Always my pleasure to be here, the University of Hong Kong Mentorship Program 2019-2020! 🏫🎓 #hku #mba #hkumba #happy #heritage #fbe #university #universityofhongkong #hkig #mentorshipprogram #mentorship #mentor #numberonepr #lokeyewhall #陸𧙗堂 #香港大學 @hkufbe #pleasure @hku_mba @theory__ @ Loke Yew Hall
mentorshipprogram 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文
Today is Back to School Day! And Thanks University of Hong Kong! I got my MBA degree in 2008 and it really changed my life, I strongly recommend this program to all my friends and I believe HKU is the best! 今天開學日,再次謝謝香港大學,我於2008年完成工商管理碩士畢業,的確改變了我的一生,學海無涯,這個課程我誠意推薦! 😊🎓
#Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #hku #mba #hkumba #fbe #university #universityofhongkong #hkig #mentorshipprogram #mentorship #mentor #2019 #香港大學 @hkufbe #education @landmarkhk @khloechanpingtang @anson_hui_ @cccindychan @numberoneprhk @thombrowneny @dior @ The University of Hong Kong - HKU - 香港大學
mentorshipprogram 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
公關手冊之 #學校篇 人生的選擇
我一直也有參與香港大學的 Mentorship 師資培訓學生計劃,這夜跟過往幾年的 Mentee 學生一起吃飯是件賞心樂事,我一直喜歡聆聽年輕人意見和給予機會,一頓飯閑聊的時間已讓我長了不少知識,這四位學生畢業後也找到很好的工作很不錯,回家途中有許多回憶湧現,我在溫哥華 Simon Fraser 大學主修新聞系的時候,書本教導我們,傳媒的責任是應該不偏不倚如實報道每段新聞,不能夠有立場,然而每段新聞如何報道,圖片的選擇,標題和內容的字眼往往很影響和導向讀者的思想態度和看法。我在香港大學再進修碩士課程時,學校就是擴闊思想教我們多角度思考多看一些這世界,教授告訴我們每件事情有很多選擇,有 Plan A Plan B 甚至 Plan Z,而最終決定只有一個,讀 MBA 就是想在作出任何決定的時候可以更加快更加準吧,在今天的社會我也希望讀者和學生都可以理性的分析而作出清醒的抉擇。轉眼上半年已過,四位同學非常窩心為我補足生日並送上壽包,無論社會如何在變,也有人間有情時候的。
I always support the University of Hong Kong Mentorship Program and over the years I have met many great mentees, I studied Journalism in SFU Vancouver and MBA in HKU, and I remember journalism teaches us all media should report news objectively, and MBA teaches us how to make decisions more previously and efficiently. I enjoy the time with my mentees as we always need to listen to the young ones, can’t be happier when I see them doing great in the real world, thanks for the birthday buns that’s very thoughtful indeed, have a great summer! 😃🍑 #PRlife #Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #myPRbook #公關手册 #hku #mba #hkumba #fbe #university #universityofhongkong #hkig #mentorshipprogram #mentorship #mentor #2019 #香港大學 @hkufbe #thanks #mentee @johnsonlee2 @mr_anson_hui_ @khloechanpingtang @hazel0980 #birthday ##numberonehbd #foodporn #hkfoodstagram #foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie #hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk #foodstagram #foodpic #foodlover @ 御寶軒