Gifted for a Time Like This
Today, the Jews celebrate Purim. One of the main characters in the story behind Purim is called Esther. She was a beautiful Jewish woman who became queen at the time; she was used mightily by God to rescue the Jews from total extermination.
Her original name in Hebrew was Hadassah which means “myrtle” (a star-shaped flower). Her name as queen was Esther, meaning “star”.
God took a humble star from the ground and elevated her to shine brightly in the sky. He gifted her with beauty and influence with the king for a purpose.
“For if you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows if you haven’t come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”” (Esther 4:14 WEB)
Just like Esther, you entered God’s kingdom for such a time as this. Your birth in this generation was no coincidence.
I’m telling you that God has a plan for your life. The Holy Spirit distributed gifts and anointings as He chooses; you have received a unique measure of them.
God’s heart is always “relief and deliverance” for His covenant people. He does things mainly for His elect ones who will receive salvation. Many times, He co-labors with believers through their prayers and obedience of faith.
You are gifted in certain things for a purpose. These gifts are meant to be used to bring profit to God’s kingdom.
Perhaps you have heard/read Jesus’ parable of the talents. It is about the stewardship of gifts that we receive from the Lord.
““Now after a long time the lord of those servants came, and reconciled accounts with them. He who received the five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents. Behold, I have gained another five talents besides them.’ “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” (Matthew 25:19-21 WEB)
One day, Jesus will settle accounts with us—not to punish us who are believers, but to reward us based on how we used the gifts He deposited inside us.
Whatever gifts you have received, you are meant to produce good results by using them. The Lord won’t expect you to produce more results than you have the grace for. Five talents result in five more, two talents result in two more, and both the first and second servants in the parable received the same words of praise.
What is it that you have been gifted with? Be like an Esther who fulfilled her calling. She chose to be brave and obey the God-inspired instructions of Mordecai, even if it meant the risk of death.
One day you will see Jesus’ smiling face as He sits on His throne of glory, as He says to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
Find out what “few things” you have been entrusted with, and what are the “many things” that Jesus could set you over soon:
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Poche, pochissime erano le foto in casa di Henri Cartier-Bresson; una, forse due. Una, per cui il grande fotografo aveva una vera e propria ammirazione, era “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika” di Martin Munkácsi. Tre ragazzini immortalati di spalle che sprigionano un’incontenibile vitalità mentre corrono verso le acque del lago. Perché Cartier-Bresson amava quella fotografia? Perché, come ha detto lui stesso: “Ho capito improvvisamente che la fotografia può fissare l’eternità in un momento”. Osservando la fotografia “Flying Boys” di Dimpy Bhalotia, e con la quale si è aggiudicato il Female in Focus Award 2020 del British Journal of Photography, sembra che i tre ragazzini di Munkácsi siano tornati dopo un viaggio lungo novant’anni. Di più, pare che siano tornati per spiccare il volo e catturati nel preciso momento in cui occhio, cuore e mente del fotografo sono perfettamente allineati come una costellazione lontana. C’è, nelle fotografie della giovane indiana di Londra, qualcosa che arriva da una precisa tradizione fotografica e che àncora saldamente la composizione a quelle tre fondamentali componenti cui si faceva cenno, orientandola verso la ricerca del momento in cui un episodio umano – e non solo – ha la capacità di espletare il suo senso. Irripetibilmente. I riferimenti non mancano, e sono segno di una solida cultura visiva. Quanto guardiamo nelle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia sembra fuoriuscire da un racconto riscritto con nuove parole, nuovi cenni ma fermamente determinato a essere interpretato attraverso un lessico che costringe a sostare nello spazio citazionista giusto il tempo che occorre prima di assumere una vita propria. E questa sottile e aggraziata visione delle cose che plana sugli avvenimenti, ha quel respiro che sta dentro in una visione poetica della vita, perché per scattare fotografie che sappiano restituire la bellezza d’un gesto occorre amare la vita e i suoi interpreti. Ecco che uomini e animali, colti singolarmente o al crocevia della reciproca interazione, ci appaiono come soggetti appena involontariamente dialoganti ma che, a ben guardare, sono catturati nell’esatto momento di un dialogo segreto. La forza delle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia viene da lontano e dunque è ben strutturata. E si vede soprattutto nell’azzardo di forme, nella scommessa formale giocata sul corpo dei soggetti animali, da cui, in altre circostanze, cogliamo una felice traccia surrealista, un terreno ideale nel quale risolvere talune spericolatezze compositive. Il lavoro di Dimpy Bhalotia sosta alla confluenza di due differenti correnti fotografiche: l’umanesimo e il surrealismo (lo stesso Cartier-Bresson sperimentò un delicatissimo surrealismo prima di fondare la Magnum), maneggiati entrambi con disinvoltura e sicurezza. La sua è una voce limpidissima, minimale. Le composizioni obbediscono al comandamento d’essere rigidamente impostate su un registro essenziale, al limite del calligrafico, ma la sobrietà ci convince del risultato. Il solco della tradizione è tracciato, ma seguirne il percorso senza aggiungere le proprie impronte è come non averci camminato. La fotografia è un libro che non finisce mai di essere scritto, a patto d’avere qualcosa da dire. Come in questo caso.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
foto Dimpy Bhalotia
Few, very few were the photos in Henri Cartier-Bresson's house; one, maybe two. One, for which the great photographer had a real admiration, was Martin Munkácsi's “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika”. Three kids immortalized from behind who release an irrepressible vitality as they run towards the waters of the lake. Why did Cartier-Bresson love that photograph? Because, as he himself said: "I suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment". Looking at Dimpy Bhalotia's “Flying Boys” photograph, and with which she won the British Journal of Photography's Female in Focus Award 2020, it seems that the three kids from Munkácsi are back after a 90-year journey. What's more, they seem to have returned to take flight and captured at the precise moment when the photographer's eye, heart and mind are perfectly aligned like a distant constellation. There is, in the photographs of the young Indian woman based in London, something that comes from a precise photographic tradition and that firmly anchors the composition to those three fundamental components mentioned, orienting it towards the search for the moment in which a human episode - and not alone - has the ability to carry out its meaning. Unrepeatable. There’s no shortage of references, and they are a sign of a solid visual culture. What we look at in Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs seems to come out of a story rewritten with new words, new hints but firmly determined to be interpreted through a lexicon that forces us to pause in the quotationist space just the time it takes before taking on a life of its own. And this subtle and graceful vision of things that hovers over events, has that breath that lies within a poetic vision of life, because to take photographs that are able to restore the beauty of a gesture, you need to love life and its interpreters. Here men and animals, caught individually or at the crossroads of mutual interaction, appear to us as subjects that are barely involuntary in dialogue but who, on closer inspection, are captured in the exact moment of a secret dialogue. The strength of Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs comes from afar and therefore is well structured. And it is seen above all in the balancing of forms, in the formal bet played on the body of animal subjects, from which, in other circumstances, we grasp a happy surrealist trace, an ideal terrain in which to resolve certain compositional recklessness. Dimpy Bhalotia's work stops at the confluence of two different photographic currents: humanism and surrealism (Cartier-Bresson himself experienced a very delicate surrealism before founding Magnum), both handled with ease and confidence. Her is a very clear, minimal voice. The compositions obey the commandment to be rigidly set on an essential register, bordering on calligraphic, but the sobriety convinces us of the result. The groove of tradition is traced, but following its path without adding one's footprints is like not having walked through it. Photography is a book that never stops being written, as long as you have something to say. As in this case.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
ph. Dimpy Bhalotia
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1) Doa Agar Anak Rajin Solat
رَبِّ ٱجعَلنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّل دُعَآءِ
Maksudnya: “Wahai Tuhanku! Jadikanlah daku orang yang mendirikan sembahyang dan demikianlah juga keturunanku. Wahai Tuhan kami, perkenankanlah doa permohonanku”. (Surah Ibrahim ayat 40)
...Continue Reading1) Praying For Children To Pray For The Child To Be Hardly
My Lord, make me a resident of prayer and of my offspring, our Lord, and accept my supplication
Meaning: ′′ Oh my God! Make me the one who performs the prayer and so is my descendants. Dear God, please allow my prayer ". (Surah Ibrahim verse 40)
This prayer is the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim as for his children. The hope of parents is so big, so that their children are among the people who keep their prayers. As parents, we are not able to pay attention to our children at all times, hopefully, with this prayer, our children and children are always preserved and preserve their prayers.
2) Praying for the Child to be Cooler
Our Lord, grant us from our husbands and our descendants, the apple of our eyes, and make us righteous in front of us
Meaning: "... Our Lord, give us a chance from our wives and children, things that are our cooler to see, and make us a priest follow those who want to be pious." (Surah al al al - Furqan verse 74)
This prayer is very well practiced by every couple who crave a happy family. This is because, this prayer is not just asking for couples and children who are cooler and heart calmer, instead, this prayer also asks us as a father to be a role model (qudwah hasanah) for children.
3) Praying For Children To Be Blessed
My Lord, give me thanks to your blessing that you have bestowed upon me and my father, and to do righteous deeds that you accept and fix me in my descendants
It means: "... Oh my God, please forgive me to remain grateful for your blessings that you have bestowed upon me and to my parents, and that I may keep doing the good deeds that You have done; and make the nature of goodness absorb into the soul of my child's child. Truly I repent to you, and I am from the Muslims (who are submissive to you)..." (Surah al-Ahqaf verse 15)
This prayer brings a very deep meaning. As a servant to Allah SWT, we must always pray that we are not neglected by the favor and sustenance that Allah has given. In fact, this prayer also asks that we and our children can continue to be persistent to do good deeds to Allah swt.
4) Pray For Children To Obey Allah's Order
Our Lord, make us Muslims to you and our descendants a Muslim nation to you, show us our rituals, and repent to us that you are the Most Merciful
Meaning: ′′ Our Lord! Make us both Muslims (who surrender) to You, and make us among our descendants Muslims (who surrender) to you, and show us our ways of worship, and accept our repentance; indeed, You are the Receiver of repentance , the Most Merciful." (Surah al-Baqarah ayat 128)
This prayer was recited by Prophet Ibrahim as while building a Kaaba with Prophet Ismail USA. Hopefully by practicing this prayer, we and our offspring become obedient servants of God and worship in the right way and not lost. May Allah accept our repentance.
5) Prayer Gets A Good Zuriat
He said, ′′ My Lord, grant me good offspring from your presence, indeed you hear the prayers
Meaning: "... My God! Grant me from Your side of good descendants; indeed You always listen to the prayer of application." (Surah Ali Imran ayat 38)
This prayer is read by Prophet Zakaria as when asking from Allah swt to be blessed with children. Prophet Zakaria has been married for years but tested with no child. Prophet Zakaria as without giving up always praying to Allah swt to be blessed with a religious child as a continuation of his preaching. Finally Allah SWT allowed His prayers and granted a child named Prophet Yahya as.
6) Praying For Children To Be Given Religious Understanding
Oh God, grant us jurisprudence in religion and teach us to interpret
It means: ′′ O Allah, give him understanding in religious affairs and teach him Takwil (Quran interpretation)."
This prayer was read by Rasulullah when he wiped Ibn Abbas's head when he was a child. And the effect of Ibn Abbas being a wise and a tasty person. He is the most narrated by the hadith of Rasulullah saw during his life.
You can practice this prayer reading to your children while wiping their ubuns. Can read this prayer when the kids sleep or before going to school.
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