✸ 皮克斯《靈魂急轉彎》十大金句 ✸
The most emotional quotes from Pixar's Soul
1. Is all this living really worth dying for?
➝ 你也問過自己這個問題嗎?每一件事都有其存在的意義,你是定義者,也是發掘者,人生一切都是過程,這些過程才是真實的人生。
2. My life is meaningless. 我的人生毫無意義。
➝ 這是很多人內心的心聲吧?「我好沒用、好不成材、人生毫無意義.....」,但人生不一定要活得多精彩才值得;因為日常的點滴日常,才是生命大部分的美好
3. “I’m just afraid that if I died today my life would have amounted to nothing.” ~ Joe
➝ 其實生命已賦予了我們許多感動,在Joe看來再普通不過的無聊小事,卻讓22號激動不已。地下排氣孔吹起的一陣風、一塊廉價的Pizza,甚至是從樹上飄落的一片葉子,最終都燃起他對生命的感動與渴望。
4. It’s just I’ve been waiting on this day for my entire life. I thought I’d feel different.
➝ 其實我們追求夢想的同時,我們就已經在夢想之中了,並不是一定要有什麼大改變,人生才有存在的意義。 這也是呼應後面所說的大海的故事。
5. A spark isn’t a soul’s purpose. Your mentors and your passions, your purposes. Your meanings of life. So basic.
➝ 許多人窮極一生都為了追求某項成就而活,可能是追求有一番事業、一棟房子、一個安穩的下半生,但這些都不是人生的全部,生命中最美好的,往往是已擁有的小事,而不是汲汲營營的追求。
6. In the zone. “It’s like he floats off the stage, that guy was lost in the music, he was in it and he took the rest of us with him.” ~ Joe
➝ 朋友問我,你很常in the zone對嗎?對!我常常享受那種全心投入一件事的感覺。
7. He’s just criticizing me to cover up the pain of his own failed dreams.
People like him just bring other people down so they can make themselves feel better.
➝ 有些人看到別人的成就時,總會給予冷嘲熱諷,把別人拉低來凸顯自己的高尚,讓自我感覺變好,你身邊也有這種朋友嗎?
8. “We only have a short time on this planet. You want to become the person that you were born to be. Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you. The brilliant passionate you, that’s ready to contribute to something meaningful into this world.” ~ Joe
9. So what do you think you’ll do? How are you gonna spend your life?
I’m not sure. But I do know… I’m going to live every minute of it.
➝ 活在當下。
10. I never got my spark. -22
Yes, you did. Your spark isn’t your purpose. That last box fills in when you’re ready to come live. -Joe
➝ 只要你有心,人生處處都有意義。
“I heard this story about a fish, he swims up to an older fish and says:
‘I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean.’
‘The ocean?’ the older fish says, ‘that’s what you’re in right now.’ ‘
This’, says the young fish, ‘this is water. What I want is the ocean!’”