Wahh..sedapnya Blueberry Muffin ni..lagi-lagi bila gunakan fresh blueberry..memang terasalah kemanisan blueberry tu..muffin pun gebu dan lembut tau ? Wajib try !
Resepi Mufin Blueberry Tanpa Mixer | Blueberry Muffin Recipe Without Mixer
//Bahasa Melayu
2 cwn tepung gandum
2 sk serbuk penaik
3/4 cwn gula halus
2 biji telur
1 sk esen vanila
160 gm yogurt
160 ml susu segar
113 gm mentega (dicairkan)
1 cwn blueberry
1/2 sk garam
Cara memasak
1. Masukkan gula dan mentega yang telah dicairkan ke dalam bekas, adunkan hingga sebati.
2. Pecahkan telur satu demi satu ke dalam campuran tadi, gaulkan.
3. Tuangkan esen vanila, yogurt dan susu segar ke dalam campuran tersebut, gaulkan.
4. Ayak tepung gandum, serbuk penaik dan garam ke dalam campuran dan kacau sehingga sebati.
5. Akhirnya, masukkan buah blueberry yang telah dibasuh terlebih dahulu dan gaul rata bersama adunan tersebut.
6. Masukkan adunan tersebut ke dalam cawan mufin dan bakar selama 25 minit pada suhu 180°C.
7. Keluarkan daripada ketuhar dan mufin blueberry dah siap untuk dihidangkan.
2 cups of all-purpose flour
2 tsp of baking powder
3/4 cup fine granulated sugar
2 nos eggs
1 tsp of vanilla essence
160 gm yogurt
160 ml fresh milk
113 gm butter (melted)
1 cup of blueberries
1/2 tsp of salt
Cooking methods
1. Place sugar and melted butter inside a bowl, mix well.
2. Crack the eggs one by one into the mixture and mix well.
3. Add vanilla essence, yogurt and fresh milk; mix them together.
4. Sift all-purpose flour, baking powder and salt and mix until they just combined.
5. Lastly, add fresh blueberries into the flour mixture and mix well.
6. Pour the mixture into muffin cups and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C.
7. Remove from oven and the blueberry muffin is ready to be served.
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