📅 小娜K班的課外活動安排Weekly Schedule
大家都說學校開學是鬼門👻🚪關,但是對我來說開學後才是我忙碌生活的開始,像這次的winter Break 全家人生病😷導致我們過得特別taka it easy ,兩個小孩我們都沒有報名冬令營,我們要上班的時候她們不想吃早餐就送去公婆家吃,我跟J大爺兩個同時中標晚上也不用煮飯,晚上也直接去公婆家搭伙,真是因禍得福啊!😆過了一個very relaxing 的聖誕節🎄,holiday 。之後上了兩天班就飛✈️洛杉磯過年去了,回來也是冰箱空空又去公婆家搭伙幾天,又去Aulani 兩天一夜,今年的winter break 真的是太爽了🤣🤣
📝 在安排小孩課外活動之前我的兩大考量點是
一:游泳 @245 @Park
二:Cooking @2:30 ➡️ Lego @3:40 @School
三:游泳 @245 @Park ➡️ 鋼琴 @4:15 @老師家
四:Investors camp @2:30 ➡️ Hula @3:40 @School ➡️ 中文&珠算 @5pm @朋友家
六:(早上)網球 @公園 ➡️ 中文 @朋友家、(下午)美術課 ➡️ 山地舞課@中文學校
日:(下午)芭蕾舞課 @
📝 感想:
可能有很多人看到這個安排會覺得我很恐怖,把小孩每天活動排得滿滿的都沒時間玩,簡直就是🐯媽一枚,BUT BUT BUT我一定要先澄清一下我的出發點:(J大爺一直都跟我說不要再解釋了,你明明就是🐯👩😆😆😆)
✅首先,美國小學跟台灣的大班教育真的差很多,小娜的學校每天在學校的schedule就是早上八點到校 ➡️ 上兩堂課10:30吃午餐 ➡️ 再上兩堂課 ➡️ 1:00吃點心然後玩 ➡️ 2:00下課。所以全校學生兩點放學,家長接回
✅雙薪家庭不能接小孩的話就可以把小孩送去A+ program(After school care,俗稱的課後輔導班,但是其實就是把小孩集中在餐廳Cafeteria吃點心、寫功課、跟同學玩,然後到戶外玩playground玩)
✅我們並沒有sign up A+ program,因為我非常幸運我有J爺爺的幫忙,每天幫我接小孩放學(只有星期四我休假時是我去接),如果我不幫小孩安排活動的話,小娜就會每天兩點到爺爺家吃點心、看電視卡通、玩到五點半我們去接他回家吃飯。也許你也會覺得這樣很好啊!我也是這樣長大的(因為J大爺也是這樣長大的😆)。但是我記得我小時候的電視卡通選擇真的很少,30年前的卡通我只記得頑皮豹、格林童話那種,美國的卡通真的超多耶!你可以看24小時都看不膩。所以很抱歉,我沒辦法容忍我的小孩每天兩點回家就看2-3個小時的電視等我去接,以我這個生活過得這麼精實的媽媽來說,我寧願小孩去公園玩、在花園種花、幫忙洗菜煮飯,但是偏偏J爺爺不太會帶她做這些事,頂多帶她去grocery shopping,所以我才必須安排活動給小娜
➡️週一&週三我幫她報名了Honolulu City & County免費的游泳課,雖然才半小時,而且真的沒學到什麼,但是免費免費免費,游完就回爺爺家看卡通 ,不去游的話又多看一小時,所以我當然要讓她去游啊!是不是?!
➡️星期三游完再去上鋼琴課,這我私心想要小孩學的,還好so far so good,如果練到以後沒興趣可轉學其他樂器
➡️星期六下午是J大爺的ME TIME,所以我要一打二。小菱的中文課安排在星期六下午3:30上課,上課前我必須帶她去睡覺(通常在車上睡),所以我就安排了美術課跟山地舞課給小娜,反正是同一個地點,我接送起來也方便。而且我覺得5-7歲的年紀學美術類的課程真的蠻好的,培養美感、配色、構圖概念,有時候會是科學美勞,珠寶創意課程,更讚。不過山地舞小娜跳了半學期就放棄了XXD
➡️芭蕾舞則是我帶小娜去試跳後她自己很喜歡,我才幫她報名的,而且the dance studio離我們家超近接送很方便,drop her off 去上課後我可以帶小菱去睡午覺,一舉兩得
以上就是我的課後活動安排分享,規劃活動真的要很organize,因為游泳課有兩個session、學校的課後活動課程也只有八週而已,有時候衝堂時還要調課,學校又有fall break還有一些其他活動會停課,所以我沒有google map真的活不下去,連J大爺都要快被搞瘋了。
這個學期大致上weekday是大同小異的安排,不過周末會變得輕鬆很多,六早上沒繼續網球也沒有中文課,這會是我們的Family Time,我們會安排很多全家出遊的活動,六下午的美術課跟山地舞課老師不教了所以我索性也不排課,讓小娜這個學期有個輕鬆一點的周末,週六下午我帶小菱去上中文課的時候J大爺可以自己安排她與小娜的父女時光。你們說我真的很虎嗎?!哈哈~~~ 每個人對孩子的教養定義不同作法不同,有人覺得小孩小每天在家玩就好,我也贊成在家玩(只要不要一直看電視玩電子產品就好),我平常在家也是讓她們自己玩,反正我家電視幾乎都是關著的。我的安排不是最好的安排,適合你的生活型態、小孩喜歡又enjoy的schedule就是最好的安排😊
「non academic 中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於non academic 中文 在 安娜夏威夷 Hawaii Life Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於non academic 中文 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於non academic 中文 在 Hew Kuan Yau 丘光耀 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於non academic 中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於non academic 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於non academic 中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於non academic 中文 在 academic year中文的推薦與評價,FACEBOOK和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
non academic 中文 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
(打英文還是輕鬆+快多了😉 中文版下面有連結)
Why taking the SAT or ACT when you’re not ready is a terrible mistake.
For several years now, I’ve noticed that many of my students who study at international schools tend to take an SAT test just to “test the waters.”
This is such a bad move it’s not funny!
What’s so bad about it?
American admissions officers dislike students who only focus on tests. So, even if you manage to get a high score after you’ve taken the SAT too many times, you might be rejected anyway.
Your SAT score is so important! Please do not waste any opportunity to get a high score!
I read the following quote on Dartmouth’s website:
“We don't recommend excessive testing. Making the most out of your high school opportunities is more important than repeatedly taking standardized tests."
Is it only Dartmouth?
Actually, this kind of statement isn’t unique to Dartmouth - it’s pretty standard. Most of the top universities say exactly the same thing. This causes many people to believe that colleges don’t really care much about your SAT score.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
All you have to do is to look at the average SAT/ACT scores that enrolling students receive. As an example, successful applicants to Dartmouth average around 1500 (out of 1600). That’s pretty high! What do they mean then?
They mean that students need to focus on non-academic pursuits AS WELL AS getting a very high score on their SATs.
So, you definitely need a high SAT score, but you can’t look like you care that much. If you take a test before you’re ready, there will be a record of your lower-than-ideal score. You’ll naturally need to retake the exam a second, third, and, possibly, fourth, time.
Let’s say that you do achieve your ideal score on the fourth or fifth attempt. How will the admissions officer view you when you have exactly the same score as another applicant who only took the test twice or three times? Who will they select?
Naturally, they will not choose you because you look like a testing machine.
In the US, everybody knows that it’s foolish to take the SAT or ACT more than three times. That means that you should NEVER waste an attempt. You should be ready before you ever take the test.
So, what should you do?
First, “test the waters” in a safe environment: your home.
You can do some practice questions on Khan Academy to get a feel for the test. Then, when you feel ready to tackle the whole test, do one of the Official Tests found on Khan or CollegeBoard:
Make sure you download the test, print it out and do it on paper. If you do it on the computer, you will NOT be simulating the real test.
Presently, there are a total of 9 released tests. CollegeBoard and Khan have released 8, and there is one more floating about on the internet. (As an aside, I actually use this test in my classes. I purposely avoid the other released tests because most schools use them and so do many students. I hate it when students say, “I’ve done that test before!”)
Simply using these tests will give you a good idea of what score you would get if you took the real test. And you can do this without risking being labelled a testing machine.
Also, as there are only 9 official tests out there, don’t waste them. Granted, there are other “official” tests online or in some schools, but these are usually riddled with errors or are incomplete. (I personally hate doing a test and not knowing which questions are faulty before doing it. Most of the time, students spend a lot of time trying to figure out the answers to questions that do not even have answers. It can be very frustrating.)
Another thing: of the nine, only 5 of them are previously administered tests. The first four “official tests” were designed before CollegeBoard switched from the old SAT to the new one in 2016. These four tests are quite easy compared to what is being tested now, so are not a great indicator of your future score. They are great for practicing question types - just understand that if you get a really high score on them it doesn’t mean that you will do just as well on test day.
Only tests 5-9 (also easier than the current tests) are the closest thing we have to the current SAT tests. Still, these are easier than the current test, especially in the reading section, so be aware that the reading will most probably be even tougher than what is in all of the officially released tests.
If you have any other questions related to how to prep for your SATs, feel free to leave a message below or PM me.
Enjoy your SAT studies!
#SAT寒密班 (適合11年級 & 3月和5月的考生) https://goo.gl/17Uz1e
#SAT週六衝刺班 (針對3月和5月的考生)
#SAT暑密班 (適合10年級 & 10月和12月的考生) https://goo.gl/6Ypwsi
non academic 中文 在 Hew Kuan Yau 丘光耀 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,
The Vice-Chancellor Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung has responded to an open letter from the students regarding a case of our GPA student, Miss Chan Sin-ying Daisy, being sentenced to jail terms. His response is as follows.
(The English version of this message follows the Chinese one.)
In Support of Miss Chan Sin-ying Daisy
Dear Students,
Like every one of you, I have been anxious and concerned about the case of our student, Miss Chan Sin-ying Daisy, who was sentenced to three weeks of imprisonment by court last week. I was out of Hong Kong during the past few days owing to academic engagements and did not come back until Sunday. Hence this response to your open letter is not as timely as I would wish.
It is my conviction that the defence of academic freedom and individual rights, and the pursuit of social justice, stand at the very core of the values upheld by our University. I have also observed that, generation after generation, the teachers and students of CUHK are always at the forefront of society, supporting the underprivileged and downtrodden. I am proud of this time-honoured tradition like every one of you.
After a preliminary examination of Daisy's case and having read her newspaper article, I am convinced that she certainly acted without selfishness, but out of a concern for Hong Kong and the solicitude for democracy and human rights. I also understand that she is now facing intense pressure and difficulty, and would indeed hope to be able to offer her assistance. When it becomes necessary, I will provide financial assistance in my own name to support her litigation. I will also request teachers in the Government and Public Administration Department, as well as the University Dean of Students, to offer help where appropriate.
I am fully aware of the fact that young people, when engaged in social movements, might sometimes be given to radical actions and activities. I would also like to take the opportunity here to ask our students to keep their activities peaceful, non-violent, and within the law, as they continue to express their demands, and struggle for social justice.
Joseph J Y Sung