[Pathport digital travel guide / Pathport 數位旅遊誌] (中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
yay! I'm thrilled to tell you that it's a big day today for the official launch of Pathport. It's my pleasure to take part in this project with many other great Instagrammers. We all know that Instagram has become one of the most important platforms to share travel experiences whereas it's difficult to search and organize those places you find because of its design. Pathport provides a brilliant solution with its beautifully designed digital travel guides made by some of the greatest Instagrammers with their magnificent photos and secret spots, be it in Paris, Amsterdam, New York, or Venice. It even connects with Google Map that made traveling easier than ever.
I just have my own Paris guide published, in which I enclosed my favorite pastry shops and bakeries. Do have a look and plan a wonderful trip in 2017! Click on the link here to know more: https://pathport.store/product-catego…/categories/ying-chen/
Pathport是我之前在巴黎認識的好友、也是知名Instagrammer Benedicte (Instagram @wanderwonders) 在離開巴黎後,與另外一個好友Laurence合作創立的平台,她們兩位找了許多在歐美非常知名、非常有天份的Instagrammers合作,請他們提供自己的私房旅遊景點以及美麗的照片,製作成數位旅遊誌,向大家實地公開他們的旅遊經驗,一份僅要USD$4.99。這個旅遊誌不僅為大家解決了在Instagram上面看到美麗景點、但卻不知道到底在哪的困擾,也提供了非常個人化且獨一無二的視角,把這些景點集結起來。更好的是它和Google Map結合,可以很輕鬆地在地圖上看到各個景點。不管你接下來想去巴黎、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹、紐約、還是威尼斯,還是只想在家神遊,都不妨看看,相信會為你的2017年帶來許多不一樣的驚喜。
#pathport #lebeauvoyage
Le Beau Voyage by Pathport: the first digital guidebooks crafted by the most inspiring travelers of Instagram. Shop yours now for just 4.99USD: https://pathport.store/