明天開始就是台灣的51勞動節連假,5/1在芬蘭也是勞動節,但更同時是May Day Vappu狂歡的日子,往年總會有許多趴踢、踩街、喝醉酒的安排,但是今年在疫情肆虐下,所有群聚活動當然取消,大家都不敢提議要聚會喝酒,只敢默默的採買豐盛的食物回家與家人自己小趴一下。
而芬蘭人面臨眼前的危機四伏與沒有盡頭的蕭條,各行各業都在尋找解套的方式,也都發揮所長希望對社會作出一些貢獻。許多地方酒廠轉而生產酒精與乾洗手,許多織品跟時尚品牌也推出布口罩,大多商家都強調這些商品將優先給醫護人員使用,生產量足夠才會開放民眾訂購,並且這些產品都不會銷售出口,將優先給芬蘭國內使用。所以我買了喜歡的酒廠 Kyrö Distillery Company 出的乾洗手,口罩則是我們長年的合作夥伴 Lapuan Kankurit 的手作亞麻口罩。每家廠商都有不同回饋社會的方式,例如捐款給提供協助居民民生服務的社區中心或是兒童福利NGO等,大家都是想為了這個社會盡自己一份力量。
官網限定 《2020愛媽媽就是愛自己 母親節優惠》<https://pse.is/QRSHP>
該項目內任一件9折,2件以上 (含2件)再享95折!
備註:Lapuan Kankurit的亞麻口罩是該品牌zero waste系列的一個項目,使用的是生產其他產品時所裁下多餘的亞麻產品布,其他相關產品還有洗衣袋、麵包袋等,是他們貫徹品牌的永續理念的重要一環。
ngo zero waste 在 Ernie Diana Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sekiranya anda membuat bayaran di pasaraya, soalan yang ditanya sebelum membuat bayaran adalah,
“Nak beg plastik?”
Persoalannya, mengapakah masih bertanya sedangkan matlamat asal polisi ini adalah untuk mengurangkan penggunaan beg plastik?
Secara psikologinya, apabila sesuatu perkara ditanya secara berulang ulang, ia akan melekat diminda tanpa disedari. Oleh itu, dari segi mesej kempen tersebut, ia ternyata GAGAL memberi mesej , “TANPA BEG PLASTIK”.
Menurut Presiden Persatuan Pengguna CASSA, Dr Jacob, anggaran keuntungan kasar yang diperoleh pasar raya setiap bulan boleh mencecah RM10 juta dari kutipan 20 sen ini.
Maka, tidak hairanlah mengapa pasaraya lebih suka bertanya, “nak plastik beg” kepada pelanggan pelanggan mereka dikaunter bayaran.
Beberapa kerajaan negeri mendakwa menyalurkan kutipan tersebut kepada PBT untuk program CSR dan tabung amanah kerajaan negeri. Namun beberapa NGO utama yang memperjuangkan isu alam sekitar seperti PETA mendakwa tidak menerima sebarang dana dari tabung kutipan tersebut.
Isu transparensi kutipan 20 sen ini telah menjadi persoalan sejak beberapa tahun lalu, namun masih tidak di jawab dengan jelas.
Kempen “Tanpa Beg Plastik” pada awalnya mendapat sokongan masyarakat tapi kini ternyata telah tersasar jauh dari matlamat asal , menjadikan ia sebagai medium untuk menjana KEUNTUNGAN sesetengah pihak.
Kempen Tanpa Beg plastik adalah satu peluang yang baik untuk meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat mengenai kepentingan menjaga kebersihan dan budaya “ zero waste”. Manfaatkan ia supaya generasi akan datang dapat menikmati alam sekitar yang diwarisi ini.
Tak payahlah nak tanya lagi , “ nak plastik beg” 😒😒
If you make payments at the supermarket, the question asked before making payment is,
" want a plastic bag?"
The question is, why still ask while the original goal of this policy is to reduce the use of plastic bags?
Literally, when something is asked repeatedly, it will stick to the the without realizing it. Therefore, in terms of the campaign's message, it turned out to have failed to give a message, "without a plastic bag".
According to the president of the Association Consumer Association, Dr Jacob, the budget of rough profits obtained by the supermarket every month can reach rm10 million from this 20 cent quote.
So no wonder why supermarket would rather ask, "want plastic bags" to their customer customers pay payment.
Some State government claims to channel the quote to pbt for CSR program and state government amanah tube. But some of the main Ngos that fight for environmental issues like the map claims not to receive any funds from the quote tube.
This issue of 20 cent quotes has been a problem since years ago, but still not clearly answered.
"no plastic bag" campaign at first got the support of the community but now it turns out to have missed away from the original goal, making it as a medium to generate the profit of some parties.
A campaign without plastic bag is a good opportunity to improve community awareness about the importance of keeping the cleanliness and culture of "zero waste". take advantage of it so that the next generation can enjoy this inherited environment.
You don't need to ask anymore, "want a plastic bag" 😒😒Translated
ngo zero waste 在 Melinda Looi Facebook 的最佳解答
get your friends.. design students .. designers to join this.. i will be one of the judges.. see u guys then.. Fedrick Wong get your students to join..
The EcoChic Design Award 2014/ 15 - 5 Weeks to application deadline
The EcoChic Design Award is a sustainable fashion design competition, organised by fashion NGO Redress, inspiring emerging fashion designers to create mainstream clothing with minimal textile waste. Designers are educated with the theory and techniques to enable them to create desirable sustainable clothing via zero-waste, up-cycling and reconstruction sustainable design techniques.
The 2014/15 competition cycle is open to fashion designers with less than three years’ professional experience and fashion design students living in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. One finalist from each of the ten regions will be selected to present their sustainable collection at Hong Kong Fashion Week in mid January 2015 to compete for career-changing prizes.
If you have what it takes to cut waste out of fashion apply before 15 August 2014. http://www.ecochicdesignaward.com/application/
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions info@ecochicdesignaward.com.