Recently I got a lots of questions about how i got into wine industry..well it’s a long story but can be pretty short to be fair.(什麼啦!?)
Basically I dropped my career in Taiwan and went to work in an Italian restaurant in Melbourne, Australia. And that was the very start got me into wine... and the eager to know more and more...(thirsty already)
Last month I went to a restaurant in Singapore, had a bottle of Morellino di Scansano from Fattoria Le Pupille. I’m being very thankful as it is such a awesome food friendly wine while worth value fore money!
On top of that, It really reminds me of my very first Sangiovese I had, the type of wine I keep ordering and ordering after work...gosh you have no idea how good it feels to take the sip after the lonnnnggggg shift!
When I had the first sip, the memory all comes up. That was the time I didn’t know anything about wine, and all I wanted was a good juice with what so called good structure. Nothing serious, but just a glass of juice could compliment your night, that’s it!
Every bottle deserves a moment to shine, we just need to know when, and how.
#wine #memory #morellinodiscansano #italian #sangiovese #fattorialepupille