這本書很難找,花了我許多時間。首先找過各大網上書店,但都無功而回。後來我直接聯絡出版商(Terry Posters, 捷克出版社),他們也無存貨,不過卻找了兩間捷克小書店的網址給我。我再問了那兩家店,終在其中一家找到那本書。
從書中抄了Intro 數小段 (這本書是捷克語/波蘭語/英語三語對照), 可了解多少少兩地海報發展:
//Let's mention a few widely known facts. Polish posters are, as opposed to the Czechoslovak posters, more pictorial. Polish graphic designers used collage, photo collage, montage, plucking of paper or unique author typorgraphy to a much lesser extent than Czechoslovak artists. The core of their posters lied in their perfectly mastered painting itself. Also, letters on posters are often written by hand (Franciszek Starowieyski, Jerzy Flisak), unlike famous examples of an imaginative typography and playing with letters in the Czechoslovak poster (Zdenek Ziegler, Zdenek Kaplan, Karel Vaca, Milan Grygar). //
//The czechoslovak film poster in the early 1960s when it was dynamically shaping into its form absorbed modern art styles like Czech infomral, abstraction, op art, pop art or others, more than the poster art in Poland. Many Czechoslovak Posters use a play with letters, cutouts, plucking and often a very wild and daring combination of techniques. It is quite an interesting fact that among Czechoslovak graphic designers there were more "non-painters" than in Poland.//
//After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, Pollish and Czechoslovak graphic design posters found themselves in a much worse situation. [...] Producers of foerign films which started to flood Czechoslovak and Polish cinemas supplied the filmes with commercial material typical for the West and the USA with a governing elements of photography - a portrait of an actor in the centre of a poster. The Producers also included a new condition into their contracts - taht posters printed in Ploand and in Czechoslovakia must look just like the original photography, commercial promotion materials which were the same all over the world. The possibilitiy of creating new graphic design posters was, in fact, eliminated. However, the situation in both countries may differ today. Twenty years after the change of conditions, the balance is clear and evertyhing points to Poland as the country in a more favorable situation. One might want to say - and it would not be too far fetched - that the Polish poster, unlike the Czech poster, has managed to survive.//
P.S. 這是那家捷克小店的網址: