Contemplating about #life be like.... 🤔
Brought the family to the #MeiJiShrine which is the Shinto shrine that is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shōken as its a place that they were known to visit. ❤️
Wishing for health, happiness and safety to all. 🙏🏻✨The boys scribbled on the “Ema” a wooden plaque - as part of joining in the ritual of wishing. 🇯🇵
Elroy wears @hunterandboo. Use SUGAR15 for 15% off all online.
#elaine73sharelobangwithyou #hunterandboo #sponsored #sgkids #sgboys #sgfamily #tokyo #holiday #meijishrine🎎 #meijishrinetemple #prayers #wellwishes @ Meiji Shrine