上週六(6/6),高雄市長韓國瑜遭到將近 94 萬高雄市民投票罷免後,韓國瑜所屬的中國國民黨在自家網站上分別貼出中英文的聲明稿,但是阿草發現,英文版和中文版的內容怎麼差異那麼大呀!
英文版的聲明引述中國國民黨主席江啟臣的話,表示國民黨 #反共、致力於建立一個民主、自由、繁榮、團結(或可譯為統一)的國家,並稱國民黨員一向將台灣人的福祉放在第一位。
(Chairman Johnny Chiang of the KMT states firmly that the Party – opposed to communism and aimed at building a democratic, free, prosperous and united country – and its members have always put Taiwan first for the benefit of the people. )
不過前述那段僅在英文版聲明稿裡出現的文字,卻被《路透社》等國際媒體節錄,《路透社》還因此解讀為國民黨在罷免案之後,決定與中國保持距離。(標題:Taiwan opposition seeks distance from China after poll defeat,連結:https://waa.tw/TOTOln)
#沃草又沃又草 #中國國民黨又中國又國民
你知道嗎?其實「你的九二共識」和「九二共識」沒有共識 https://waa.tw/jGoE1C
#沃草告急 #定期定額募集中
每月 199 元,留下守護台灣的力量!
FB_watchout.tw|[email protected]|TW_watchoutTW
opposed to中文 在 林易瑩 台南市議員 Facebook 的最佳解答
台灣,我們的國家,一直以來便以充滿自由、民主、多元、包容的價值而自豪,身為國際的一份子,即便不被他國認同,我們依然願意敞開大門、伸出援手,如同蔡英文總統說的Taiwan is helping,因為這是我們深信的價值,現在如是、未來亦如是。
我們已經把蔡總統的文章轉換成簡體中文了,請大家分享出去,讓FB上的 #外國朋友們,也能看到我們台灣人一直對自身所堅持的價值感到驕傲。
借着今天这个机会,我想要邀请世界卫生组织谭德塞干事长(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)访问台湾,感受一下台湾人民如何努力在遭受歧视和孤立之中,坚持走向世界、贡献国际社会。
#TaiwanCanHelp,而且Taiwan is helping,这一点,从来不会因为国度或种族而有差别。
I strongly protest the accusations today that Taiwan is instigating racist attacks in the international community. Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.
I want to take this opportunity to invite Director-General Tedros to visit Taiwan and experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with and contributing to the world, even in the face of discrimination and isolation.
Taiwan’s selfless medical workers and volunteers can be found around the world. The Taiwanese people do not differentiate by skin color or language; all of us are brothers and sisters. We have never let our inability to join international organizations lessen our support for the international community.
Taiwan has poured all of its efforts into stopping the spread of COVID-19, and our achievements have received a great deal of attention from around the world. Despite being excluded from the WHO due to political manipulation, we have shouldered our responsibility as a member of the international community and taken the initiative to donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
#TaiwanCanHelp, and the spirit of Taiwan is Helping has never been influenced by nationality or race.
Taiwan is dedicated to the values of freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance. We do not condone the use of racist remarks to attack those with different opinions. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight COVID-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment. I believe that the WHO will only truly be complete if Taiwan is included.
opposed to中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
【王老師寫給你看】用 GRE 分析寫作練邏輯思維、學寫,留學時台灣學生別再當美國學生的後援會啦!
除了「時間不夠」之外,準備 GRE 分析寫作的台灣考生最常碰到的致命傷就是寫了半天「沒有切題、討論到該討論的東西」。而這也是不管原本英文程度如何的學生、還是學霸指數多少的學生,都會遇到的狀況。
雖說很多考生都聽過「主題句」很重要(主題句 = 扣題立場+原因) ,但「實際操作」跟「頭腦裡知道」往往有很大的差距,大概 5 個學生裡有4 個就會偏題。
除此之外,我們的母語中文表達想法時的 vagueness ,也很常讓台灣考生偏題或沒掌握好題目的 scope 。
(e.g. 題目問高等教育對職涯發展的影響,結果學生一直在討論高等教育或是教育 )。
✔︎ 假設今天我們拿到了這個高頻題:
To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
First of all, the most important characteristics of a society can be defined in a variety of ways.
• 你覺得你這樣有回答到問題嗎?
• 你是如何分析這個題幹 (prompt) 的呢?
• 為什麼一開始就把 "understand" 和 "must study" 這兩個重要的概念給丟掉了了呢?
學生後來又加了一句話,變成 (原文直接呈現,無做調整)
First of all, the most important characteristic of a society can be defined in a variety of ways. Based on the reason, we may not rule out the possibility that the most attracting characteristic in one's heart is not existed in the major city.
• 加了第二句話後,我們又看到了至少4個問題:
(1) important characteristics 怎麼被過度成 attracting characteristics 了呢?(一字代換即離題)
(2) 補 in one's heart 的用意是什麼呢?
(3) 核心概念的 "of a society" 在第二句話消失了
(4) is not existed 為嚴重會導致扣分的文法錯誤(因文章有5處出現一樣的錯誤)。
➠ 依照著學生的想法,我試寫了一段:
I partially agree with the statement, as we can certainly gain a deeper understanding of some defining features of a society by studying its major cities, where we can easily observe the socio-cultural events, beliefs, and phenomena that collectively contribute to the construction of the "identity" of a society. However, it should be noted that some of these features that help define a society can ONLY be observed in small towns, as opposed to major cities. Therefore, if we wish to thoroughly--rather than partially--understand the most important characteristics of a society, we must study both big cities and small towns. For instance, ....
在我的改寫中你可以注意到,我沒有一句話會脫離「理解」的這個概念,我也盡可能的讓「社會」這個概念不離開我的寫作 (e.g. socio-cultural events, beliefs, and phenomena; some of these features that help define a society)。
政治、經濟算社會嗎?當然也算。但在時間有限的狀況下,直接寫 social-cultural 是最方便的處理方式。
另外你也可以注意到,我是部分同意了本文。我同意要理解一個社會最重要的核心特色,我們一定要研究大城市。但我在第三句話後面塞了 "thoroughly--rather than partially" 這樣的表達,去闡述如果要「夠全面的了解」只研究大城市不夠。
再回到學生最最一開始的版本:First of all, the most important characteristic of a society can be defined in a variety of ways. 你覺得好嗎?
若你接下來有準備 GRE考試的計畫,我將在 1/8 (三) 的 GRE 高分公開課中,我將基於8年的機經題庫,剖析GRE考試的最新趨勢和分享有效的備戰策略,若你/妳接下來有要備考GRE的計畫,歡迎你來參加喔!
➠ ➠【公開課報名】 ➠ ➠
➤ 時間: 1/8 (三) 19:30 ~ 21:00 (19:00 進場)
➤ 地點: 台北市朱崙街60號2F (MRT 南京復興站)
王梓沅 (GRE V166 / 穩定 AW 5.5, PR 98、TOEFL 117、IELTS 滿分)
賓州大學 (UPenn) 社會語言學碩士
創勝文教共同創辦人、GRE 課程負責人
《GRE 學霸字彙》作者 (2019 眾文圖書出版)