5 minute no-knead bread (half white, half whole wheat). 五分鐘免揉半全麥麵包.
The method for the 5 minute no-knead bread really works. Save a big chunk of time, effort, and the bread has a good texture and nice, thin crust. 五分鐘免揉麵包的作法真的管用,省很多時間力氣,做出來的麵包內裡口感和外皮脆度都很不錯。
Compared to the sourdough bread I've been baking, though, the taste is surprisingly bland and flat due to the use of commercial yeast that lacks the subtle sour note and fruity aroma from the fermentation caused by wild yeast. Quite disappointing indeed. I guess I can't take a long break from feeding my starter. 但和我一直以來用自家培養的野酵母烘烤的麵包相較,這個用商業酵母發酵出來的麵包,完全缺乏野酵母特有的幽微酸味和果香,吃起來索然無味,頗為失望。 看來野酵母還得繼續養下去。
「no-knead whole wheat sourdough bread」的推薦目錄:
no-knead whole wheat sourdough bread 在 邱佩玲 Peilin Chiu Facebook 的最佳解答
Homemade Sourdough Bread. 自製野酵母歐包.
The light whole wheat bread (with lines on top) was fermented for a care-free, 18 hr first fermentation and shorter final proofing; the multigrain boule (with a cross on top) had interval foldings during the first 5 hr fermentation and a longer final proofing. Both were baked for the same amount of time. The multigrain boule turned out better, both in shape and taste. Although only very basic kneading work involved, baking two loaves on the same day using different recipes with varied fermentation schedule was a bit too much to handle, especially close to the baking time!!! Fortunately, they both turned out to be good bread!
除了多種榖物麵粉、水、野酵母、海鹽和一大把的耐心和發酵時間,這種台灣鄉親不習慣吃的,外皮酥脆內裡Q彈有咬勁的正宗野酵母歐包(sourdough bread),不加糖、沒有任何人工添加物,只有一股幽微的天然發酵酸香和咀嚼後的齒頰餘韻,是一般商業用精純酵母烤出的麵包無法複製的招牌味。兩個麵包都用近年大行其道的免揉(no-knead)法製作,一個長時發酵18小時,另一個以定時穿插折疊麵團的修正免揉法縮短發酵時間,但也折騰了近十小時,工序雖不多,但一顆心得懸在那兒,今兒進出家門兩趟都得和時間賽跑,想吃個純正好味還真辛苦哪!至少這回培養的野酵母很給力,效果都不錯,孔隙較小而均勻的多穀物麵包,味道又比孔隙大的輕全麥更勝一籌!但這也說不準!誰知道這些超有意識脾氣的野酵母,溫溼度一變或我稍微偷懶餵食,下一回會不會賞我好麵包吃?