🎊 我的新網站上線惹!! 出走痞客邦自架網站, 提供大家一個更好的閱讀平台. 我近期決定要Review 之前90多篇的中英文章,寫懶人包, 和微調新網站, 所以請容忍我到4/28之前不會有新文章, 謝謝體諒!
I now have my own website instead of full-of-ads blog space. In order to improve the quality of this precious website, I decide to review all my previous articles, summarize related articles, and upgrade my website. Therefore, please bear with me until 4/28 since there won't be any new article. Thank you for understanding.
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New Website 👉 http://globalfoodelicious.com
#new_website #new_era