I find this interesting and scary. Can any of you ease my mind and dispel this?
Mercury Myth: Only a trace amount of thimerosal is used when added to vaccines.
Truth: Thimerosal is added at a concentration of 1:10000. That is equivalent to 100,000 parts per billion (ppb). Half of thimerosal (C9H9HgNaO2S) is mercury. That makes 50,000 ppb mercury in the vaccine.
• 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water
• 200 ppb mercury in liquid waste renders it a toxic hazard
• 25,000 ppb is found in infant flu shots
• 50,000 ppb is found in regular flu shots — recommended for children, pregnant women, the elderly...
In different terms, there are 250,000 nanomolars Hg in a 0.5 ml flu shot.
It only takes 4 nM Hg to cause failure in the dendrites responsible for immune response and to cause cell death in brain neurons.
Thimerosal is toxic to developing neurons at 1 nM (1 ppb).
In other words, exceptionally low levels of thimerosal can impede neuron growth and function without actually killing the neurons.
Myth: Ethylmercury from a vaccine is less toxic than methylmercury from fish or the environment.
Truth: A paper published in 2005 showed that baby primates injected with ethylmercury retain twice as much inorganic mercury in their brains as primates exposed to equal amounts of ingested methylmercury.
Both are forms of organic mercury. Organic converts to inorganic inside cells and becomes trapped. The cells start failing.
Here is a video of mercury's effect on neurons.
Here is a table of thimerosal content in currently licensed vaccines according to the FDA.
The table lists 'trace amounts' of thimerosal ranging from 0.00012% to 0.0033%.
That's equivalent to 1,200 ppb to 33,000 ppb.
Research shows thimerosal is toxic to neurons at 1 ppb.
Those 'trace amounts' are still 4 to 5 orders of magnitude higher.
Other vaccines are listed as ‘thimerosal-free’ or ‘mercury-free’.
But thimerosal is still used in the production process for many of those vaccines, after which an effort is made to filter it out.
Unfortunately the mercury has already bonded to proteins used in the vaccines and cannot be completely removed.
There is no safe level of mercury exposure.
In 2004 the CDC's Chief of the Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch gave a presentation to the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
On page 21 he showed the following chemicals linked to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) — thimerosal, thalidomide, lead, ethanol, valproic acid, and retinoids.
Some more math
So how much does “trace” mean? According to the CDC, it says less than or equal to 0.3mcg per dose.
Also the math on how many ppb in a “thimerosal free” vaccine:
0.3 mcg / 0.5mL =
0.3 mcg / .0005L =
…3,000 mcg / 5L =
600 mcg / L
1 mg/KG = 1 PPM (formal definition of PPM)
1 L = 1 KG (density of water or saline solution)
1 mcg/L = 1 PPB (because 1 KG and 1 L of water are equivalent)
600 mcg / L =
600 ppb Thimerosal in the “thimerosal-free” vaccine
Flu vaccine has “only” 25 mcg Thimerosal. The shot is 0.5mL. Let’s do some math:
25 mcg / 0.5mL =
25 mcg / .0005L =
250,000 mcg / 5L =
50,000 mcg / L
1 mcg / L = 1 ppb, therefore
The shot has 50,000 ppb of Thimerosal
Remember that 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water and normally 200 ppb would label something a toxic hazard.
So, in THIS study the reality shows that even though ethyl mercury may be excreted and or detoxed faster than methyl mercury, actually they both are potentially neuro-toxic and well potentially cumulative. How much ethyl mercury is left in the brain and other organs of the body, ir-regardless of the rate of assumed detox?
Arch Toxicol. 1985 Sep;57(4):260-7.
The comparative toxicology of ethyl- and methyl mercury.
Magos L, Brown AW, Sparrow S, Bailey E, Snowden RT, Skipp WR
‘Mercury is known to be neurotoxic and has effects on the immune system as well. Mast cells are involved in allergic reactions, and also in inflammation, and innate and acquired immunity. Autistic individuals have a 10-fold greater number of hyperactive mast cells in most tissues. Mercury stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin (IL)-6 release from mast cells. These mediators could disrupt the blood–brain barrier and cause brain inflammation (Kempuraj et al., 2010)’ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2850891/