積,故要 ... 口腔大部分都是沒有角化的,可是硬 ... ,出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙.
#20. 解剖學-頭肌群,基礎醫學教室 - 高點醫護網
anterior surface of maxilla and mandible. 眼輪匝肌 (Orbicularis oculi). 眼框內側與淚囊附近(Medial orbital margin and lacrimal sac). 咀嚼肌. 咬肌 (Masseter).
#21. 牙科部
中文 疾病名稱. ICD-9-CM. 1992年版. ICD-9-CM. 2001年版 ... BENIGN NEOPLASM OF LOWER JAW BONE. 下頜骨良性腫瘤 ... CHRONIC SINUSITIS OF MAXILLARY. 慢性上頷竇炎.
#22. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
題名, Osteoblastoma of the Maxilla: A Case Report ... 中文摘要, 骨母細胞瘤是一種良性腫瘤,通常它會發生在脊椎、肋骨、骨盆和四肢長骨區域,骨母細胞瘤約占所有原 ...
#23. 認識臨床上常見的骨骼移植
在處置這些病症的手術. 中,常常需要使用骨骼移植(bone graft,或簡稱植骨)來重建骨本、刺激骨癒合。因. 見實習醫學生們和骨骼移植大多不熟悉,在此特別整理臺北榮總最常 ...
#24. Maxillary Bone Exostosis On Labial Surface 庫存照片(立刻 ...
截至2021 年9 月30 日,我們擁有超過3.9 億張圖片。 繁體中文. Čeština ...
#25. 人體器官-網站地圖
人體器官Organs of Human Body ; 喉(嚨) · 頜,顎 · 上頜 ; Throat · Jaw · maxilla.
#26. Maxillary 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Maxillary 释义: designating, of, or near the jaw or jawbone , esp. the upper one; relating to a maxilla... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#27. 上顎後牙區使用骨鑿進行無骨粉填補-上顎竇增高術
Implants Using the Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation Without Bone Graft in Posterior Maxilla. Li-Fong Chen. D.D.S. Department of Dentistry, ...
#28. superior maxillary bone的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选superior maxillary bone是什么意思、英语单词推荐、superior maxillary bone的用法、superior maxillary bone的中文意思、翻译superior maxillary bone是 ...
#29. [外科筆記] 整型外科・顏面骨骨折・Facial Bone Fracture
包含有顴骨Zygoma、上頷骨Maxilla、鼻骨Nasal bone、蝶骨Sphenoid、淚骨Lacrimal Bone、篩骨Ethmoid及顎骨Palatine Bone; 下三分之一Lower Third:下顎部分。
#30. 搜索
Patient-reported outcomes in patients with severe maxillary bone atrophy ... alternative to reconstructive procedures of atrophic maxillae.
#31. 第七單元
Mandible. Figure 7.22 ... 下列那一塊骨頭上? (A)額骨(frontal bone) (B)篩骨(ethmoid bone (C)枕骨. (occipital bone) (D)顳骨(temporal bone) ...
#32. maxillary sinus翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
maxillary sinus中文的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 上頜竇,上頜骨竇。英漢詞典提供【maxillary sinus】 ... one of a pair of sinuses forming a cavity in the maxilla ...
#33. 頜骨骨折堅強內固定術後咬合關係不良的防治
簡體中文. 頜骨骨折 ; 堅強內固定術 ; 咬合關係不良 ; 頜間固定 ; Jaw bone fractures ; Rigid internal fixation ; Malocclusion ; Intermaxillary fixation.
#34. 聲帶以上發聲腔道構造Configurations of Supraglottal Vocal ...
They are bones, teeth, hard palate, and alveolar ridge( the whole roof of the ... The teeth are housed within the alveoli of the maxillae and mandible, ...
#35. 創新性生物可降解高分子支架於活體內骨再生之研究 - 臺北醫學 ...
中文 摘要, 本研究使用生物可降解高分子支架(Biodegradable polymer scaffold)做 ... R.A. Grafting of the maxillary sinus floor with autogenous marrow and bone.
#36. 顏面骨(Facial bones)
顏面骨(Facial bone). 下頜骨(mandible). 1.下頜骨本體部. 2.下頜枝. (ramus). 翼肌粗隆. PDF 檔案使用"pdfFactory Pro" 試用版本建立 ...
#37. 中文翻译 - X-MOL
Biomechanical behavior of atrophic maxillary restorations using the all-on-four ... Maxillary bone atrophy with a considerable amount of pneumatization and ...
#38. Osteoporosis drugs: Risk of bone problems in jaw, thigh?
Some osteoporosis drugs may increase risks of bone problems in the jaw and ... of the jaw and an unusual type of fracture in the upper thigh bone (femur).
#39. 世界小動物獸醫協會全球小動物牙科臨床準則 - WSAVA
maxillary foramen. 額骨 frontal bone. 顳骨顴骨突 zygomatic process of temporal bone. 頂骨 parietal bone. 頸脊 nuchal crest. 鼻骨 nasal bone. 上顎骨 maxilla.
#40. Digital Planning and Manufacturing of Maxillary Skeletal ...
Abstract: The miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion approach has given new opportunities for the treatment of maxilla transverse ...
#41. osteomyelitis of maxillary bone中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答 ...
osteomyelitis of maxillary bone中文意思是上颌骨骨髓炎.
#42. 上頜骨是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋 - 三毛英語季
上頜骨. 詞語: 上頜骨. 解釋: maxilla;maxillae;maxillary bone;maxillary bones;maxillas;upper jaw. 詞典: 中醫專業漢英詞典. 上頜骨相關解釋.
#43. 全民健康保險牙科門診常見疾病分類表
中文 疾病名稱 ... Malignant neoplasm of mandible. Z51.12 來院接受抗腫瘤免 ... Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone. 230.1 食道原位癌. D00.1 食道原位癌.
#44. 高雄醫學大學口腔醫學院口腔病理影像科
003 (1) Calcifying odontogenic cyst over right maxilla. (2) Osteosclerosis over left lower retromolar area. Main X-ray findings (Panoramic radiography).
#45. Sinus Lift - Upper Jaw Bone Graft - Oral Surgeon Santa Clara
Some of the roots of the natural upper teeth extend up into the maxillary sinuses. When these upper teeth are removed there is often just a thin wall of bone ...
#46. Maxillary bone的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
Maxillary bone. 有0个发音. 生词本: 添加笔记:. 有奖纠错. | 划词. 词组搭配; 英语百科 · 中文百科 · 英语维基词典 · 英语例句库 ...
#47. 耳鼻喉科
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code INFECTION 感染 Chickenpox 水痘 052.9 A049 Herpetic geniculate ganglionitis 耳帶狀泡疹 053.11 A049
#48. Influence of different types of rapid maxillary expansion on ...
Clinical evidence suggested that bone-borne maxillary expansion may decrease the amount of RR, while the amounts of resorption did not ...
#49. ENT_CaldwellLucOperation_Su...
To gain access to the maxillary sinus through the facial bone for the treatment of pathological change in the maxillary sinus or its immediate neighbouring ...
#50. CT Mandible/Maxilla - Los Angeles, CA | Cedars-Sinai
Your doctor has requested a computed tomography scan (CT or CAT) of your mandible and/or maxilla. The mandible is the lower jaw. The maxilla is the upper ...
#51. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) - MSD Manuals
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is an oral lesion involving bare mandibular or maxillary bone. It may cause pain or may be asymptomatic.
#52. 汐止國泰綜合醫院護理科9B 常見診斷及檢查縮寫【耳鼻喉科】 一
Anterior Subapical Osteotomy of Maxilla. (Aso-Mx) ... IMF﹙Intra maxillary fixation﹚ ... Posterior segment osteotomy-Mandible (Pso-Md) 下顎後牙根尖截骨術.
#53. Fractures of the mandible
多數在mandible和maxilla的simple fracture,通常為重建骨碎. 片的anatomical realigment,並且重建咬合。在嚴重的粉碎性骨. 折,或是骨頭缺失(槍傷),正確的牙齒的 ...
#54. 應用 下顎骨塊狀骨移植做 上顎竇增高術及全口植牙重建 ...
竇增高術的方法與植牙治療策略。 Lateral window sinus bone graft technique. 的適應症有:severely atrophic maxilla、 insufficient bone width/height、minimum.
#55. Finite element modelling of implant designs and cortical bone ...
Four commercial dental implants for a type IV bone and maxillary segments ... It was found that the maximum stress of the peri-implant bone ...
#56. 第七節手術 - 醫聖診療系統
Maxilla open reduction, complicated. v v v. 8901. 眼眶底開放性復位術. Orbital floor open reduction. 64112B - 矽板植入silicon sheet implant.
#57. Fibrous Dysplasia in Maxillary Bone: Case Report - ClinMed ...
The lesion may involve one or more bones being the maxilla the facial bone more affected. ... Polyostotic maxillary fibrous dysplasia, Fibrous lesions ...
#58. Live Webinar Surgical/prosthetic and lab management of the ...
Live Webinar Surgical/prosthetic and lab management of the atrophic maxilla with Dr Amin & Mr Wilson. Noris Medical Global. 1.41K subscribers.
#59. What is a dental bone graft? - YouTube
#60. Bone Remodeling and Modeling - YouTube
#61. If You Notice This With Your Teeth, Get Checked for Diabetes
Now experts warn that there's one little-known symptom of the condition—a form of bone metabolic disorder—that can deal serious damage to ...
#62. Surgical techniques for maxillary bone grafting - literature review
The techniques of bone grafting and partial or total reconstruction of the maxilla and mandible and of donor areas are evaluated primarily according to the ...
#63. Noris Medical - Dental Implant Solutions | LinkedIn
... possible alternatives ✓ Extra maxillary surgical approach and immediate ... bone grafting in the severely resorbed posterior maxilla" Female patient, ...
#64. Dr skull airdrop. Alligator Bites Man's Skull, Pulls Him Down in ...
The human skull consists of 22 bones (or 29, including the inner ear bones and hyoid bone) ... followed by the ethmoid, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses.
#65. 3-dimensional reconstruction of mandibular canal at the ...
has a much faster absorption rate than the maxilla, and the residual bone height in posterior mandible is insufficient for implant placement compared with ...
#66. Use of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) Associated ...
Material and Methods: Twenty-four maxillary edentulous patients were randomly assigned into three groups: Control group (CG)—xenograft bone alone (n = 8); ...
#67. 圖解:骨骼單字大全 - 第 37 頁 - Google 圖書結果
jaw 與 maxilla 相同,皆可指上領、下頜,所以又有 upper jaw 的叫法。 ... 肺泡 alveoli 範 P.肱骨 0 肩胛骨鎖骨骨英語索引 0 樵骨尺骨中文索引 R 腕骨指骨 S 骨盆龍骨 ...
maxillary bone中文 在 What is a dental bone graft? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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