The Oculus is one of my personal favourite in New York City. The magnificent glass and steel structure designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, the constant moving crowd that pass by this transportation hub which is also a shopping place. Some of them rushing to the next destination, while some who are just like me, taking their time enjoying the peaceful ambiance by just sitting at the center hall enjoying the skylight. I did a twist by imagine the dove's wings as musical instruments. It would be perfect if lighting was combined with music to illuminate this fair & white hall. Remember to turn on the speaker to enjoy this video. Architecture, photography and combined with music. Would you consider this as a kind of #WHPStudy? ☺
Let me know if you love this place @oculuswtc too!🙋♂️
Video recorded in 4K (60fps) #withGalaxy #GalaxyNote9. Hence you can play with zoom-in/zoom-out for this video effect. Inspired by @asenseofhuber @tommylundberg & @tomjauncey who post great visuals #ShoutoutSunday
PS: It is a great place for human study too. Various kind of fashion can be seen in one same place. NYC is pretty cool 📸
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「new york city architecture photography」的推薦目錄:
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new york city architecture photography 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
大約從 2010 年起,城市研究 (urban studies) 在全球知識界有復興之勢,近年本地學院也相繼開創城市研究課程。在出版界,這個跨學科領域也連年教人興奮,重要的都市理論著作持續出版,原本難以定義的「城市學」儼然被重新確立為當代顯學。
2014 年,也是這一浪對城市研究的興趣,由學院走到媒體的重要一年。本年初,Guardian (《衛報》)在成熟與已確立多年的新聞版面分類中,加插了 Cities 這大類,獨立成版,也讓城市版有自己的 twitter ,instagram 和 facebook page ,高調地給予都市資訊重要位置,至今 Guardian Cities 已運作一週年了,一直好評如潮。
同時,大力發展網媒的新聞集團 Atlantic 也在 2014 年把原屬 The Atlantic 的城市新聞版面獨立開來,自成一網,開辦名為 CityLab 的城市新聞網,重點報道有關都市未來的新資訊和評論分析。網民普遍對這網站的內容,尤其是它處理圖像資訊和選題方面,讚譽有加,初步看來是非常成功的發展。
筆者的學術研究範疇及個人志趣皆是當代城市研究,當然喜見上述媒體趨勢,同時也深信城市學是在該當在我城被推廣和普及化的知識領域,而這些知識應能在學院與大眾媒體間來回進出。見到 Guardian Cities 選出本年十本最好的城市著作,筆者也心癢癢,聯同 Hong Kong Urban Laboratory 的朋友和前輩,另外選了十本這年出版的城市研究佳作,略為引介,藉此呈現當下城市研究的精采面貌。
1. Implosions/Explosions: Towards a Study of Planetary Urbanization
Neil Brenner (editor)
(Jovis Verlag, 2014)
先是兩本比較宏觀的都市理論著作,它們都在意確立什麼是二十一世紀的新型城市研究。先是近年高調地在哈佛大學 Graduate school of design 開創了 Urban Theory Lab 的學者 Neil Brenner ,編輯了大部頭(500 多頁)的 Implosions/Explosions ,集合近年最活躍的城市研究學者,以短文探討何謂「全面都市化」 (planetary urbanization) 下的世界。這本書交由德國的 Jovis Verlag 出版,這出版社繼前年出版精彩的 Urban Constellations 一書,再次帶來印刷與設計俱極精美的重要都市理論讀本。
2. The new urban question
Andy Merrifield
(Pluto Press, 2014)
Andy Merrifield 是離開學院多年,但持續著書立說的獨立學者,他是 David Harvey 的學生,也是重要的左翼都市理論學者。「新都市問題」顯然是向 1979 年出版,社會學大師 Manuel Castells 的 The urban question 一書對話。35 年後,城市學從興起到衰微再復興,此書有標誌性之餘,也在意探討這知識領域起落的意義。
3. Africa's urban revolution
Susan Parnell & Edgar Pieterse (editors)
(Zed books, 2014)
Guardian 和許多年度書單都有選上的 Radical Cities 一書,主力談拉美城市的創新。另一個近年受關注、迅速都市化的大陸,定當是非洲,當中的特大城市 (megacities) 不斷誕生,被認為是歷史上最重要的都市革命之一。年前多有著作探試中非之間的政經關係,也是時候多認知非洲城市是何許模樣。這本相關文集,就由兩位一直研究這領域的學者所編。
4. Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China
Bianca Bosker
(University of Hawaii Press, 2013)
(中譯本:《誰把艾菲爾鐵塔搬到了中國》, 2014)
當下談城市,不能不讀有關中國城市的書,而這本專談中國如何複制他國建築,圖文並茂的書,不是談大理論和大趨勢,卻又精準地捕捉了中國城市化的重要一面。此書在 2014 年出版了中譯本,特意推介。
5. Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment
Henri Lefebvre, Lukasz Stanek (Editor)
(University Of Minnesota Press, 2014)
為人熟知、書寫空間理論的法國哲學家 Henri Lefebvre ,著作近年不斷被發掘再出版。瑞士學者 Lukasz Stanek 在 Lefebvre 的文獻遺產中,找到未出版過的,他唯一專門討論建築的著作,當中論及以「快感」作為建築想像的內涵,與近年多被題及的都市想像力,不謀而合。
6. Buildings Must Die: A Perverse View of Architecture
Stephen Cairns & Jane M Jacobs
(MIT press, 2014)
7. Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space
Keller Easterling
(Verso, 2014)
承接近年關於都市探祕和隱密空間的討論與著作,這本書也希望轉移我們思考城市的角度——從外層轉移都決定城市如何運作的基建空間。Keller Easterling 是在耶魯大學建築系任教的學者,也是近年最活躍的城市學公共知識份子之一。
8. Unruly Places: Lost Spaces, Secret Cities, and Other Inscrutable Geographies
Alastair Bonnett
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014)
地理學家 Alastair Bonnett 出名文筆好,散文每有詩意,這本書特意書寫在仿似一切都有高度透明度的年代裡,秘密和「古怪」的空間。
9. Empower! Essays On The Political Economy Of Urban Form Vol.3
Rainer Hehl & Marc Angelil (editors)
(Ruby Press, 2014)
這系列小書,都是易讀的短文集,是認識城市政治經濟學的理想讀物,每一本都以有趣的主題輯文,vol. 1 名為 'informalize!' ,vol. 2 名為 'collectivize' ,2014 年出版的 vol 3. 名為 'empower!' 。書印得精美,由新起的獨立出版社 Ruby Press 出版,值得支持。
10. 《城市造反》&《反造城市》
(左岸文化, 2013)
在華盛頓大學當地景建築學系系主任的 Jeffrey Hou 非常有心,把他對由下而上建造城市的理論論述和案例成書,交由台灣出版社出版,不直接翻譯已寫成的英文著作,而是重編兩冊中文書。這種來回於英文學術和華文出版界的公共知識份子,對推廣城市研究的普及化,貢獻良多。
11. Tent City Urbanism: From Self-Organized Camps to Tiny House Villages
Heben Andrew
(the Village Collaborative, 2014)
這本「奇書」對經歷過雨傘運動後的香港人可能特別吸引,它探討了美國無家者以帳蓬創村運動,如何帶動了另類住屋和建村的想像。不用多解釋,此書對香港異常 relevant 。
12. The Acoustic City
Matthew Gandy & Benny Nilsen (Editors)
(Jovis Verlag, 2014)
Matthew Gandy 是我最喜歡的城市研究學者,經常帶來新的跨學科嘗試,這本他與 Benny Nilsen 所編的文集裡,文章作者有來自藝術界、學界和聲音專業的人,隨書還有一張唱片光碟,補文字的不足。
13. Blue urbanism: Exploring Connections Between Cities and Oceans
Timothy Beatley
(Island Press, 2014)
14. Kowloon Cultural District: An Investigation into Spatial Capabilities in Hong Kong
Esther Lorenz & Shiqiao Li
(MCCM creations, 2014)
這本書名字故意喚作「九龍文化區」,由兩位在 University of Virginia 建築系任教的學者所寫,在西九文化區拔地而起之時,他們研究在這附近的「原生」 (indigenous) 文化實踐和創造力,可啟發什麼比較在地的建設計劃。
15. Citi x 60: 60 Creatives Show You the Best of the City (Paris, New York, London, Barcelona, Berlin, Tokyo)
Viction Workshop
(Victionary, 2014)
16. Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age (展覽圖錄)
Alona Pardo (Curator & catalogue editor)
(Prestel, 2014) An exhibition at Barbican…
17. Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities (展覽圖錄)
(The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2014) An exhibition at MoMA, New York
另一個大受談論和關注的,是在紐約現代藝術館,深入探討「城市不均發展」的展覽,帶來六個大城市應付人口暴增和貧富不均時,所取的策略,其中也多介紹非正規住屋的問題。Tactical Urbanism 這術語發展多年,終於進入主流和政策話語之中。
18. Human Scale (Documentary)
Andreas Møl Dalsgaard (Dir.)
也介紹兩齣紀錄片。來自丹麥 Human Scale 引介了著名的都市規劃學者 Jan Gehl 的思想,Gehl 著重行人感受、人本的城市規劃實踐,近十數年大受讚揚,這齣影片可說來得太遲了!
19. Growing Cities (Documentary)
Dan Susman (Dir.)
Growing Cities 的製作團隊走遍美國不同城市,追訪形形式式的都市農耕的實踐和抗爭,整全地介紹全美國不同城市,都有有心人希望改變食物生產和運送,跟自己居住之地的關係。本片在當下當然對香港也很有參考價值。
20. Good Cities, Better Lives: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism
Peter Hall
(Routledge, 2013)
最後,選上此書,是為了特別向本年離世的學者 Peter Hall 致敬,這是他最後一本著作,在去年底面世。如果說 Peter Hall 是英國最重要的城市規劃學者,他一定當之無愧,尤其是他對城市重建研究著力極深,為英國帶來不少成功的城市重建案例。這本書綜合了他多年來的思考,先談當代城市每每遇上的問題,再說明不同歐洲城市如何創出較好的方法處理一籃子的問題,理性的進路反映了 Peter Hall 堅信的理念,也是二十世紀最大的遺產:好的城市,通過規劃,能造就好的生活——看來如斯簡單,卻又窮上許多代人的生命,思索如何落實。
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new york city architecture photography 在 CM Leung Facebook 的最讚貼文
Member of the Month – Rocco Ancora @ X Sight
Member of the Month – Rocco Ancora @ X Sight
( )
Member of the Month – Nick Ghionis @ X Sight (
1. You have become the Creative Director of XSiGHT since 2010, what you have to do under this title? Is it a very busy position as you are responsible for all the XSiGHT in Australia and over the world?
My role as creative director was to implement efficient workflows & unique post-production techniques to give the quality that XSiGHT is renowned for. With my knowledge & expertise in post-production & fine art printing together with Nick & Sharifa we have introduced a new range of fine art products that have once again propelled XSiGHT to the forefront of the Australian wedding industry. My role is exclusive to XSiGHT Melbourne.
2. What is your target or aim when you made the decision to take this role? Have you participated in polishing the marketing plan of XSiGHT since your joined into them?
When I took on the role of creative director, I became a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that forms XSIGHT. I am part of a team that can only be described as the best in the business. We all have our strengths and the key is to concentrate on what you’re good at.
3. How you come to the idea of XMENTORS with Nick Ghionis? Any specific marketing plan of it?
The idea of the XMENTORS came about when I joined the XSIGHT family. My passion for the art of photography and post-production was matched by Nick and Sharifa’s amazing business and marketing strengths. We decided that by each of us teaching our strengths we would have an amazing product to deliver our seminar attendees. It is all about taking your photography beyond just pretty pictures.
4. How do you keep a balancing role in Creative Director, Photographer and also Speakers? How you manage your work and time especially you are one of the most sought after speakers in the world in these years?
Having a great team to support me, allows me to balance all of the things that I do. Each person has specific roles to help the business run smoothly but most important is client liaison, especially when we are away doing XMENTORS seminars.
5. Any advise or suggestions to photographers who just entered the industry and thinking about to set up their own business; and also to those photographers who are already running their own company?
As photographers we consider ourselves artists first and business people last. We have to realize that we are sales people as well and a business plan needs to be put in order to succeed. You have to make informed decisions and grow your business and profit margin. Too many up and coming photographers fail because they don’t value their work or indeed their time.
6. When you have started your career as a photographer?
“I went to school to study architecture and somehow ended up doing Photography. I never actually completed my photography course. I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to do a traineeship with a very large wedding and portrait studio in Melbourne. At the time the studio was shooting over 300 weddings a year with 6 full time photographers.”
7. What reasons made you have such decision (to be a photographer)?
Just fell in love with the idea of capturing moments that can never be repeated and interpreting how I see the world through my camera.
A moment that can never be repeated but can be cherished for a lifetime by the viewer.
9. Do you remember what was your first set of equipment as a professional photographer? How’s their performance? Good?
When I first started to shoot weddings, it was almost 20 years ago, there was no digital. My first camera was a haselblad 503cx medium format film camera. The image quality of medium format film was amazing. As a photographer you really needed to know your craft in order to come back with great results.
The flash system i used on location was a Metz 45. It was used in manual mode…no TTL and of course a flash meter.
10. When was the 1st time you had your very first shot? In what circumstances? Was it an amazing one? Then immediate fell in love with “shooting”?
It was a portrait of my father that I shot on black and white film which I processed and hand printed myself. It was very early in my photographic career, but it made me realize just how much control i had in the image making process from capture to print.
11. After determined to be a professional photographer, what was your plan? Like setting up a company?
I worked for a studio for several years before I ventured out and set up my own studio. I felt that in order to succeed I not only needed to be a good Photographer and also have good business sense. I learned a lot by being part of such a large successful studio
12. Do you have any secret method to make your “perfect shot” if everything at the moment is just like a mess? (Like place is dirty, not enough lighting, a small room crowded with people, kids and dogs are running around, couple is getting angry and even yelling & etc.)
You really need to be malleable with your personality and take control of any situation. Having great communication skills is a very important tool.
Before we even consider taking a photograph we need to be in control of our subjects and effectively communicate our intentions to the couple. I never turn up to a wedding without first building some form of relationship with the client. This happens well before the wedding and it is very important that they understand also what is expected from them as a couple.
The main ingredients for me are as follows:
Your heart, your mind, and your eyes. You need to feel with your heart the emotion pre visualize how you can covey that mood with your mind and finally use your eyes to arrange the elements that create the image.
13. What do you think is the most important element in photo shooting?
The most important element in photography is LIGHT. You need to master the use of Natural and artificial light. By doing so, you have the confidence to create anywhere anytime. The other important tool is understanding focal lengths of your lenses. This not only helps you to control perspective but also it teaches you how to control messy and un interesting backgrounds.
14. Which place or country you like the most as you have traveled to so many places for shooting? And why? (Could be in terms of people there, scene, food & etc)
The most amazing place for me is New York city. There is so much to shoot there… the people are great and the vibe is just awesome. Having said that you can take amazing images anywhere. As a wedding and portrait photographer it is more about the subject rather than the idea of easily being seduced by the location.
15. When and what is the most impressive moment for all the years as a professional photographer?
Winning my first “Australian Wedding photographer of the year” award back in 2004. At the time I felt that I had really achieved my ultimate goal and was afraid of losing my inspiration now that i had achieved such an accolade. I pushed myself further and further from that point on and won it again for a record Four times. This has never been done before in Australia by any photographer.
16. Have you ever met any difficulty that made you very frustrated and even thinking to give up as a photographer?
I can’t imagine being anything else but a photographer and I would like to think that I will be photographing in some shape or form till the day I die. Haven encountered any obstacle that was ever too big to be overcome by the passion that i have for what I do.
17. When and what is your milestone in your career life as a photographer?
Being named as one of the top 10 Wedding photographers is the world by American Photo magazine. This truly has been a great honor.
18. Do you have any mentor?
“Early in my career, the amazing Yervant was my teacher and mentor. These days, I still find his work very inspirational, but there are many others in the industry whose work I admire, it’s just too difficult to narrow down to one name. Having said that it’s great to share Ideas with my business partner and amazing artist Nick Ghionis.
19. Which is your best shot? And why? (Would be great if you could show us)
I love this shot of the bride walking down the stairs and this beautiful moment presented itself. The parents were hugging with joy in the right hand corner of the frame unseen to the bride. On the walls of the house there were photographs hanging of moments that had already been documented in that family history. I named this image “as time goes by”, and was awarded the Grand award and WPPI for wedding Photojournalism.
20. If, you haven’t chosen to be a professional photographer, what do you think you will become? An accountant? An architect? A chef?
I was studying Architectural design before I became a photographer so I would probably say “Architect”
21. Any advice or suggestion could be given to photographers, especially for those fresh photographers?
Value your work and your time. Get plenty of experience before going out on your own.
22. What is your plan in the coming 5 years?
Recently I launched a new company “CAPTURE TO PRINT” which specialized in post-production of images and fine art printing. I still love shooting but post-production and fine art printing is also a passion and love to offer my skills as a master printmaker to bring other photographers vision to life.
23. What is your motto as a professional photographer?
Photography is a journey in the life of the photographer not a destination.
24. What is your motto in your life?
It is only by giving that you shall receive.
new york city architecture photography 在 Architecture Photography in New York City - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Architecture Photography in New York City is going to be the goal of this last episode of the Travel Photography in NYC series! ... <看更多>
new york city architecture photography 在 Classic New York City... by CLEMENCE. | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Architecture Photography, profile picture · Architecture Photography. Classic New York City... by CLEMENCE. Timeline photos · Jul 9, 2015 ·. ... <看更多>
new york city architecture photography 在 150 New York City Architecture ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Aug 20, 2017 - Architectural photography of New York City in color and black and white. ... See more ideas about city architecture, new york city, architecture. ... <看更多>