This past year’s global situation has allowed me to fully revisit the tennis world and coach regularly again.
It has been a decade since I have worked with such an expansive pool of students. At the time, I taught and trained both children and adults ranging from the ages of 5-60, levels ranging from novice to advanced, but mostly children and teenagers.
However, a couple of years ago I did take a hiatus from showbiz and acting in China as I had the opportunity to work and travel with a professional tennis player. It was a very rewarding, yet challenging experience, to say the least.
Many people have asked me why I do not just coach and train players completely full time. I usually just smile and and brush it off with a tactful “I don’t know.”
The truth is, I have had an extreme love-hate relationship with the game.
Growing up, the time spent on court not only acted as a healthy environment where I can progress as a player and a person, but it also acted as an escape from the difficult emotional and psychological roller coaster on the home front (I will not go into this now).
Looking back, I am so grateful to have been surrounded by coaches, from places such as India and Eastern Europe, whom understood the value of teaching and mentoring with a “school of hard knocks’ approach. They continuously reminded me that:
“There will always be people in situations worse off than you. Back home, players were playing on courts made from cow dung and with holes in their shoes, not to mention wondering when their next full meal would be.”
Though I don’t think I can honestly say that I fully understood them at the time, but these reminders and perspectives acted as the rock that kept me from drifting away.
So, this is where I am coming from in terms of my relationship with tennis. 2020 has been a blessing in disguise, as I have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, both on and off the court.
Thanks to all my students. I hope you are learning as much as I am learning from you. Cheers.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《第75創業知識: 哈佛分享 - Mentoring vs Coaching — 記住要 Coach Up! 》領袖最忌什麼? 從前有個年輕人,成日去打 tennis 喎, 有一日食飯撞到學校老師 ,mentoring 及coaching 有何分別? 答案在片內: .................
mentoring意思 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 的最佳貼文
Just landed Singapore for the weekend....
《第75創業知識: 哈佛分享 - Mentoring vs Coaching — 記住要 Coach Up! 》
從前有個年輕人,成日去打 tennis 喎, 有一日食飯撞到學校老師 ,從中了解mentoring 及 coaching 的分別。
從前有個年輕人,成日去打 tennis 喎, 有一日食飯撞到學校老師 ,就同阿老師講:
「我最鐘意打Tennis. 我隻手呢點樣Swing法, 我對腳呢就點樣跑法, 我呢就用咗乜嘢乜嘢嘅策略應付咗個對手。」
「哦哦哦,咁犀利呀,你都真係幾有天份,打得唔錯喎! 第時可以做球星。」
第二日, 呢個年輕人落場再打波, 啱啱好係網球場道撞到個老師。 老師一睇佢打波,嘩, 亂咁飛,亂咁走, 球球個波都飛上天,仲乜事呀,咁渣㗎?! 年輕人仲唔覺得有咩問題喎! 問下老師:
「Oh my god! 你呢啲叫做打Tennis 呀? 你呢啲叫做同個波打交呀! 其實我都曾經攞網球全港冠軍㗎,打波,你應該點點點點點點點!
不過, 我退役之後就去咗教 leadership 領袖才能。 除了打Tennis 以外,咁你而家明唔明,咩叫做mentoring,咩叫做coaching呢 ? 」
尋日我先至係公司有個training,和同事分享關於我係哈佛學咗啲乜嘢leadership 知識。
其中Leaderrship 有好重要嘅,就係識得分辦mentoring 同埋 coaching. 中文我都唔係好肯定點譯, 驚譯錯反而搞亂意思。
根據哈佛教授Robert Kaplan , 做一個好嘅領袖需要 coaching,遠遠多過mentoring。佢話 Mentoring is by telling, coaching is by watching.
Mentoring 就係我同你講我做咗啲咩咩
。可以講到天花龍鳳,但你一睇我點做嘅話,就知道我冇料到。Coaching, 作為我教練嘅話你一定會睇住我點做,再同我講, 甚至乎示範畀我睇點樣能夠做得好啲。教授話作為好嘅領袖,timely, specific 同埋 actionable 嘅 Coaching 遠遠重要過 Mentoring.
大部分老闆,都知道要Coach Down, 即係同下屬講點做點做得更好。 但教授話,可惜只有好少嘅老闆識得 coach up, 即係問下屬佢自己做成點? 有乜不足之處? 畀個機會下屬去改善自己、coach 返自己,coach up! 因為無人係清楚過嗰個下屬自己點做嘢。 最清楚嘅人,就係圍繞著自己身邊做嘢嘅人,呢啲就係你最好嘅coach.
問心,你又有幾可coach 人地, 或你又有幾可叫人哋coach你呢? Actively coach others and seek coaching. Coach down and coach up,咁先至可以互相改善。 叫你寫自己嘅強處,你好快寫到。寫自己的弱處,可能要諗多陣。但你叫人哋寫你嘅弱處,就可能發發聲寫曬出嚟。 爭在你知唔知啫!
唔好等到年底review 先講,太遲啦。 到時只係一個verdict 判決。我淨係想你講我點好點好,升職加薪。千祈唔好講我啲咩衰嘢,變成一個藉口唔加我人工。我最憎嘅! 有嘢要改善,就早響。 唔響? 你就唔好過咗成年先講,咁你就係個差領袖。
做Leader, 最忌最忌就係 isolation 被孤立。 有啲嘢,全世界都知, 個個人都喺度講,但就係你唔知。要breakthrough isolation, 記住記住要coach up。即係上司經常主動問下屬自己做成點, 自己有咩改善嘅地方, from down to up,因為冇人會清楚得過你身邊同你一直合作嘅人。佢哋就係你最好嘅 Coach 教練。
「Oh by the way, 臨走前,我啱啱同你講打波嗰度有啲咩解釋得唔清楚? 我態度點呀? 畀個意見我,點樣可以下次講得好啲呀?」
呢個,就係seeking coach up 啦。我點解成日講咁多理論?我專做舖,我都好想我啲租客做個更加好嘅領袖,佢生意好啲,做業主都好。 今日記住問下你嘅下屬你做成點啦! 問咗? 請留個言俾我! 我一定覆你。
mentoring意思 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的精選貼文
《第75創業知識: 哈佛分享 - Mentoring vs Coaching — 記住要 Coach Up! 》領袖最忌什麼?
從前有個年輕人,成日去打 tennis 喎, 有一日食飯撞到學校老師 ,mentoring 及coaching 有何分別? 答案在片內:
從前有個年輕人,成日去打 tennis 喎, 有一日食飯撞到學校老師 ,就同阿老師講:
「我最鐘意打Tennis. 我隻手呢點樣Swing法, 我對腳呢就點樣跑法, 我呢就用咗乜嘢乜嘢嘅策略應付咗個對手。」
「哦哦哦,咁犀利呀,你都真係幾有天份,打得唔錯喎! 第時可以做球星。」
第二日, 呢個年輕人落場再打波, 啱啱好係網球場道撞到個老師。 老師一睇佢打波,嘩, 亂咁飛,亂咁走, 球球個波都飛上天,仲乜事呀,咁渣㗎?! 年輕人仲唔覺得有咩問題喎! 問下老師:
「Oh my god! 你呢啲叫做打Tennis 呀? 你呢啲叫做同個波打交呀! 其實我都曾經攞網球全港冠軍㗎,打波,你應該點點點點點點點!
不過, 我退役之後就去咗教 leadership 領袖才能。 除了打Tennis 以外,咁你而家明唔明,咩叫做mentoring,咩叫做coaching呢 ? 」
尋日我先至係公司有個training,和同事分享關於我係哈佛學咗啲乜嘢leadership 知識。
其中Leaderrship 有好重要嘅,就係識得分辦mentoring 同埋 coaching. 中文我都唔係好肯定點譯, 驚譯錯反而搞亂意思。
根據哈佛教授Robert Kaplan , 做一個好嘅領袖需要 coaching,遠遠多過mentoring。佢話 Mentoring is by telling, coaching is by watching.
Mentoring 就係我同你講我做咗啲咩咩
。可以講到天花龍鳳,但你一睇我點做嘅話,就知道我冇料到。Coaching, 作為我教練嘅話你一定會睇住我點做,再同我講, 甚至乎示範畀我睇點樣能夠做得好啲。教授話作為好嘅領袖,timely, specific 同埋 actionable 嘅 Coaching 遠遠重要過 Mentoring.
大部分老闆,都知道要Coach Down, 即係同下屬講點做點做得更好。 但教授話,可惜只有好少嘅老闆識得 coach up, 即係問下屬佢自己做成點? 有乜不足之處? 畀個機會下屬去改善自己、coach 返自己,coach up! 因為無人係清楚過嗰個下屬自己點做嘢。 最清楚嘅人,就係圍繞著自己身邊做嘢嘅人,呢啲就係你最好嘅coach.
問心,你又有幾可coach 人地, 或你又有幾可叫人哋coach你呢? Actively coach others and seek coaching. Coach down and coach up,咁先至可以互相改善。 叫你寫自己嘅強處,你好快寫到。寫自己的弱處,可能要諗多陣。但你叫人哋寫你嘅弱處,就可能發發聲寫曬出嚟。 爭在你知唔知啫!
唔好等到年底review 先講,太遲啦。 到時只係一個verdict 判決。我淨係想你講我點好點好,升職加薪。千祈唔好講我啲咩衰嘢,變成一個藉口唔加我人工。我最憎嘅! 有嘢要改善,就早響。 唔響? 你就唔好過咗成年先講,咁你就係個差領袖。
做Leader, 最忌最忌就係 isolation 被孤立。 有啲嘢,全世界都知, 個個人都喺度講,但就係你唔知。要breakthrough isolation, 記住記住要coach up。即係上司經常主動問下屬自己做成點, 自己有咩改善嘅地方, from down to up,因為冇人會清楚得過你身邊同你一直合作嘅人。佢哋就係你最好嘅 Coach 教練。
「Oh by the way, 臨走前,我啱啱同你講打波嗰度有啲咩解釋得唔清楚? 我態度點呀? 畀個意見我,點樣可以下次講得好啲呀?」
呢個,就係seeking coach up 啦。我點解成日講咁多理論?我專做舖,我都好想我啲租客做個更加好嘅領袖,佢生意好啲,做業主都好。 今日記住問下你嘅下屬你做成點啦! 問咗? 請留個言俾我! 我一定覆你。