幫設計師好友 Yi-Hsuan Li 拍攝他的作品
Art direciton : Yi-Hsuan Li
Visual design : Yi-Hsuan Li / Jen Wang
Naming Concept Director : Kai-Hsiang Ho
Client : The bootleggers list
Photographer : Shengyuan Hsu
Card board sit designer: Ta-Chung Liu
Date : Nov. 2017
More detais from http://www.yihsuanli.com/The-bootleggers-list
Naming Story / 命名故事
bootlegger為禁酒令時的走私酒販者或是私家釀酒之人,名稱帶有神秘、反骨的意象。 延續了bootlegger名稱上的意涵,我們將此品牌命名為The bootleggers list ,希望呈現給大眾一種難得、私藏的感受,就像是禁酒令頒布時期,酒品得來不意的感受,每一筆清單上的內容都是經過縝密規劃所得的珍貴資料。
In the Prohibition Era, bootlegger was used to refer to those who smuggled illicit wine or brewed liquor on their own. The name has its mysterious and rebellious color. Extending its original meaning, we decide to name the brand “The bootleggers list.” We hope to provide a rare and secret feeling to the public, just as the feelings people had in the Prohibition Era, when the liquors were so hard-earned. Every item on this list is a precious treasure from meticulous planning.
Introduction / 品牌介紹
The Bootleggers List 由一群專業、秘密的酒品鑑定人員組成,團隊低調的拜訪了超過100間位於臺北的酒吧,去蕪存菁後,評選出2018年度的10間最佳酒吧。團隊的目標為提供台北旅客、在地人一組最棒的口袋清單,推廣更好的品酒經驗。評鑑標準為酒吧的酒品品質、調酒師的互動以及酒吧內的舒適度等,每一年我們都會更新一次清單提供給酒水愛好者。
Similar to what “Michelin stars” are for restaurants - “The Bootleggers List” is a service selecting and ranking the best bar for the cities of Taipei, Singapore and HongKong.
We just select limited bar the the bar lover.
Design concept / 設計說明
The bootleggers list整體設計以神秘及高級經典作為主軸,商標圖形以一比安靜手勢的男子作為品牌的logo,暗示著品牌為私家秘辛,請低調勿宣揚。設計風格以高級經典為風格導向,主視覺利用線條的分割及排列營造細緻的風格,線條的元素衍伸至相關的設計品,例如網站、宣傳文宣等,讓整體更有一致性。品牌色彩選用帶有沈穩 經典的深藍色為主色調,金色為點綴色彩,在印刷品上,藍黑色彩規劃讓風格更加高雅精緻,傳達出高端、專業的品牌意象。
The bootleggers list marks mystery and classics. The logo, featuring a man posing shush, implies the secrecy of the brand: please keep it low-key and do not publicize. Classic is the main style. Utilizing line segments as key vision to create a delicate style. The elements of line extend to related design products, such as websites and advertisements, making the whole project steady and consistent. We choose gold as the embellishment color, deep blue as the brand’s main color, for it brings out the steadiness and classic within the brand. On booklets, we arrange blue and black to form the elegant fashion and to build a high-qualified, professional brand image.
not a high bar meaning 在 夢想騎士 Facebook 的精選貼文
【為愛遠征】4/13| 挑戰期|德國紐倫堡-捷克
In the morning, there are the same 9 persons in the car, no laughter and noise of chatting; but stillness.
Ren-ming:「Because of parting, I wonder whether you are thinking about the these days we get along?」
Mr. Wolf:「Yes,how do you know what I am thinking?」
Mr. Wolf drived the car to the gas station near high way, almost close the border of Czech.
「Most driver come here always go to Czech too, so leave you here.」
After take off baggage, no one knows how to say good bye for the real and impressive relationship, so everyone hug Mr. Wolf tightly to substitute words and thankful.
Tears drop down from Mr. Wolf’s eyes:「you just like my family,thank you.」
Everyone feel toughful and also tears drop down from eyes.
11:30 am, we separated into two teams hitchhiking to Prague, Czech Republic.
Frist team try to use body language to communicate with driver who can not speak English, but we still share the meaning of our challenge hard between the 3 hours drive, not easy but have a lot fun.
第二組夥伴直到下午3點鐘才攔到第二台車。Radim先生表明自己開車250公里從德國內陸來到這個加油站,需要片刻休息再上路;上車後,途中停下來休息兩次,我們也以按摩作為回饋。過程中,看見對方糾結猙獰的臉孔逐漸轉變為通體舒暢的笑顏,也為團隊的付出感到有所成就感。Radim先生愉快地說:「I feel I'm a new man」。
Second team get on the car until 3:00 pm.
Mr.Radim said that he already drived for 250km, need to take a rest.
On the way to Prague, Mr.Radim stop on roadside twice, and we provide massage service.
In the process, the facial expression on Mr.Radim from pain to joy, everyone feel a sense of accomplishment.
And Mr.Radim say:「I feel I'm a new man」.
When we enter Czech Republic, there is no stamp and entry inspection, only the flag on the roadside, it’s feel not real.
7:00 pm, we bring together under the Charles Bridge.
After rest, we ask ladies who sat on the chair, want to know about the direction residential, ladies point to the local bar, and suggested that we may go to ask.
One of the stuff who is a lady and can speak in English, help us to communicate with other stuff, one hour later, we identified a place to stay tonight-a massage studio.
We follow the ladies who provided us accommodation that night, even if our communication without language,but we can use guitar, singing, smiling, joy, and close each other on the rainy days.