Leia always eat the same food like me and other family members. Alhamdulillah she’s not a picky eater!
A child's stomach is 5x smaller than adults yet they need much more nutrients as compared to adults . Because of that, mothers need to be selective and smart in providing foods that are meeting their nutritional needs.
I want my kids to have good physical strength and I know they need 5x more calcium compared to adults. With only 3 glass of Dugro NextGen NUTRI daily, it meets 100% recommended daily intake of calcium. With enough Calcium intake, I am assure that they will grow and play healthily 😍
As a parent who care for every detail, I choose Dugro NextGen NUTRI for Leia as Dugro do care about the quality as much as I do.
Do you know that Dugro works together with nutrition scientists to formulate the best nutrition for the kids, while undergoing 100 stringent tests to ensure that each glass of Dugro NextGen NUTRI is of utmost quality? That is why just like millions of parents out there in Malaysia, I trust in Dugro NextGen NUTRI as the best milk for Leia.
#Perkembangan360NextGen #DumexDugroMY