多元化是美國社會的重要特徵之一,代表美國對外交流的聯邦部門--國務院---也十分重視本部門員工的多元化,族裔、性別、語言等方面的多元化是國家院長期追求的目標,表現在招聘 、僱用、培訓、任職、升遷等各個層次。截至2016年9月30日,從族裔上看,美國國務院全職員工中白人佔71.1%,其餘的是少數族裔或混血,男性員工佔56.25%,女性員工佔43.75%。了解更多: https://blogs.america.gov/mgck/2017/01/06/diversity/ 或
The U.S. Department of State is deeply committed to having a workforce that reflects the nation’s broad diversity. Its diversity and inclusion initiatives are jointly overseen by the Office of Civil Rights and the Bureau of Human Resources. The Director of the Office of Civil Rights is also the Department’s Chief Diversity Officer. Among the Department’s full-time permanent employees, 14.84% are African Americans, 6.32% are Asian Americans; and 43.75% are female workers. https://blogs.america.gov/mgck/2017/01/06/diversity/