[打工換宿 – 背包41青年旅館]
(高雄館) 位於高雄市苓雅區,距離高雄捷運 -三多商圈站(R8)步行約2-3分鐘(六號出口),步行5分鐘就可到附近的興中夜市、7-11、寶雅、新光三越、大遠百以及Sogo百貨,生活機能相當方便。
(台中館) 位於台中市中心火車站附近,步行約五分鐘,鄰近有許多餐廳和商店,交通便利、四通八達。地理位置方便,旅客要去的各個景點,都可以就近搭乘BRT、市內公車或快線到達。距離著名的景點"宮原眼科",步行也只要二分鐘。非常適合想真正體驗中部風光的旅人,為背包客提供在旅途中便利的環境。
- 維運Hostel整體環境整齊乾淨。
- 以清潔房間(更換床被單)、掃地、拖地為主。
- 招募對象需年滿20歲,性別不拘。
- 體驗生活、熱愛工作,與大家能和睦相處不計較,有愛交朋友的基因。
- 工作負責,熱情活潑健談,不介意每天都有各色各國人種進出。
- 至少要會說國語和英語,英語只需具備溝通基礎的底子。
- 願配合住宿時間。
- 停留期間:至少半個月以上。
- 平均一天工作4小時。凡一切想到的青年旅館工作,都有機會參與體驗,工時隨客務狀況調整(若遇繁忙或空閒時段彈性調整)。
- 打工換宿時段 AM 11:00~PM 3:00。
- 免費提供住宿:有專門的工作人員住宿房間,上下舖床位,會有同期的換宿旅友同住,晚上睡覺有冷氣吹。
- 提供免費中餐。
- 免費無線網路(WiFi)及公用電腦,建議可自備電腦。
- 有提供廚房可自炊。
Tel: 0952-612212 (Joanna) or +886952612212
我們的臉書: @backpacker41
[Working for exchanging accommodation – Backpacker 41 Hostel]
☑Location: we have two branches:
(Kaohsiung Branch) Located centrally in Kaohsiung city, and we are near KMRT R8 station -Sanduo Shopping District (3-min walk to Exit 6). 5-min walk to Xingzhong Night Market, POYA, 7-11 and three department stores, pretty convenient.
(Taichung Branch) 5-min walking distance from Taichung Train Station to our hostel, with easy access to many tourist attractions by the BRT, city buses and express buses. It lies in the heart of the main shopping district; takes only two minutes to reach the famous Miyahara Ophthalmology (宮原眼科).
☑This program is open to worldwide participants:
- We need an enthusiastic person who enjoys his/her life and loves to work.
- Responsible, passionate and proactive person, willing to embrace foreigners.
- Basic communication skills of Chinese and English are needed.
- Working duration: approximately 14 days.
- The average working hours per day is 4 hours, from AM 11:00~PM 3:00 (flexibly adjust in rush hour and idle time )
☑Our offer (welfare):
- We offer you a bed in staff only bedroom (air conditioner included).
- Free lunch is provided.
- Free Wi-Fi and computers, but we suggest you bring your own laptop.
- We have kitchen.
☑Application process :
If you are interested in our program, please email your autobiography and resume to service@kaobp41.com (specific address and cell phone number are strictly required).
If you are hired but you can't come for certain reasons, please contact us 10 days in advance.
If you apply many hostels for working exchange program, please do not rashly promise us you can come. You can wait until receiving all notices before making decision.
Please inform us a week earlier before leaving if you find that you are not interested in this job when you are here.
☑Tel: 0952-612212 (Joanna) or +886952612212
e-mail address: service@kaobp41.com
Our Facebook: @backpacker41
Our website: http://www.kaobp41.com/