總部位於米蘭的國際知名藝術雜誌 Mousse在第 74 期發表對於台灣山海、歷史與藝術創作之間,如何交互連結的的綜觀,並映照出人類社會當下的普世行為。文章來自定居台北的 Robin Peckham ( Taipei Dangdai台北當代聯合總監),揉合「在現場」與「文化不同源」的視角,在海洋史的向度上延展及連結思考。
Meuko Meuko | NAXS corp. | #黃嘉俊 | #劉芸怡 | #倪灝 | #蔡佳葳 | #許家維 | #洪子建 | #區秀詒 | #張永達 | #蘇郁心 | #蘇匯宇 Su Hui-Yu | #吳其育 | 姚瑞中 Yao Jui chung | #羅智信 | #楊順發 | #盧昱瑞 | #林銓居 | #吳季璁 | #CemelesaiTakivalet #達給伐歷 | #AruwaiKaumaka #武玉玲
▍This Piece of Land, These Bits of Sea ▍
The 74th issue of Milan-based, internationally-renowned art journal Mousse
Magazine features a survey on the interrelationships of Taiwan’s land- and seascapes, history and artistic practices, while shedding light on current global human conditions. The article by Taipei-based Robin Peckham, Taipei Dangdai co-director, sets out from the realm of maritime history, intersecting the perspectives of the in-situ with culturally diverse lineages to bridge and extend such reflections.
"In attempting to read and understand works (like these) that engage the land-sea dialectic over and through Taiwan, I have come across two broad categories. One is discursive where the other is material; one is cultural where the other is biological. One looks south and east, following policy and retracing the routes of ancient seafarers, while the other looks down, testing out the hardness of rock and the wetness of water."
The article discusses works from the following artists:
Meuko Meuko | NAXS corp. | #HuangChiachun | #YunyiLiu | #NiHao | #CharweiTsai | #HsuChiaWei | #JamesTHong | #AuSowYee | #ChangYungTa | #SuYuHsin | #SuHuiYu | #WuChiYu | #YaoJuiChung |
#LuoJrShin | #YangShunFa | #LuYuJui | #LinChuanChu | #WuChiTsung | #CemelesaiTakivalet | #AruwaiKaumaka
“If there is a universalism to be discovered here, it is in the ecological nature of the consciousness that is created in this matrix of desires. Mountains and seas do not provide source matter for stories but rather become the very substrate of what can be said.“
台灣美術雙年展 Taiwan Biennial2020
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Kansas State University兩位農業經濟學家Joseph P. Janzen 與 Nathan P. Hendricks共同發表論文指出在玉米、棉花、高粱、大豆與小麥農作上,美國政府所提供2018年的補助是推估損失的8倍,2019年補助更是推估損失的33倍。研究更指出2019年的倍數拉高主因在於聯邦政府農業部『刻意放寬』審核條件。
另有經濟學家Colin A. Carter(加州大學戴維斯分校)與Sandro Steinbach (康乃迪克大學)合作研究指出Trump針對中國搞的貿易戰結果只是讓本國農夫受損(明顯與Trump聲稱的貿易壁壘保障美國農民扞格),同時南美洲與歐洲卻因美國自設的貿易壁壘漁翁得利約$135億美元。
例如紐約時報就報導DeLine Farms Partnership在這兩年領取貿易戰補貼$280萬美元;而我查詢美國農業部資料更發現DeLine Farms從1995年以來領取各種名義政府補貼合計達$1370萬美元。
西維吉尼亞州首富,同時也是共和黨籍州長Jim Justice,身價數十億美元,也在這兩年領到$37.5萬美元補貼。
經濟學大師Aaron Director於1960年在芝加哥大學擔任學報主編時就提出著名的「Director's Law」,但因其本人終生不太動筆寫文章,所以此定律是由諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 J.G. Stigler在1970年寫下發表。
公眾支出主要由中產階級得利,代價卻有相當部分是由收入曲線兩端--貧者與富者--承擔(Public expenditures are made for the primary benefit of the middle classes, and financed with taxes which are borne in considerable part by the poor and rich.)
回到農業補貼上,早在1965年經濟學家John E. Floyd就發現無論是農產品價格管制或政府補貼,最後受損者是那群勉強付得起日常三餐的窮人,而真正得利者是大地主。
而我認為從經濟學邏輯看,姑且不論Director的「偏好中產階級」主張,任何農業補償都難以避免各種訊息費用 -- 例如去年產出量不保證今年產出量、農產品現貨期貨價格變動或損失額度計算…。這使得公務員為了行政方便與杜絕紛爭,以土地面積與登記產權狀況為計算單位顯然是最低訊息費用的一種選擇。如此運作下來,這類農業管制、農業保護政策、農業補貼最終還是由持有最多農地或政治關係最佳者勝出。
a. 資源配置人為錯誤扭曲,造成美國農夫持續產出超出市場需要的農作物,所以我們看到不僅這次Covid-19疫情,幾十年來美國已有多次傾倒鮮乳或農作物投海的舉措。
當然這也包括十幾年前我談過的「休耕補助」問題 -- 付費要求農夫不生產。有興趣的朋友可以自行爬文。
b. 其他更需要資金投入的項目被排擠。如前述Trump在位前三年,美國農夫平均收入成長42%,但此收入增長並不是因為「美國農產品競爭力提昇」,而是來自於政府補助。資源有限的前提,非因生產力提昇的收入增長完全就來自於其他生產活動。這必然擠壓其他生產活動對未來的必要投資資源。
c. 而所謂的「農業損失」根本來自於政客的人為障礙。這是說,如果沒有政客操弄國家安全議題,根本就不需要設置這些貿易壁壘,也根本不會有移民障礙,美國農業本身自然可以享受開放市場帶來的獲利以及更廉宜勞力的輸入。這是說,民主制度本質就會有一群寄生蟲般的政客創造議題、創造「被需要」的假象,透過稅制、市場法規限制與印鈔票等手段收取本來可更有效率經濟活動的部份收入,東搬西移的過程似乎在解決人民的問題,但其實只是在解決政客的收入問題。
∙ New York Times, "Farmers Get Billions in Virus Aid, and Democrats Are Wary" June 07, 2020
∙ Joseph P. Janzen & Nathan P. Hendricks, "Are Farmers Made Whole by Trade Aid?" Applied Economic Perspectives And Policy, Volume42, Issue2, June 2020, pp. 205-226
∙ Colin A. Carter & Sandro Steinbach, "The Impact of Retaliatory Tariffs on Agricultural and Food Trade" NBER Working Paper No. 27147, Issued in May 2020
∙ George J. Stigler, "Director's Law of Public Income Redistribution," Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Apr., 1970), pp. 1-10
∙ John E. Floyd, The Effects of Farm Price Supports on the Returns to Land and Labor in Agriculture, 73 J. of Pol. Econ. 148 (1965).
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早前我介紹過由政治學者黃鶴回、馬嶽和林蔚文撰寫的大陸移民研究,引起了網絡熱議。其實這篇文章來自台灣國立中山大學期刊《Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal》最新一期的Special Issue。
此特刊名為「From Handover to Occupy Campaign: Democracy, Identity and the Umbrella Movement of Hong Kong」。顧名思義,主題是探討雨傘運動及香港政治發展,當中合共有十篇專題文章(還有兩篇前言),非常大堆頭。特刊的文章題材廣泛,包括雨傘與六四的比較、學生運動浪潮、公民國族主義的興起等等,當然還是以黃馬林的文章最為注目。各專題文章雖然以「描述性研究」(Descriptive studies)為主,但畢竟全面紀錄了香港政治的各個課題,對推動外地人士認識香港,還是功德無量。
Arif Dirlik, “The Mouse That Roared: The Democratic Movement in Hong Kong”
Joseph Yu-shek Cheng, “The Occupation Campaign in Hong Kong: A Participant’s View”
〈The Occupation〉
Steven Chung Fun Hung, "The Occupy Central Campaign in 2014 Hong Kong"
Johan Lagerkvist and Tim Rühlig, "The Mobilization of Memory and Tradition: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and Beijing’s 1989 Tiananmen Movement"
Zhongxuan Lin and Shih-Diing Liu, “Occupation as Prefiguration? The Emergence of a New Political Form in the Occupy Central Movement”
Wai Han Lo, “Citizen Camera-Witnessing: A Case Study of the Umbrella Movement"
〈Democracy, Identity and the Road Ahead〉
Brian Bridges, “Booing the National Anthem: Hong Kong’s Identities through the Mirror of Sport”
Sze Chi Chan and King Fai Chan, "The Unfinished Experimentation of Political Parties in Hong Kong – Reflections from Theoretical and Experiential Perspectives"
Benson Wai-Kwok Wong and Sanho Chung, “Scholarism and Hong Kong Federation of Students: Comparative Analysis of Their Developments after the Umbrella Movement”
Che-po Chan, “Post-Umbrella Movement: Localism and Radicalness of the Hong Kong Student Movement”
Stan Hok-Wui Wong, Ngok Ma and Wai-man Lam, "Migrants and Democratization: The Political Economy of Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong"
Justin P. Kwan, “The Rise of Civic Nationalism: Shifting Identities in Hong Kong and Taiwan”
#香港研究 #香港研究學院 #學術期刊 #雨傘運動 #香港政治
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1. Apostolidou, E., Maslow, A. D., & Poppas, A. (2017). Primary mitral valve regurgitation: Update and review. Global cardiology science & practice, 2017(1), e201703. https://doi.org/10.21542/gcsp.2017.3
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3. Dziadzko, V., Clavel, M. A., Dziadzko, M., Medina-Inojosa, J. R., Michelena, H., Maalouf, J., Nkomo, V., Thapa, P., & Enriquez-Sarano, M. (2018). Outcome and undertreatment of mitral regurgitation: a community cohort study. Lancet (London, England), 391(10124), 960–969. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30473-2
4. Gaasch, WH. (n.d.). Patient education: Mitral regurgitation (Beyond the Basics). Retrieved from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/mitral-regurgitation-beyond-the-basics
5. Alegria-Barrero, E., & Franzen, O. W. (2014). Mitral Regurgitation - A Multidisciplinary Challenge. European cardiology, 9(1), 49–53. https://doi.org/10.15420/ecr.2014.9.1.49
6. Stone GW, Lindenfeld J, Abraham WT, Kar S, Lim DS, Mishell JM, Whisenant B, Grayburn PA, Rinaldi M, Kapadia SR, Rajagopal V, Sarembock IJ, Brieke A, Marx SO, Cohen DJ, Weissman NJ, Mack MJ and Investigators C. Transcatheter Mitral- Valve Repair in Patients with Heart Failure. The New England journal of medicine. 2018;379:2307- 2318.
7. Deuschl, F., Schofer, N., Lubos, E., Blankenberg, S., & Schäfer, U. (2016). Critical evaluation of the MitraClip system in the management of mitral regurgitation. Vascular health and risk management, 12, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.2147/VHRM.S65185
8. Shah, M., & Jorde, U. P. (2019). Percutaneous Mitral Valve Interventions (Repair): Current Indications and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 6, 88. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2019.00088
9. Philip F, Athappan G, Tuzcu EM, Svensson LG and Kapadia SR. MitraClip for severe symptomatic mitral regurgitation in patients at high surgical risk: a comprehensive systematic review. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014;84:581-90.
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#牛奶 #優越感
00:00 前導
01:39 右翼人士與牛奶的關聯
03:19 能喝牛奶的人種比較優秀?!
04:43 我們原本都有乳糖不耐
05:30 考古研究的證據是?
07:03 牛奶何時成為餐桌常客?
08:39 牛奶普及帶來的各種問題
10:06 我們的觀點
11:03 提問
10:44 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→考古探密:奶與蜜: https://bit.ly/39pWxpM
→Alkon, A. H., & Agyeman, J. (Eds.). (2011). Cultivating food justice: Race, class, and sustainability. MIT press.
→Archaeology: The milk revolution:https://go.nature.com/2JpUwza
→Are the US Dietary Guidelines on Milk Racist?:https://bit.ly/39n41K8
→Bertron, P., Barnard, N. D., & Mills, M. (1999). Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactase persistence. Journal of the National Medical Association, 91(3), 151–157.
→Cohen, M., & Otomo, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Making Milk: The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food. Bloomsbury Publishing.
→Doctor Explains Why Pro-Dairy USDA Dietary Guidelines Are Racist:https://bit.ly/3fMvaaz
→Dupuis, E. (2002). Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink. New York; London: NYU Press. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from:http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfmj5
→Freeman, A. (2013). The unbearable whiteness of milk: Food oppression and the USDA. UC Irvine L. Rev., 3, 1251.
→Got milk? How lactose tolerance influenced economic development:https://to.pbs.org/36eEAIP
→Got Milk? Neo-Nazi Trolls Sure as Hell Do:https://bit.ly/39sODMB
→Got Nazis? Milk Is New Symbol Of Racial Purity For White Nationalists:https://bit.ly/2JiNigi
→How the alt-right uses milk to promote white supremacy:https://bit.ly/3fKh8Gl
→Is milk healthy? Canada's new food guide says not necessarily:https://bbc.in/3o1aNtc
→McClure SB, Magill C, Podrug E, Moore AMT, Harper TK, Culleton BJ, et al. (2018) Fatty acid specific δ13C values reveal earliest Mediterranean cheese production 7,200 years ago. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202807. :https://bit.ly/3q7rPb0
→Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate:https://bit.ly/2J7iNKB
→Miller, Alex. ‘White Power Milk: Art, Or Real, Or Advertising?’ VICE. 1 June 2011.
→Neolithic Europeans were lactose intolerant:https://bit.ly/3lfIHJ5
→No use crying:The ability to digest milk may explain how Europe got rich:https://econ.st/39sOIQp
→Smith, Jack. ‘Milk is the New Creamy Symbol of White Racial Purity in Donald Trump’s America.’ Mic Magazine.
→Stănescu, V. (2018). White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right. Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 103-128.
→The Troubling Link Between Milk And Racism:https://bit.ly/39nF1CM
→Valenze, D. (2011). Milk: a local and global history. Yale University Press.
→Why humans have evolved to drink milk:https://bbc.in/39o7ckH
→Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed):https://nyti.ms/3fIt7nT
→Wiley, A. S. (2007). Transforming milk in a global economy. American Anthropologist, 109(4), 666-677.
→Wiley, A. S. (2015). Re-imagining milk: Cultural and biological perspectives. Routledge.
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New Perspectives (ISSN 1210-762X) is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year in English. Its subtitle is the Interdisciplinary Journal of ... ... <看更多>
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This journal seeks to provide interdisciplinary insight into the politics and international relations of Central and Eastern Europe. ... <看更多>